
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter 39

The ten looked in horror as purple patches covered their body

"Bastard!! What did you do?!" One of the ten Mystics, a cultivator shouted in anger

The angered cultivator kick the ground and launch himself towards the 'Emperor'

His fist was covered with blood red energy, even a Mystic at his level wouldn't take this attack head on

However, the 'Emperor' only snap his finger in response

The purple patches on the Cultivator's body started to hurt him, he felt as if millions of ants were crawling and biting him in those area

He fell on the ground in front of the emperor and screamed loudly

The Emperor kick the Cultivator and he landed on the table where they just finished eating

The impact destroyed the plates and table itself, making a big mess on the room

"P-poison? Impossible!" One of the mages realized what happened however the mage cannot believe it

Normal poisons from the previous era cannot harm them in the slightest, just a small amount of energy was enough to expell it out on their body

Even cancers can be treated easily just by using one's energy

Although they know that some Supernaturals and Mystics can use poison but most of it were used in a direct combat

Even if the Emperor poisoned their food for them it was not possible for them not to detect it

A poison from a Supernatural contained energy from the user and Supernaturals can sense if something contained energy

"W-wait!" The Mage realized something

Of course they can sense the poisonous energy but the food they ate came from a mutated animal which naturally contained energy

It was possible that the energy from the food masked the presence of the poisonous energy

"Y-you use the energy from the food to hide the poisonous energy you bastard!" The Mage gritted her teeth in anger and she looked as if she wanted to rip the man into pieces

"What a smart woman" the Emperor smiled that brought shivers to the ten Mystics' body

"But no, the food only increased the chance of success to almost a hundred" the Emperor stood up and once again snapped his fingers

The other eight Mystics felt intense pain on the purple patches on their body and they all fell down on the ground while screaming in pain

The only one left standing was the Mage who spoke. The Emperor walked towards her and held her chin with his fingers

"My poison was also hard to detect you know?" The Emperor said proudly. After all with his scheme from being a normal Bloodline Holder he became the controller of this city where he will make his own empire

"I like smart woman like you, want to be my concubine?" The woman felt insulted

What is she? She is a Knight Rank Mystic!

Not many people reached this Rank and add to the fact that she is a Mystic this gave her even more power and she naturally grew to be prideful

Thus, she did something that she shouldn't have in her situation. She spat on the Emperor's face and look at him angrily

The Emperor's face darken and used his arm to choke the woman

The Mage immediately regretted her actions, she should have already realized that this man was not someone merciful but her pride took control

The purple patches on her body suddenly cause her to feel unimaginable pain. She wanted to scream in pain but no voice came out as her throat was being grab by the man

Suddenly, the door opened and from it a fat teenager entered

The fat man wore an expensive looking robe like those use by the Royal Family in the medieval era

"Dad" he called out and the Emperor looked at him dissatisfied

"Crowned Prince, it's Royal Father" the fat man immediately realized his mistake and bowed a bit

"I'm sorry, Royal Father"

This fat teenager was precisely this self-proclaimed Emperor's one and only son that his wife left him

He was the only one who raised his son and gave him all his affections after his wife left him for not 'achieving something great on life' or in short not getting rich

Her wife was a materialistic person that wants to have those expensive clothings, jewelries and cars that he cannot provide. Unsatisfied, the woman leave and left their son

The Emperor softened, after all he really love his son but he wanted the system inside the city to be really like those in the medieval era

"Just don't do it again"

"Thank you, Royal Father"

The fat man looked at the Mage

The Mage herself was beautiful. She has pearly white skin, long silky hair and alluring red lips that any man would like to held on their arms

The fat man immediately salivated at the woman's look

Looking at his son who was almost overcome with lust, the Emperor immediately know what his son wants to him

"Come in my room tonight, we will enjoy her" a lecherous smile appeared on the fat man's face and he cannot wait for the night time to arrive

Unlike his father who was a powerful Mystic, this 'Crowned Prince' was quite a trash

Even with all the resources that was given to him he only managed to become a mid-stage Warrior and he was not even a Mystic

Well, after all he only spent some time in cultivating and spent most of his time in fooling around with women just like his father does

For him he has such an amazing and powerful father that can protect him, what is the use of him cultivating? The only reason why he cultivated was to perform 'magical skills' like those in fantasy movies as he thought that it was cool

Other than that, there was no reason at all


On the atmosphere the Angel Raphaela spread her senses on the whole earth

With her power she learned the current earth state now. Even how many people reached the Knight Rank didn't escape her senses including the Knight Rank Fallens

"Hmm time to give them a boost I guess?" Rafaela sensed that the number of Knight Rank Fallens was a few times higher than how many humans reached that level

