

"Let's just pass them," the voice of an elderly woman came from inside the carriage, directed towards the coachman.

"Yes, Milady."

The coachman swiftly whipped the reins, urging the pair of horses to quicken their pace. It was clear that if the old lady hadn't given the order, the coachman would have halted the carriage.

"Eh ...."

Ervian made a disgruntled face. He knew the carriage was still spacious for two more people. Thanks to Sensus for that.

"Hahaha, it seems like you ran out of luck." Adelle giggled. She had enough rest and stood beside him. "I'm good to go."

The boy she faced just nodded and turned around.

The wagon quickly left them behind with its three occupants hidden from view. Adelle and Ervian were left alone on the road once again, with nothing but the sound of their footsteps in the quiet countryside.

"Granny, what happened?"

Asked a boy with a worried expression. It has been a month since his last fifteenth birthday. A moment where he should be feeling merry with his family. Yet, all he had was fear and conflicted feeling as of late.

The old lady sighed. "No need to worry, Leriat. We were just passing by some adventurers. They asked for a ride, but ... we can't let other get involved with us."

She smiled, trying her best to ease her grandson's heavyhearted expression.


Beside Leriat sat his skinny bodyguard, Teres. Looking almost the same age, even though the full-plated armor soldier was a year older than his young master.

The four of them, including Anthony the coachman, knew they were hunted.

Not by bandits or any of Rumabel's authorities. But by two bodyguards of Leriat's own father.

Teres and Anthony were Leriat's personal bodyguards. These two might not be the best, but they are the only ones who vowed to the young master and his grandmother to protect them at all costs. As it was what they thought was right.

"Mrs. Claire, we arrived at the eastern outpost of Rumabel," Anthony announced.

The old lady named Claire slid the front window to see the newly built eastern outpost. It was more like a small outskirt town, with shops and an inn to accommodate any traveler from the outside city. Yet, its true purpose remains the same as its name.

"Very well. Let's have a stop."

After being checked by the gate guards, Claire's wagon parked inside.

Orange rays of sun hit Leriat's dark hair as he was making his way out to the inn. That boy and the rest of his company haven't had lunch after their abrupt escape.

'Mother, please be safe,' prayed Leriat as he followed Teres and the others.

Claire was sure that their pursuer was late to realize that they were long gone, thanks to Leriat's mother, to act as a decoy.

Once Leriat's father arrives in Rumabel, things will get problematic for the boy's mother. Claire would not resort to this option if it was not because of Leriat's mother's persistence. It was thanks to her too that Claire knew about an approaching devious scheme in advance about shutting her down for good.

"Why must father act this way, mom?" asked Leriat a few hours ago when they were still in the mansion in Rumabel.

The mother sighed with a beloved expression. She kneeled and patted her son's head. "It's complicated between your father and your grandmother."

"Can father just ... accept that granny's vision is true?" The boy almost bursted in tears so he hugged her mother.

She knew that both her husband and Leriat's grandmother had talked. Her husband had old grudges about her late father-in-law with Claire. It was all about what Claire hid after years about a vision.

All the talks went without any clear compromise.

Leriat, too, knew that Claire had the ability to see the future. He had been raised by Claire since seven.

"Truthfully, your father just wanted your safety, Leriat."

"I'll never feel safe being around a killer, mom."

The words from her son about her husband were heartbreaking. She loved him deeply, but she couldn't deny the truth. All she could do was let her tears do the talking.

Back in the eastern outpost of Rumabel, Leriat and the others had just finished their meals.

"We have to make it to Katalan before sunrise," ordered Claire to Anthony as the coachman.

The young man cleared his throat. "B-but night travel is highly not recommended for the horses. Can you reconsider, Milady? I'm concerned about our safety," he replied in a heartbeat.

"The longer we dwell here. Our pursuer might catch up on us," Teres added.

Claire had the last sip of her tea. She nodded slightly. "Yes, even though we departed in the morning and ahead of time. I had the feeling that Aron was hot on our trail."

"Aron?!" Both Teres and Anthony reacted the same way.

"Mother said that Aron had been in Rumabel. If someone has to receive the father's order first, it must be him," Leriat added. Putting more heavy pressure on his grandmother's words.

If it's not what Aron is capable of tracking, they wouldn't react that way.

Anthony's face became serious. "Alright then, I had a grasp of our current situation. We shall depart right now. With extensive care, of course."

The other three nodded in agreement. After paying for the meals, they left the inn.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry to trouble you two to this length," Claire stated in a solemn voice just before she entered the carriage.

The two personal bodyguards exchanged a glance at each other. They had a brief silence, but they always remember their decision on this journey.

"You're welcome and don't be sorry, Milady. We knew what we will through, right, Teres?"

"Indeed, for Leriat as well. Don't worry, we'll keep him safe whatsoever."

Leriat replied, "thank you all."

"Alright, let's head off."

Claire smiled at them. Words alone couldn't express her gratitude towards them.

The carriage once again shoved the dust off the dirt path of King's Road that would take them to the city of Katalan.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, its fiery glow slowly faded, ushering in the infinite darkness of the night sky.

Claire let her body rest on the sofa beside her beloved grandson.

'I will fulfill my destiny. The Vision will come true soon. For the Chosen had arrived.'