
Strongest Tree

The Goddess Gaia sacrificed herself to activate the Absolute World Protection to protect earth. The most powerful protection barrier that made even powerful Gods helpless! To let the humans thirst for strength the apocalypse started. Powerful Supernaturals was thus born but it cost millions of lives! Kence, a man that was tortured in almost all possible ways vowed that he will become strong enough to take his revenge! Due to some circumstances he turned into a tree but he will make sure that he would become the..... Strongest Tree!

KenceRussel · Fantaisie
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93 Chs

Chapter 12

With the help of King's newly made skill they managed to kill all the bees with much difficulty

Kence sat down on the ground to catch his breath as the fight really made him tired

"My Lord are you okay?" Looking at King worrying at him Kence thought that the decision to save King and Calter back then was a right decision

"Im fine, just a bit tired"

King went to the bees' corpses, he pick some to give to Kence to let him absorb it and regain some energy

All the others did the same but Kence got the most share as most of the bees were killed by him

However, the amount of energy within a bee's body was really too pitiful, it might not even compared to the energy that a human in a second stage has. Thankfully there are lots of these bees and it filled up the quality with quantity

After some time they finally regained their energy

"Let's go to a human city maybe we can get some useful information" Kence decided as they are either in the forest or some deserted places that has no human society on it for quite some time. It was now time to learn more how the new world works

They also have confidence that they won't be bullied by those superpowers as they are all supernaturals with a Bloodline! One of them was even a Bloodline Holder and a Rune Master at the same time

While Kence was a Rank 1 mid-stage!

After travelling for a few kilometers and killing fallens on the way they were now in front of a city

The city was surrounded by 3 meters wall albeit not all the part of the city has this defense as some part of it was still under construction

But considering that this was just the third week of the apocalypse it was already quite good that they managed to build this wall

All the humans who wants to enter the city must do so in the gate of the city but aside from the security that the city provided the citizens was responsible for their wellbeing in terms of food, shelter etc.

The gate was supervised by two arrogant looking guard who clearly looked down on the survivors

But they have enough capability to be arrogant! These two are at the peak of the third stage of [Normal Rank] and they have the backing of the generals who lorded over this city!

After three weeks in the apocalypse, most of the humans already reached the second stage while those who are talented reached the third stage and some even entered the ranks of supernaturals and evolved into a higher level of existence!

Kence's and the others appearance although shock other people but they didn't mind it that much as they knew the existence of Bloodline Holders

Kence and the others intended to wait in line like the other people but the two guards seeing their look run to them

Although these guards are arrogant they wouldn't dare give an attitude to people who have 1 of the four Mystical Occupation!

Even the four generals will fight each other to recruit these kind of people into their ranks! It will give them a huge advantage over the others!

"My Lords, you don't need wait in line. It was our city's pleasure to have individuals like all of you!" The guards tried to kiss the ass of these Bloodline Holders but no one will blame them, having the backing of someone who has the Four Mystical Occupation was tantamount to being someone that no one will dare to offend!

Although they did not know why these guards are being so humble in front of them and even let them enter the city without waiting in line they won't reject this convenience

As they enter the city they saw that instead of houses, the outer area of the city was full of tents. While only those in the inner area has houses

Some people saw their looks and those people excitedly run deciding to inform their superiors that a Bloodline Holder entered the city. This information will made them receive a reward that will make their lives easier


In a certain villa, one of the men who saw Kence's team can be seen running to the top most floor

He stopped in front of a door and and lighly knock on it fearing that he will irritate the person inside

"Enter" hearing the words of confirmation the man slowly opened the door and saw a woman in his late twenties doing some push up. The shocking thing is that the woman only use the tip of a single finger to do the exercise!

"What is it?" Not stopping even for a second the woman asked, although lots of sweats were visible on her face, body and clothes the woman's voice does not even contain even a but of tiredness on it as if what she is doing was as easy as breathing

"General Mary, a group of four Bloodline Holders entered the city" hearing this report, the woman finally stopped what she is doing and stood up

This woman was one of the four Generals in this city, although her name is 'Mary' something that sounds like a delicate woman this general actually has the nickname "Bloody Mary!"

