
Strongest Mercenary System

Crossing into a parallel world, Lu Ting inherited a struggling mercenary group! He originally intended to make a living as a mercenary, but after living day to day in uncertainty, he decided to find an opportunity to shut down his group, wash his hands of it, and completely withdraw from the vicious mercenary industry. However, unexpectedly, his transmigration privilege called the "Strongest Mercenary System" suddenly appeared! As long as he earns enough reputation, Lu Ting can purchase any military equipment from the system, ranging from handguns and smoke grenades to aircraft carriers and bombers, everything is available. Moreover, according to the system's requirements, completing related mercenary tasks also earns him very generous rewards! From then on, armed with the system, Lu Ting led his group to embark on a journey to overturn the entire mercenary industry!

MercenaryTao · Action
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88 Chs

Seizing the Oppurtunity! Taking a Huge Bite!

Of course, they didn't express any unwillingness to pay the commission.


Characters like mercenaries operating in the international gray areas risk their lives with every mission. Chinese Interpol would not cut any corners when it comes to commission payments.


Moreover, they all knew how difficult it was for Lu Ting to single-handedly retrieve such an important item from the enemies' encirclement!


After all, Arthur, the drug lord, was no simple character!


Although they hadn't been in direct contact with Lu Ting during this time, just thinking about it made them aware that he had definitely gone through intense and perilous battles—several of them!


Therefore, as Chen Yaoguang finished speaking, Director Hong beside her immediately said with a serious expression, "We have no choice but to meet his demands. With the item in his hands, we're in a passive position and can only try our best to satisfy his requirements."


Following this, Director Hong glanced at the screen for a few seconds, then continued to speak to Chen Yaoguang, "Yaoguang, the contents of this storage card are crucial. I'll trouble you to personally go and retrieve it. I won't be reassured otherwise."


At this stage of the situation, Director Hong naturally didn't want any unexpected developments at the critical moment.


Upon hearing Director Hong's words, Chen Yaoguang immediately nodded and promised, "No problem. I'll discuss the specific location and time with him shortly. I'll personally go and bring back the item. Please rest assured, Director Hong."




Seeing Chen Yaoguang's agreement, Director Hong didn't say anything more and turned to the matter of the commission, "As for the commission payment, I will request the maximum amount from higher authorities. If his requested commission exceeds that amount when the time comes..."


"Well, I'll figure something out then!"




On the other side of the world, at the border of Ivya.


Looking at the new email response from Chinese International Police lying on the bed, Lu Ting couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, showing a hint of surprise.


The email inquired about the specific location and time for a face-to-face meeting. They would send someone to Ivya to personally retrieve the item!


Although Lu Ting had just proven to Chinese International Police that the item he brought back was indeed accurate by opening the contents of the storage card, he hadn't understood a single word on the paper documents filmed in the video.


Moreover, Lu Ting had no intention of carefully examining these contents; he only did it to assure Chinese International Police that the item was correct.


However, judging by Chinese International Police's current actions, the contents of this storage card were evidently very important to them!


Otherwise, they wouldn't send someone all the way to Ivya to take the item directly from him.


After a few seconds of consideration, Lu Ting replied to Chinese International Police with the specific location and time for the meeting.


The meeting was scheduled for two days later. As for the location, Lu Ting chose a small town about seven to eight kilometers from his estate base.


After negotiating with Chinese International Police on these matters, Lu Ting logged out from the mercenaries' dark web and shut down his computer, lying back on the bed with his mind somewhat adrift.


Soon after, he had a thought and summoned the system's task panel.


[Ultimate Mercenary System]


[Host: Lu Ting]


[Task: Deliver the commissioned item to Chinese International Police. (In Progress)]


Looking at the system's task panel, Lu Ting couldn't help but have mixed feelings. In two days, this mission would come to a complete end, and he would receive a handsome commission without any effort!


Before going to Dakar, he had never imagined that he would go through such an ordeal. Forced into several intense and dangerous battles single-handedly against a group of armed drug lords, even local SWAT teams were involved!


To be honest, the feeling was quite peculiar. After this experience, Lu Ting could clearly feel a significant growth in his practical combat experience.


However, Lu Ting didn't let this success get to his head.


He was well aware that his relative ease and flawless completion of the mercenary task this time were partly due to his enhanced combat abilities after undergoing the super serum enhancement. On the other hand, it was also because the local SWAT in Dakar and Arthur's thugs lacked high military standards.


If he were to face trained members of the Fear organization or other well-trained special forces from different countries, the outcome wouldn't have been so simple, and he might have ended up failing.


Therefore, in any future mercenary tasks, regardless of the type of enemy he faced, Lu Ting must maintain a cautious and careful attitude. He couldn't afford to underestimate any opponent.


As the saying goes, pride goes before a fall.


And he would never become that prideful soldier!


After a moment, Lu Ting cleared these thoughts from his mind. Next, he needed to seriously consider another matter, which was how much commission he should demand from Chinese International Police.


Lu Ting's face immediately showed a troubled expression. If possible, he naturally wanted as much as possible, especially since his Immortal Arms Group needed a substantial amount of money to regroup and rebuild.


Of course, he didn't expect this one mission to solve all his financial problems. However, asking for startup capital from Chinese International Police shouldn't be too much, right?


Referring to similar difficult mercenary tasks on the dark web, Lu Ting felt that asking for a commission of two to three hundred million wasn't unreasonable for Chinese International Police.


After all, they were backed by a country and should be able to afford such a sum without hesitation. But during the specific negotiations, Lu Ting believed he could push the commission amount even higher!


No harm in bargaining!


Mercenaries were also businessmen!


Seeking profit for oneself was only natural!


When the advantage was on his side, asking for a higher commission was justifiable, like seizing the opportunity while the iron was hot!


If Chinese Interpol didn't prepare that much money, after negotiating appropriately, he could still reach his preset commission price.


But if the Chinese International Police were prepared to offer enough commission, he might even exceed his expectations. Either way, Lu Ting was prepared to take a big bite, as this was something he had risked his life for!


(End of the Chapter)