
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter 19

"Time to end this war" Kence run to where the last evolved fallen is

Just like when he and Mary were fighting the evolved fallen even though the two Generals and one Vice-General was injuring it the nightmare fallens effortlessly healed it

Unlike mid-stages experts these early stage Mystics has lower amount of energy thankfully they have the Cheating Rune Master!

With his runes that gives people energy they managed to fight the fallen without draining all of their energy deserves

"There's no end to this!" The lightning leopard Vice-General was irritated now. With their team fighting strenght and unlimited reserves of energy only time was needed to kill this evolved fallen however because of the nightmare fallen healing it even when fighting for so long not even a single injury was left on the evolved fallen!

"Need help?" It was at this time that Kence reached his destination and seeing how these Mystics are irritated he can't help but tease them

Sensing the aura from Kence that become much stronger they can't help but have a sigh of relief. With him they have a high chance of finally killing this hateful fallen

"Please do help us. We need to end this war quickly, I don't want more people to die" Gerald plead, he really is a man of virtue! He was the most kind-hearted among all Generals

"I'll help you but I will take the fallen's corpse while you decide what to do with the Blood Bean, do you agree?" Even if Kence wants the Blood Bean too they are willing to give it to him as with their own ability they almost have 0% chance in successfully killing the evolved fallen thus they all agreed

Just like before Kence used his root to bind the fallen "strike it on the head"

The three was shock at how Kence can easily bind the evolved fallen. Even Cesar when using his Vine Binding Runes needed at least five Runes to bind the fallen

However, Kence can effortlessly do it and when he used his root it does not even seem like a true skill but just simply coiling root on the fallen

Nonetheless they know what to do and they simultaneously atack the fallen's head as it cannot use its arm to defend it was killed instantly

The process was so fast that the three cannot believe it

Gerald took the Blood Bean and gave the corpse to Kence which he joyfully absorb

"Let's discuss later how to divide the spoils of war for now let's just end this quickly" the two agreed

"I'll take my leave now" without waiting for their reply Kence run again but now he run towards the normal and transformed fallens

He leap to the air and landed in the middle of the sea of fallens while his feet crushed an unlucky fallen's head

"Time for massacre. Tree Body come out!" Behind Kence his 5 meters tree body emerge and smashed the fallens that was on its way

"[Absorb!]" As the roots of the tree was 4 meters long, the fallens 4 meters around Kence without exemption was absorb by his terryfying roots

The normal supernaturals become green in envy, just a casual move of him can already kill these much fallens how can they compare to that? The heavens was unfair!

However even if they feel great jealousy they can't not admit that Kence was a big help. Their survival rate increases and the number of people dying lessen

The three teammates of Kence although not as exaggerated at how Kence killed the fallens their killing speed was still enough to gather envy of everyone. They can't but feel that these people's energy was unlimited, they used their skills without reserves and they doesn't even seem like they are losing energy!

This was specially true for King as his roots has more sharp ends on it that can absorb multiple enemies at once. Add to the fact that they advanced to the mid-stage their strenght become even more terrifying!

Mob-types war like this was not something they fear, even if there are a lot of enemes so what?! They will just absorb and absorb these enemies!

Soon the war ended smoothly because of the Mystics. The number of fallens that the Mystics killed might even be the same number that the armies killed together

But, Kence's team was the one who killed the majority

Everyone become emotional, although the war only happened in the span of half a day they felt as though this war was on going for more than a year already!

Only a thousand people survived, this was because of the nightmare fallens! Anyone that was not able to dodge the gray fog would be turned into a fallen. These transformed fallen was as powerful as when they were alive while the army cannot kill their former comrades thus resulting to more casualties

"Finally it's over" Kence sighed, even as a former assassin he cannot help but shiver at how many people died today. This also weakened the city's overall power. If their city was attacked by these fallens who can say that the same thing didn't happen to other cities?

If another wave of fallens attack this city there is almost no chance that they can successfully depend


Kence and his team was now inside a Villa, as the people saw how powerful they are they think that it was just normal for them to have the ssme treatment as the Generals

The four was busy absorbing fallen's corpse. Since the other humans don't have any use for this body Kence decided to see if he can take these corpse for themseleves which the citizens joyfully agreed

They need to dispose of the fallen's corpse but it will take too much effort either burning it or throwing it in a pit while they can't possibly throw the bodies on rivers as it will pollute their water source

After absorbing these much fallens, even without their Blood Beans but it still numbered in almost ten thousand!