"Hmm, interesting" Bloodline Holders are already quite rare but to think that four of them will enter at the same time. These four can only be a friend or foe

All the general's camp only has 2 Mystics, one is the general themselves while the other is the vice-general. However, this group actually has four. Either the four camps will absorb this group or this group will make their own camp after learning the situation in this city

The other three generals also think the same

A middle-aged man inside a villa man can be seen looking at the window while an informant was bowing at him, afraid to make a single mistake as out of all the generals this one has the worst temper of them all

"If they won't serve me then I shall burn them with my magic, right?" The middle-aged man said and a ball of flame appeared on his pal,

"Y-yes General" the informant nervously answered

While in another villa the informant was carefully standing inside the general's room, the informant was afraid that if he step on the floor incorrectly a Rune would be triggered and it's either he will die or will suffer a serious injury

"I guess this place won't be peaceful for some quite time now" the General sighed, out of all the Generals he was the one who really wanted to restore peace in the world and he hate conflicts. However the appearance of four Bloodline Holders will end the small peace inside this city

On the last villa, a woman with two black wings and a tail with a heart shape end on it wearing a revealing clothing can be seen groping everywhere on the informant's body

This General was the Bloodline Holder General and she has the Bloodline of a succubus. All she wants is to have sex with powerful supernaturals to make herself stronger. Out of all the general she was the one who does not care about the status quo, as long as she can do what she wants she does not care about anything else

"Heh, I hope some of them will be powerful enough for me to break this barrier. But for now, let me give you your reward my dear informant"

Soon the room was filled with a man and woman's moan, all the guards although blush was already used to this


A great storm was bound to happen in this small city and the cause of it was happily buying their own house. Paper money become useless in this era and was replaced by food and Blood Beans!

Fortunately, Kence's team figured out that since Blood Beans can make someone directly enter the [Supernatural Rank] it will be something that has a lot of value on human world and they saved some Blood Beans from the fallens that they hunted

Only 10 of these beans were already enough to buy a house big enough to shelter them

"Waaah finally a bed!!" Calter as a kid immediately hop in in one of the beds and played with the pillow

Although no one said anything they too are happy to have their own bed as they only gathered some leaves when they are in the forest to make as their bed

"My Lords, it's good you like this house" the seller gave them the keys and address them respectfully

Kence gave the seller ten Blood Beans while holding an additional one

"If you tell us the general knowledge in this city we will pay you an additional Blood Bean"

The seller was immediately delighted, Blood Beans are valuable to the point that it can be exchange with a month's worth of food for a single person and to think that he would get one just for saying general knowledge. These lords are too generous!

Blood Beans can make a normal human a supernatural although has a high risk, it can also give someone a small boost in their cultivation. Absorbing one Blood Bean will yield the same result of a little bit more than a day's cultivation for normal supernaturals albeit it also has some risk on it and one cannot consume too much of it

From the seller they learned that this city has 4 generals and vice-generals who are Mystics. Mystics refer to those that are either Mages, Rune Masters, Cultivators and Bloodline Holders that are superior than ordinary supernaturals

The Mage general has a fire grimoire and has a fiery temper, the Rune General was an expert of enhancement runes. By drawing runes on himself or his weapon will greatly increase its power. The Cultivator General was kind of an insane woman who love fighting, she killed fallens using a hammer causing blood and pieces of organs to fly everywhere thus she earned the title "Bloody Mary." The last General was the Bloodline Holder General who when the seller explained was having some dreaming look on his face while sometimes having an afraid expression. Apparently, this woman has a Succubus bloodline that made her a seductress. The seller also warned them about this woman, he said that the General will take away every men's energy literally! She can have sex with someone a whole day straight without pause!

The seller also told them about the hierarchy of this city. In the outer area are those normal humans who is not a supernatural and they can only live in tents. While those who are supernaturals can buy their own house in the inner area, greatly improving their life standard. While in the core area are where the generals live each of them has their own villa and their armies also live in the core area. Although not really an army because of the number but each of them have 100 supernaturals as part of their team. These 100 supernaturals has superior fighting power than a normal supernatural

Aside from these, the city was a free city. As long as you don't make trouble and offend someone you shouldn't you can do all you want. The normal humans who are afraid of death can help build the walls with a few amount of food as compensation while those who have enough courage can go kill fallens for their Blood Beans and exchange it for items they want

Kence gave the Blood Bean to the seller which the seller joyfully put on his pocket

With Kence being a former assassin who has a lot of experience in society hee knows how the world works for those who have the power. They will do everything to maintain the power that they have

Kence sighed, he was sure that he will not have a peaceful day ahead on him. The generals will surely try to recruit him, although he really does not care about the position of a general if he didn't enter the camp of one of the Generals they would think of it as him wanting to be in the same position as them and will try their best to eliminate him

There's a saying that one moutain cannot contain two tigers much less 5 of them and Kence does not want to be a subordinate of anyone

The others does not know the reason behind Kence's sigh and happily enjoyed their new bed