
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter 28

The explosive fruits destroyed all the rocks that covered the wolf's body and even heavily injuring it as blood leaked out on its whole body

This wolf was now in a critical condition, like an arrow who already spent all of its strength

Kence walk towards as wolf while his arm was tranformed into a swordshape root

The wolf may be heavily injured now but his intuition told him that a cornered wolf will become even more powerful!

His intuition unfortunately was not wrong, a blood red aura covered the wolf's body giving it power that surpassed even its peak condition

The feeling that Kence got from this aura was something he was familiar with

This wolf was burning its life force!

As its aura and power grew rapidly the opposite was happening to its life force that was draining in a rapid rate!

New set of rocks formed an armor to the wolf's body, this time the rocks look even more dense and harder than before

Kence's face become grim and the next moment he already found himself flying as the wolf slammed its paw on his body and he landed heavily on the ground

He was not even able to react when the wolf attack him as the beast's speed reached an astonishing level!

Blood flowed down on his head and he spat some blood however the wolf did not even gave him a chance to recover and immediately pounced on him again

Since the wolf's speed was too fast he cannot dodge and can only block

He waved his hands and hundreds of leaves gathered in front of him to make a wall and stop the advanced of his enemy

The leaves effect however was too minimal as it didn't even managed to scratch the rock armor


The hundreds of leaves exploded at the same time but as if not taking any damage the wolf continued its advance

Kence tranformed his body into wood except for his rootsword arm

Using energy he infused it into his arm, the sword roots glowed with light green light. His roots attacking power increased!

This was not an actual skill but more like crude way of using energy. This was just like using more energy for more power, if some expert in energy controlling were to use this amount of energy they would be able to increase their power much more than how Kence can

He greeted the wolf's paw with his sword, although it did not gave any damaged to the wolf it at least was enough to not let the wolf harm him

After all, what Kence needed to do now was to buy more time. When all the wolf's life force was completely used up it will eventually die

Too bad that this method used too much of his energy and soon he will need to consume a blue fruit again

Using the force from their collision Kence widen the distance between him and the wolf and tried to get close to his tree body

The wolf however won't let him

Five fist size rocks formed in front of the wolf's mouth that soon enlarge into small size boulders that shot towards his direction

Kence once again used another hundreds of leaves to delay the boulders and buy him some time to judge as those rocks speed was not slow at all!

He dodged one of the rocks but four more are coming on his way

He turned his arm into a palm shape root and covered it with a layer of his energy. Kence used the palm root and slapped one of the small boulders to divert its trajectory unfortunately because of that he was not able to block another one of the boulders and it hit him on his chest

Thankfully, he turned his body into wood and aside from another energy consumption to regenerate his body he didn't receive any kind of damage

The force from the collision made him flew backwards and he now reached his treee body

Multiple roots emerged from the ground and simultaneously attacked the boulders to alter its trajectory

He quickly ate one of the blue fruits and pant heavily

However the wolf didn't want him to catch his breath. A rock brown beam formed in front of its mouth, this time the beam's light glowed even more intensely than before. Clearly this one packed more energy than before

His clone may be able to dodge this seemingly dangerous attack but the same was not true for his immobile tree body

A little bit more than a dozen roots emerged from the ground while Kence's arms transformed into roots that has multiple end on it

"[Combination Skill: Enhanced Spiralling Roots!]" The roots from his clone and tree body intertwined with each other

It glowed with light green light as he covered all of the roots with energy

The first spiralling roots met the energy beam but it was immediately destroyed, however it managed to consume a bit of the beam's energy

The second, third, fourth up to the last root tried to stop the energy bean but all of them were instantly destroyed however it managed to used up almost all of its energy

When the beam reached Kence its light was already so dim and he easily blocked it by making a wall made out of his leaves

However to block the energy beam Kence once again used up almost all of his energy and without a choice he consumed another blue fruit. Fortunately he made quite a lot of these fruits

The intensity of the blood red aura surrounding the wolf lessened, clearly it was now close to burning all of its life force

"[Rune Magic: Vine Bind!]" Almost ten runes flew straight to the wolf's body and restricted its body

It was at this time that the Bloodline Holders killed all of the subordinate wolf and they decided to help their 'master'

Because of their quantity and plus the fact that the wolf was already on the verge of dying they successfully killed it

Kence walk towards the leader wolf and absorbed its body, the rest did the same to the other wolves

These 'experience points' further strengthened their team

They sat down on some rocks to get rest

Kence sat in front of his tree body and closed his eyes. He started absorbing energy from the surrounding to replenish his used energy and to absorb more energy to make more blue fruits again

