
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter 47

"[Rune Magic: Energy Skin!]" Cesar activated five Runes at the same time for each of them

The light green energy covered their bodies like a new layer of skin and added to their defense. He was also angered when the group of Supernaturals hurt Ivy and he was determined to help them 'kill'

From the wrapped vines on Calter's arms it bloomed two flowers each that hovered around him

Calter controlled the energy in the surrounding and directed it to be absorbed by the flowers. The middle part of the flowers glowed with light and shot a laser beam like thing

"[Magic Skill: Magic Barrier!]" The fourty peak Warrior Rank Supernaturals all activated the same skill and although Calter's attack was normally enough to effortlessly kill all of them but their numbers made up for that

These barriers managed to resist the four laser of light that was directed to the Mystics. After all the Mystics are the core of their group and if all of them die their deaths were also certain

"[Innate Skill: Sword-Leaf Slash!]" Kence waved his wooden swords and two crescent shape sword slash made from leaves flew in the air aiming to kill

"[Earth Magic: Boulder Creation!]" One of the Mages created two big boulders. With his ability he can't control the boulders to attack because it was too big and he can only control it to float for a few seconds, luckily he was not alone

Two men with muscular body will make these boulders a deadly attack. The men's hands were covered with some tattoo like lines that is radiating out a huge amount of life force

With their powerful bodies they managed to easily used their palms to push the boulders and it immediately flew in the air meeting the two sword slashes

As the boulders were man size and were very thick Kence's attack only destroyed a portion of it before it continued flying in their direction

Kence easily evaded by using the speed provided by his wooden foot armor

He look at their enemies and became more wary, although he and Calter are in the peak of Knight Ranks and were more powerful than normal people at their rank they can't easily kill these people

Not only are they powerful on their own but they also have a good teamwork skills. At this time, there are mages that can make gigantic boulders but they don't have enough strength to use it as an attack

But with the help of two Cultivators who has powerful physical body they managed to use the force their palm exerted to aim at him

Nonetheless, what needs to be done must be done

"[Innate Skill: Leaf Storm!]" Thousands of leaves were generated from the wave of Kence's hand. He used it to block the enemies' vision which will make them vulnerable to sneak attacks

Kence run to where the normal Supernaturals are. These people might not have much strength but their numbers and variety of attacks would pose them quite a lot of problem

He chose a spot where there are more enemies and stamped his foot heavily on the ground. On Kence's foot several roots rapidly grew and impaled seven Supernaturals on their attack

The roots also suck the energies and life force from these unlucky Supernaturals thus reducing them to ashes. They died without even leaving a corpse

The others knew that these leaves are disadvantageous to them and hastily do what they can to get rid of it

"[Magic Skill: Fire Ball!]" Several balls of fire landed on the leaves and easily burned a huge patch of them. As the leaves are close to each others a single burning leaf will set the others in flame

"[Fire Magic: Incinerate!]" A woman holding a fire red grimoire activated her skill and accelerated the demise of these leaves

Unfortunately, what they didn't consider was the fact that these leaves are just around all of their bodies and the fire left some burn marks on their allies

King took this chance that the Mage just casted her spell and immediately sprinted as fast as he can

"[Innate Skil: Expanding Roots]" his arm root elongated up to five meters and threatened to take the fire mage's life

Fortunately for the fire mage he was not alone in this fight

"[Rune Magic: Float!]" A Rune made from blood landed on the fire  Mage's body and she immediately floated in the air, thus successfully evading death

The fire mage's body trembled, she was too close to death. Fortunately, the remaining Rune Master acted fast

The Mage has not celebrated her escape from death much before an energy bullet pierced her heart

The Mage and the Rune Master look at the direction of that attack to see Calter looking at them coldly. One of his flowers made that attack. Instead of making a laser like attack he instead made it a bullet attack packed with huge amount of energy

Its small size also means that it can flew in the air faster, that is why the Mage was not able to react. Blood leak out from her chest and her bloodied body landed heavily on the ground

Cesar also seize this chance and activated his Blood Sucking Vine Rune on the Rune Master's body thus bounding him. King didn't waste time and used his root to kill the enemy

Although their enemies has good teamwork skills but the five of them were already living with each other for months. How can they not know how to work with each other?

