

The storm was enraged. Raindrops pierced my skin as I feel the cold embrace of the night. In an instant, I felt an unbearable coldness, my words felt they have their own life and they just went out like a wild animal on rampage.


The guy with black shirt that's still wearing his sleeping attire suddenly turns his gaze on me full of killing intent, it's like those piercing eyes are conveying some message that "If you don't put distance or if you interfere again, I will break your neck."

I was struck with great fear that I almost shit my pants, the message he conveyed were received; crystal clear.

I averted my gaze and saw her, she was drenched in rain and covered with mud and bruises because of brute force that was inflicted to her.

I felt a sudden heat and boost to my body; an inner voice whispered into my ear saying "you must protect her by all means necessary."

That voice turned into action and I straighten up my body, I responded with a great amount of dedication and resolve even though my body and mind are at the point of breaking down, because of the stress of the situation are too much for me to handle.

As I turned my attention to him, I can see through him the unfathomable anger he had towards me and Freya. With a well figured body and a young looking face, you can't really view him as a father of 4 children who is at the age of 40, he can still trample a young teenager like us, as if some sort of tissue to wipe his ass, my awareness are beyond measure but my way of resolving things are unlikely possible, all of those dedication turned into a mixed emotion of fear, with my instincts kicking in, that whatever stupid or wrong move I do, it can cause massive shift into my future career; that instead of a teacher, who teaches in one of the most prestigious school, I could become a corpse in a white four sided rectangular box full of flowers and prayers, and I can kiss my dream life goodbye, as I start to depart and go on a voyage to the afterlife.

I assessed the situation carefully and the first thing I did was to beg, I breathed in and uttered words that really crossed the boundaries between them "The only thing I want is the peace between you... I may not-"


However, I was interrupted with a pebble thrown directly unto my face. I was dumbfounded and puzzled as I looked around and realised that it was her.

Her cold stares brought silence to the whole vicinity. Only the pouring thick rain, dogs barking, thunderclaps that echoes around the place, and our silence are the ones who responded and filled the atmosphere with sound.

With my lip busted and blood flowed rapidly, the the absence of the sun caused my lips to feel numb or I unconsciously ignored the pain because of the greater threat in front of me, either way I focused myself on the situation, I was in a tremendous amount of pain not physically but emotionally.

The silence broke when I start to speak "I am doing this for you, ALL OF THIS! IT WAS MEANT FOR YOU! ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO LIVE YOUR LIFE IN COMFORT! Because you're important to me, you're my Daught-" before I even finished my sentence I was interrupted... again.

Moreover, this time it's not an object, but her whispers that sliced up and stripped me up into nothing but a lowly piecesofshit. Her words were like a katana sword that cuts deep and clean. She uttered those word in the most calm and angelic face she could make, like it was her dying moment.

Those words startled me that it almost made me blind. The smell of a persons plain scent is much better for its genuine than the one with scent for it is a fraud. It makes me feel that false victory are nothing but void and misery, that hearing compliments are nothing but food for your ego and sometimes the taste of bitter ends are sometimes the cure, and pretend like it's not painful at all, after all of those things I did, it seems like I really nailed it, I really am the STRONGEST LOSER!

Freya opens her mouth "What rights do you hold?" Freya woke me up.