
Where Do You Think You’re Going?

The owner of the store pulled down one of the Axes that were hung on the wall, which seemed to serve as a decoration. Since he couldn't just display a cursed weapon in his store, it was located in a safe place, far away from the browsing of his regular customers.

A moment later, a hidden passage opened.

"Follow me, Young Master," the owner said with a complicated look on his face.

"Okay." Lux nodded and followed the owner inside the hidden passage.

Originally, the owner didn't intend to sell the Cursed Weapon to anyone.

However, since Lux told him that a Cursed Weapon was still a weapon, and it was inside the store, it was meant to be sold as well.

The owner made sure to remind Lux that these kinds of weapons were very dangerous because they could potentially harm their wielders. He added that the weapon inside his store was sealed, and only a Saint could unseal it.