Ivy, looked at the four fighting for her sake and was immediately touched. She didn't like fighting directly but she can't just sit here and do nothing

"[Innate Skill: Fruit Creation]" her arms transformed into a tree branch and she poured her energy on it. Three small size fruits rapidly grew on it

These fruits are yellow in color, this was precisely Kence's exploding fruits. She managed to activate this skill thanks to the effect of Bloodline Fruit

Ivy wrapped the fruits with her energy and control it to fly towards the Warrior Rank Supernaturals

The three fruits landed on three different people close to Kence, too bad it didn't managed to kill anyone because the other enemies protected their comrades with energy barrier

Still, this made them occupied for a bit and not be able to use another skill

Kence once again waved his swords to make a sword slash made from leaves and each of it managed to kill three enemies

Seeing the casualty one of the Cultivator shouted "Strategy B!" Hearing his words all of the Supernaturals gritted their teeth

The two cultivators charged at King who was closest to them. Their hands with tattoo lines formed an image of a raging tiger that wants to take King's life away

King wave his hands and he generated hundres of leaves to slightly slow down the Cultivators. He learned these thanks to the Bloodline Fruit he consumed and now he can finally used it quite skillfully

Too bad, when the other enemies saw the target of the Cultivators they all attack King with their skills at the same time

Flashes of lights formed around but all of its target were King

King and the others eyes constricted

"Not good!" Cesar shouted before activating all the Energy Skin Rune he can to protect King. Unfortunately, this attack caught them offguard and Cesar was not able to activate enough Runes

Some threw their lives and directed their attack to King even though someone was attacking them. How can this not made them caught offguard?

Kence just pierced the chest of a Supernatural that didn't even bother protecting himself when he saw this scene

"NO!!" Kence roar in anger and and kick the ground heavily to propel himself close to King

With the speed provided by his wooden foot armor he managed to get a bit close to King. Kence waved his hand and forcefully made a thousand leaves around King to protect him

These forcefull activation of skill made Kence cough out some blood. One need to control the energy inside their body to activate a skill but if a Supernatural hastily activated a skill they will not be able to properly control their own energy and it will cause damage inside them

This is what happened to Kence but he was more than willing to cause harm to himself to protect King. Unfortunately, he knew that what he need was not enough and can only pray that the others will also try protecting their family

Ivy, seeing this also forcefully grew more fruits. Her other energy rampaged inside her while the others managed to make five exploding fruits

She also cough out some blood but she ignored that and threw the fruits to destroy some of their enemies' attacks

"Dad!!" Calter felt as if the world slowed down and he can see the shadow of his mother on his father who was already close to death

Using his mind power, Calter controlled the energy in the surrounding. Calter stretch his arm and balled it. At the same time the energy particles in the air assaulted the attacks coming to King

However it only managed to destroy some because of the limited time and the others still continued their way to King

Kence's leaves made another portion of these attack to consume its energy but there are also those attack coming from Knight Rank Mystics that can easily destroy his hastily made attack

The remaining attack skills landed on King that was forcefully endured by the Energy Skin Rune. Fortunately, he did not die but he was quite injured and some blood covered his body

"[Ultimate Skill: Rock Shower!!]" The earth Mage from before activated his skill

On top of King, tens of human head size rocks were descending down at bullet speed. The others despaired at this. They can't activate any skill at this time to block this attack

To think that the Earth Mage would wait for this time to activate an Ultimate Skill

Looking at the rocks coming to him King gritted his teeth "[Bloodline Ignition Activate!]"

Green and red aura surrounded King's bloodied body and he felt like his blood was boiling

A power that surpasses his peak course through his body. King transformed his arms into gigantic roots that split into more roots

The roots collided with the rocks and pulverising some of it, however the rock's number was too large and King didn't managed to destroy all of it

Some rocks landed on his body causing his bloodied body to bleed out more

Root and rock debris flew everywhere, for every rock that King destroyed his root will also shatter but he quickly generated it as fast he can

He controlled his roots to destroy every rocks on site while letting the other rocks that he can't destroy to land of him

When the Ultimate Skill was finished King's whole body was already covered by blood and his life force was slowly extinguishing

Kence threw a green fruit to Cesar "quickly feed him this!"

Cesar quickly took the fruit and run towards King

"Continue attacking!" The same cultivator shouted while the earth Mage withdrew and run to the opposite side of Kence and the others

Kence also consumed a green fruit and it healed his injury. His whole body was trembling in anger and his energy was in disarray

"How.Dare.You!" Each of his words were full venom. His aura went berserk as if a beast was threatening to break out from its cage

Kence's energy was in disarray and on the verge of exploding out however Calter was different

It was not just his own energy that was affected by his anger. Even the energy of heaven and earth were trembling

Black clouds formed in the sky accompanied by lightnings that brought thunderous sound

The Angel Ariel said that he was an Angel but aren't Angels suppose to be kind and benevolent creature?

But now all he can feel is boundless anger and the desire to make these cruel people pay from their sins

A single light broke through from these black clouds and shined around Calter. He was like in a theater where almost all of the lights are off and the only light that was on came from a spotlight

Everyone can feel a majestic presence as if the heavens itself descended down

All the living creatures felt how low their level of existence is when this presence descended down

The majestic light landed on Calter's body and he gained enlightenment

Yes, he was an Angel but Angels are not like those in the legends. The Angels in this cruel reality are different, after all in this world where the strong can do what they want. How can a race that was supposed to be so benevolent survive?

I am once again encouraging all of you to read my new novel, Dual Rebirth, although it is a Bl Novel but it's also a Cultivation Novel. Try reading the few available chapters, you might like the setting of the story. Thank you!!

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