
Strongest Mercenary System

Crossing into a parallel world, Lu Ting inherited a struggling mercenary group! He originally intended to make a living as a mercenary, but after living day to day in uncertainty, he decided to find an opportunity to shut down his group, wash his hands of it, and completely withdraw from the vicious mercenary industry. However, unexpectedly, his transmigration privilege called the "Strongest Mercenary System" suddenly appeared! As long as he earns enough reputation, Lu Ting can purchase any military equipment from the system, ranging from handguns and smoke grenades to aircraft carriers and bombers, everything is available. Moreover, according to the system's requirements, completing related mercenary tasks also earns him very generous rewards! From then on, armed with the system, Lu Ting led his group to embark on a journey to overturn the entire mercenary industry!

MercenaryTao · Action
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88 Chs

Divine-level Throwing Knives Skills

[Task settlement completed!]


[Reward obtained: Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills (Throwing knife skills have reached a Godlike state; a leaf, a playing card, a stone, all can be used as throwing knives with astounding power!)]


Just as the woman lost all signs of life and breathed her last before Lu Ting, he heard the system's notification for the task settlement completion in his mind.


However, upon hearing the reward this time, Lu Ting was a bit surprised. The difference between this second task reward and the first one was substantial.


It seems the task rewards are randomly given based on the system's mood, without any pattern.


Immediately, Lu Ting shifted his focus to the reward itself. Seeing the accompanying note, he thought that instead of calling it Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills, it might be more appropriate to call it Divine-level Throwing Skills since it allows him to throw anything with precision and power!


But, it does look pretty cool and impressive!


No matter! Since it's a reward given by the system, once I integrate it, the accuracy and destructive power of throwing anything will surely be impressive!


"System, will there be any reaction in my body when I integrate this Divine-level Throwing Knife Skill?"


Previously, when he used the super serum, Lu Ting had developed a psychological shadow due to the system, so he cautiously asked in advance this time.


If integrating the Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills could be done instantly and without any adverse reactions, Lu Ting intended to fuse it immediately.


But if integrating it caused severe reactions like the super serum injection did last night, he would temporarily store the reward in the system.


After all, he had more urgent matters to attend to at the moment!


[Integrating the Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills will not cause any sensations. The host can use it with confidence.]


Upon hearing the system's response in his mind, Lu Ting hesitated for half a second before deciding to trust the system once more. He nodded and said, "Alright, integrate it now!"




[Integrating Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills...]




[Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills integration completed!]


Almost immediately after Lu Ting finished speaking, he heard four consecutive system notifications, and before he could react, the integration of the Divine-level Throwing Knife Skills was completed!


At the same time, Lu Ting's mind was filled with information about throwing knife skills.


"So fast?!"


The rapid fusion speed surprised Lu Ting slightly.


It seemed like the conversation between him and the system was long, but in reality, it all happened within a few seconds.


However, now Lu Ting had no time to test this god-level flying knife technique.


Immediately, Lu Ting's thoughts and attention returned to the woman.


The storage card she had placed in Lu Ting's hand, and which he had returned, was now lying quietly at his feet.


Lu Ting had no intention of taking on the commission she had entrusted to him before her death. So, he just glanced casually at the blood-stained storage card and then took large strides towards the sofa.


Quickly, Lu Ting retrieved the clothes he had changed out of after his bath yesterday from his tactical backpack. The clothes he was wearing now were stained with a lot of blood.


He couldn't leave here without drawing attention with blood on him!


After quickly changing out of his blood-stained clothes, Lu Ting threw them into the trash bin. Then, he took out a backup Glock G17 pistol from the inner layer of his tactical backpack and tucked it into his back waist for emergencies.


He also concealed a Colt 10mm pistol in his pocket. Swinging the backpack onto his back, he prepared to leave.




At that moment!


Lu Ting, whose hearing was dozens of times more sensitive than an ordinary person, heard an extremely noisy commotion from the street outside the window behind him.


Upon hearing this, Lu Ting swiftly moved away from the window, pressing his back against the wall beside it. He reached out to slightly pull the curtain aside to observe the situation on the street.


At this moment, Lu Ting saw four or five minivans, each capable of holding ten to fifteen people, parked on the street in front of the hotel.


Quickly, as the doors were rapidly pulled open from the inside, a group of dark-skinned, vicious-looking thugs, armed with AK rifles and various submachine guns, poured out of the vehicles.


Simultaneously, more thugs on motorcycles were arriving on the busy streets flanking the hotel!


These thugs, well-trained, gathered at the hotel entrance. A man who appeared to be their leader stood before them, speaking harshly.


"That damned bitch stole our stuff. If that thing gets into the hands of the international police in China, we're all doomed!"


Saying this, the leader raised a photo in his hand and continued, "Take a good look at this bitch's face and remember it. Find her for me!!"


Then, the leader waved his hand, signalling his men to begin the operation.


The next moment, the forty to fifty thugs armed with guns charged into the hotel, starting a thorough search.


Faced with such a number of vicious thugs, the hotel owner had long been scared and was hiding behind the front desk, trembling in fear, not daring to say a word.


Soon, the travellers in the first-floor rooms began to scream in panic as the thugs forcibly broke into their rooms!


Lu Ting, upstairs, heard the commotion downstairs clearly. His brows furrowed tightly, obviously not expecting these people to arrive so quickly!


It had been less than twenty minutes since the woman knocked on his door!


It seemed she had indeed stirred up a big mess in this Mandalay drug den. Otherwise, how could these thugs have tracked her here so quickly?!


"It seems like trouble!"


Thinking this, Lu Ting felt a surge of frustration. He put on sunglasses and a hoodie, disguising himself as an ordinary traveler.


Despite the thugs' arrival, Lu Ting couldn't just stay in the room. After all, the woman's corpse was lying there conspicuously!


(End of the Chapter)