
Stronger than the Pirate King

The story of the man who was stronger than the Pirate King.

Life_of_Meat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Night Hunt

That night, after resting for a while from their sparring, Gjhin followed Ace, Sabo, and Luffy out of the secret hideout in order to hunt for dinner. Leaving the secret hideout, it was quickly hidden, as he followed them into a large forest, where many kinds of wild animals lived.

It was dark out, but not too dark. With the moon shining brightly, there were areas that could be seen clearly, and areas that couldn't be seen clearly. Gjhin had no problems seeing in the dark, while it seemed like the three brothers had a little bit of trouble, but this couldn't stop them.

Soon, they arrived at the location that was marked on the map that Sabo had shown Gjhin earlier. Looking around, the four of them hid and waited. It wasn't time yet, so the boar they were looking for hadn't come out yet. A little while later, the sound of something large moving could be heard. They stayed hidden, and slowly moved along to their positions as planned when they heard the snorting of a large predator.

Staying in position, Gjhin could see Luffy nearby, in position. They waited for a while, as a huge boar appeared in their sight. Just like they had described, the boar was over five meters tall, each step it took shook the entire forest.

Once the boar was in sight, Ace and Sabo suddenly jumped out from behind the boar. Running forward, they both took two different sides and struck the boar's legs as hard as they could.


The huge boar despite its large size and thick hide had weak spots on its legs, which they targeted. They both quickly moved around and struck around its legs once again, before jumping back as the boar stomped the ground with its legs.

Its eyes flashed with red light, clearly displaying its anger, as it turned its huge body around to face the two children that had attacked it. From nearby, Luffy looked over at Gjhin, waiting for him to give the signal to attack. The former shook his head, indicating that it wasn't time yet. As he waited, Ace and Sabo ran around the boar, since there were two of them, it had to decide which one it wanted to attack first.

The boar decide to chase Sabo, who was slightly slower than Ace. He quickly started running towards a large tree ahead, in which the boar didn't pay attention to in its anger. As he got close, Sabo waited until the perfect moment to jump away.


The boar struck the tree headfirst, as the tree shook. Immediately, Gjhin jumped out, followed by Luffy. It was now the perfect time to attack. Golden-yellow lines ran across his legs, allowing him to reach the boar in a few moments, he then changed it to black and leaped high into the air, so that he was above the boar, before transferring all of his power into his arms.

Gripping the iron pipe with both arms, Gjhin was above the boar's head and struck down as hard as he could.


A loud sound was heard when Gjhin struck the boar's head. Looking at his iron pipe, it was bent in a strange direction, it was fortunate that the iron pipe didn't directly snap into two with that strike. Throwing the iron pipe to the side, Gjhin landed on the boar's body and started punching its body as hard as he could, as many times as possible.

At the same time, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy struck the boar all over its body, it was a relentless attack by all four of them. The boar was still in pain from crashing into the tree, which had cracked the tusks that it was proud of, as well as the incredible hard strike on its head by Gjhin.

It didn't take long for it to recover from its dizziness. Gjhin jumped off and leaped away, while the three brothers had run off as soon as it showed signs of movement. It wasn't dead but clearly injured by their attacks. Suddenly, the four of them could hear the sound of something huge moving in the distance just dozens of meters away.

"It can't be another one could it?!" Gjhin thought. The three brothers had heard it too as they jumped into the surroundings and hid. Gjhin himself hid near the boar, as a huge figure came close, revealing its huge body to them.

"It really is another one!" Gjhin thought. The boar that had arrived was just as big as the one they were in the middle of hunting, the difference between them was that this one was shining in a strange dark purple light, while its eyes were shining red. For some reason, it seemed much more powerful than the one they were hunting.

"Not good."

"Run!" Gjhin shouted. Immediately, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy started running as fast as they could. The plan didn't work out as they thought. There wasn't just one boar, but two! The second one that came was filled with rage, as it pinpointed their location with its sight alone, even though it was dusk!

While the three brothers were running, Gjhin leaped high into the air towards the second boar. The first one was behind him and turned around, starting to chase him after he turned away. With two boars coming towards him from two directions, he had a plan that would only work if it timed it correctly.

If he failed, he would turn into a meat paste. Holding his iron pipe, Gjhin transferred all of his 'stats' into his legs. As he ran forward, the two boars were getting closer and closer. He suddenly stopped moving, while the two boars didn't stop running at him. It seemed like even though they were large predators, their intelligence was extremely low.

Boom! Boom!

The entire forest shook from the stampede of the two boars. Ten meters, five meters, two meters, one meter.


As soon as the two boars were close, Gjhin jumped sideways as fast as he could. With his Devil Fruit ability concentrated on his legs, he had barely managed to jump through the gap between the boars.


As he leaped out of the way, the two huge boars crashed into each other. It was incredibly loud as if two mountains had collided. Gjhin immediately got up and ran up to the two boars that had their horns cracked from the impact and were dizzy; as well as heavily injured.

The three brothers heard the loud sound, as they turned around and came back to the site. Gjhin was already close to them, so he immediately used his Devil Fruit ability, making thick black lines appear on both his arms. He used all the strength he could muster, leaping at them before slamming his iron pipe as hard as he could.


His iron pipe came down, as it broke in half entirely from the impact. It was made entirely from iron, so it couldn't withstand the power behind Gjhin's blow, as well as the tough hide of the boar. As it broke in half, he quickly grabbed both ends using both arms and stabbed into the hide of the boars, using the pointy ends that were jagged.

Pushing with all his might, he managed to dig through their hide, creating a large hole that bled like a fountain. His entire body was soaked in blood, as the two great beasts died on the spot. Even though it wasn't a fatal spot, it had dug through the hide and tore through a vein. During that moment, Gjhin had suddenly recalled information on the weak points of beasts, and stabbed where he felt would be perfect.

As a result, his attack was perfect, leading to this situation where the three brothers saw him soaked in blood.