If this continued then soon the humans won't have any hope of living in this world and would be wipe out by the fallens

At this rate given a few months those Rank 4 fallens would be able to annihilate all the human's cities and stronghold. This was not an outcome that she and her Goddess wants to have

All they wanted was to give a sense of crisis and fear to humans that will drive them to do their best to become stronger and stronger with the hope that after the barrier on the earth dissipated they will have enough power to protect themselves

On her palm, her pure and holy white energy came out

These energy condensed into a core, these cores are the same as the cores that made the fallens reached the 4th Rank in no time. However the fallen's core are gray in color but these new cores are white in color that exudes out a pure and holy aura

It was as if the dirt in this world will taint these cores

More and more cores were made around Raphaela until it reached a few thousands

If a Rank 3 Supernatural who cannot enter the 4th Rank were to see this they would surely cry out tears of blood. All their lives what they only wanted to do was to make even a single one of these cores

Just a single one and they would already be so happy that they would feel as if they are the luckiest individual in the world

But to think that this beautiful woman can make these cores effortlessly and as if they are some cabbages. They would surely feel as if the heavens are unfair and bias

From Raphaela's palm more white holy energy flowed out that gathered around the cores

Pure white light gathered around the cores, the light expanded and slowly took a humanoid shape

When it finished forming a humanoid shape, the light vanished and it revealed thousands of beautiful woman with skin as white as a snow who carried a pure and innocent aura around them

All of them was enough to make any woman blush in shame and feel inferior on their own looks

All things about these woman are pure white not just their skin color. Their hair and clothings are all the same and also white in color

However, although all of them are top-tier beauty the Angel Raphaela's beauty made these women look 'normal'

As her beauty was just really too out of this world. Even Gods would grit their teeth in envy and frustration

The beautiful opened their eyes at the same time, their eyes was enough to captivate all men and make them forgot how to breath for a few seconds

Raphaela smiled at her own kind

Yes, these women are also Angels like her. However, unlike her all of these Angels are only in the 4th Rank now making them a "Wingless Angels"

These Angels would only grow their wings if they reach the 8th Rank Supernatural

But no one should underestimate them, Angels are superior race. Normal Rank 4 Supernaturals are not their match

Even the lowest and weakest Angel are already in the 4th Rank when they were born, well except for the other seven types of Angels that are favored by a world itself

These seven types of Angels are not a natural born Angels but a world made by themselves

"Greetings to the Angel Queen" the thousands of Angels paid their respect to their Queen

Even their voices can penetrate a man's heart making any other voice they heard to become ugly in comparison

Raphaela smiled and from her palm a few centimeters light flew out and entered all these Angels head

These lights contained instructions that Raphaela wanted them to do

All the Angels nodded their head and vowed to accomplish their mission

"I'm counting on all of you, thank you" on each of the Angel's palm appeared a white ring

"Please use the items inside to achieve our goal" the Angels nodded again and started flying spreading out on the whole earth

Although these Angels does not have wings yet but with their energy control it was easy for them to fly

Soon thousands of white pillars can be seen all over the world as if they wanted the creatures on earth to be aware of their presence

All the humans looked at these pillars of light. Although the light gave off a pure, holy, and calming aura but since the world started to change any things like this was enough to make the majority panic and wondered what will happen next on this new world

The unknown will always be scary


Coincidentally one of the pillars of light was close to Kence and the other's position

The feeling this lights gave them was familiar, it was similar to Calter's energy when they fought Sun but there was something that the light didn't have that Calters' has

Calter stared at the pillar of white light, he felt his body throb a bit as if one of his kind appeared

"C-can we check it out?" Calter asked unsurely, although the pillar of light does not look harmful but who knows what it contained?

Investigating it might even cost them their lives but Calter just cannot stop himself wanting to check what is up with those pillars

Kence saw how the kid was so eager to investigate the pillar of light and can't make the decision to refuse "I agree but if we sense the slightest bit of danger we will withdraw"

King hearing this immediately protested "isn't it too dangerous?" He was not afraid for himself but he doesn't want his son to be in harm. After all, there is also a saying that curiosity kills the cat

King doesn't want them to be the cat

"Is there anywhere in this world that is not dangerous?" Kence asked and they all immediately become silent

Truth be told, there is no safe place in this world. Even the big cities can be destroyed by the army of fallens and who knows maybe they would find some treasure than will increase their strength

In the novels when there is danger there is also opportunities right?

Enjoy thank you. Argh I'm so stupid, I reset my tablet and in my notes are the cultivation base and the things they will have that I planned for in this novel was also deleted and I don't have any copy. Even my notes of all the skills the character has was deleted. Why so stupid self??

KenceRusselcreators' thoughts