After some time they all recovered to their peak

Kence opened his eyes, he felt like he forgot something

His eyes widened and he remembered the carnivorous flower that he left behind

He walked towards where he left it and saw that the plant's flower was facing downwards as if something wronged it

He picked it up and it immediately wrap around his arm again as if it was afraid that his owner will 'abandon' him again

Kence patted the flower and chuckled

He walk back to his tree body, the flower as if sensing something jumped out of his arm towards his tree body. The flower crawled towards the tree's branch and ate a blue fruit. After eating one of the blue fruit it intertwined with one of his branches and it looks like it was sleeping after it ate something delicious

Kence didn't even know how to react to the flower's act of 'stealing' his fruit and making his body its 'home'


"Stupid old man, here is the thing that you want"

Sun throwed an alive mutant boar to the old scientists. However this boar was not your normal boar, it was an early stage Knight Rank mutant boar!

At normal times this mutant boar will surely struggle with all its might unfortunately its mouth and limbs were tied with some sort of a black flame

"[Copy Magic: Telekinesis]" the unfortunate boar stopped on its tract as if an invisible force wrapped around it

The old scientist waved his hand and the boar landed on a big bed use to dissect mutated animals

"You brat! Can't you just hand it to me properly?!"

Sun didn't pay attention to what the scientist said and sat down in front of a chair with his legs cross


The old man just rolled his eyes as he was already used to the bratty attitude of Sun

The other scientist nearby looked at Sun with envy and hostility. They were sure that if they act like how Sun did the next thing they will know is that they are already dead

The old man was the head scientist in their organization, he was not just a scientist but also a powerful Mystic!

Unfortunately to other scientist or people that is beneath him he was an asshole!

If you piss him even just a bit you will face some serious consequences!

The only one that can treat this old man like this was this Sun! So they naturally don't like him and even envied him

Even though Sun can feel the envy and hostility of the scientist he didn't mind it. In fact he was glad that they envied him

Since the tranformation that happened with him aside from the energy particles in the air there's another kind of energy that he can sense

This energy was black in color and only came from other people who felt envious on anything

He can absorb these energy and it actually made him stronger than just absorbing the normal energy from the surrounding!

Unfortunately unlike the energy in the surroundings these energy are not infinite. The amount of black energy from other people was too miniscule compared to normal energy

"Smelly old man, where is my payment?" Sun demanded, of course he will not do what the old scientist wants just because he wants too. He did it because he will get a payment that will make him stronger!

"Here" the old man toss a Blood Red Bean to Sun. This Blood Bean was not your normal one as its size and the energy inside it will make the other Blood Beans pale in comparison!

The Blood Bean came from a mid-stage Knight Rank Fallen!

Sun might be able to hunt fallens at that rank as he was also a mid-stage Knight but the risk was too high. Unlike before where there are only a few fallens, now outside of safe cities the number of fallens increased tremendously and it was now hard to see a fallen on its own

Knight Rank Fallens are always surrounded by many lower leveled fallens

The old man only managed to get this Blood Bean because their organization has an army!

Some might think that trading this Blood Bean for an early stage Knight Rank Boar the old man was taking a loss but that is not the truth. For every researchers an alive research subject was what they need!

"Be careful on that Blood Bean, its residual negative energy is high!" The old man warned Sun

"I know" is what he replied but he throwed the Blood Beam directly on his mouth as if it was just a candy which made the old man rolled his eyes but looked at him with some worry

The negative energy immediately attacked his soul but the black energy inside him countered it. The negative energy cannot even harm him in the slightest

After taking care of the side effect, Sun started absorbing the energy. The energy inside the Blood Bean was really abundant than any Blood Bean he ate before

The energy was like a warm stream that flowed on every inch of his body. It filled him with strength and raised the amount of energy inside his body

All the scientist including the old man looked at Sun as if he was some freak, all of them tried eating Blood Beans but even lower leveled ones was not something a normal person can take

However the man in front of them consumed a mid-stage Knight Rank Blood Bean and he didn't even show any discomfort, in fact it actually looks like the Blood Bean gave him comfort

Even though they didn't personally experienced how terrible the negative energy from it they can at least hypothesize. The old scientist on the other hand was more clear on how strong it was because he personally hold and felt the energy inside the Blood Bean this made him more shock than other people

"Thanks for the feast" Sun opened his eyes and grinned at all the people present. He enjoyed seeing them look at him as if he was some powerful unbelievable creature

I apologize for not updating for more than a month. Second Swm of the school year started and I need to come back in Manila every school days and when I am in manila I cannot focus on writing. Every weekend on the other hand when I am in my home town I'm either too lazy, tired or busy because I need to help in our small store. I will try updating as much as I can!

KenceRusselcreators' thoughts