This made their strenght drastically increased

Kence can already feel that barrier again, the barrier separating him from the next stage

He didn't thought that he will reach this stage this fast! He though that he needs to hunt a lot of mid-stage and peak-stage fallens as the further one go in their cultivation base the more energy was needed

Even King, Cesar and Calter was now in the peak-stage!

With four Rank 1 peak-stage experts they have the rights to look down on this city!


Another week has passed since the dreadful war. Due to training and the sudden rise of the Blood Beans they have all the Generals amd Vice-Generals now broke through in the mid-stage aside from the Mage General who was unconscious after a week

Although Kence healed the General's vitality it was only to the point that it wil not endanger the Mage's life as that time his energy was being used up and he was still fighting an evolved fallen

While after the war Kence didn't bother continue healing the Mage as aside from Kence feeling that the General can kill a lot of fallens that's why he decided to help him he didn't forget the look that Sun gave him and his team before the war started

He saw the looks on Sun as if saying "how dare someone like you stand in the same position as me?"

Clearly, the Mage looked down on his team which he find annoying. If you are really that great and superior then go fucking stop this apocalypse and kill all the fallens! Why waste energy on some shit like competing who was the strongest?

In the span of a week all Kence and his team do was to improve their strenght as they learned that other cities was also attacked by armies of fallens

A lot of small and big cities were wiped out while the number of fallens outside the safe cities grew rapidly!

Before, you need to invest some time just to meet a single fallen but now almost anywhere you go has groups of fallens scattered on it

That is why Kence felt an urgent need to become stronger

This week gave them plenty of time to develop new and more powerful skills. Kence prove his hypothesis that with enough energy everything is possible in this era. Just take a look at the combinations skills he used before

Those skills was just on his mind but with enough energy and control the skills he think of become a skill doable on reality!

Imagination is the limit! Any skills that you can think of with enough energy, time, training and talent you almost a 100% chance of succeeding in doing it!

Without Skill Tickets that will instantly made them learned a Skill all they can do was develop their own!

It was already enough that everyone was granted with a single skill ticket. The skill you learned from it will become your foundation! Just like how from a simple magic [Magic Bullet] Calter managed to make many variations from it like [Twin Bullets] or [Heavy Bullet]

As Kence has a lot of skills on his arsenal he managed to developed quite a few skills in this one week. However, he focused more of his attention in his skill [Fruit Creation] he tried all the possible fruits he can make. With that skill he now have some sort of plan on how can he developed his strenght to survive the apocalypse and the revenge that he will never forget!


A week after the war the Mage General regained consciousness and learned that he was saved by Kence. He gnashed his teeth and clench his fist too hard that blood came out

He was unwilling to accept this. What's more this Kence advance to the peak-stage while he was still in the early stage because he was unconscious for a week

He should be the strongest! The favored son of heavens!

His envy reached an insane level, he envied how those people can become as strong as that

"Give me all the Blood Beans I have!" The Mage roared towards his subordinates who fearfully handed him a jar full of blood red beans

He scooped using his whole hand and ate the Blood Beans in one go

His subordinates were shock at his action that was akin to suicide!

Black negative energy surrounded his body as he roared in pain from the pain he is feeling on his head. Others would only consume one Blood Bean at a time as it was a risky process even if you have a strong mind and tolerance to pain

*ding* Large amount of Negative Energy was invading the Host's Soul. Host is advise to dispel the negative energy immediately

The Mage didn't pay any attention to what The Voice of the World said and despite the unimaginable kind of pain he was feeling that is making him more insane he still scooped up more Blood Beans

Soon a jar full of Blood Beans was fully consumed

The black negative aura surrounding Sun intensifies and grew bigger.

Even the people outside the room and even outside the villa can feel the ominous aura inside it

Negative energy makes people uncomfortable but aside from this feeling when they see and sense that black aura of the Mage there is this familiar emotion that they are feeling

They felt that even at least once they felt this kind of emotion in their life but they cannot pin point what it was

The black aura now consist of negative energy that came from the Blood Beans and another energy that no one knew

Soon an interesting rumor spread on the whole city

The rumor stated that the Mage General turned into a demon!


In the earth's atmosphere where the beautiful angel Rafaela was absorbing and purifying void energy. Rafaela suddenly opened her eyes

"H-how can this be?.." she was shock at was she was sensing and she started having mix feelings

"Is this a good thing for earth or not..."

"To think that this kind of creature would be birthed in earth"

I'm sorry for people who think that my novel is not good. I'm just a newbie author and I'm already doing my best. Also, english is just my second language I hope all of you will understand

KenceRusselcreators' thoughts