
Strong Woman with the Pink Hair

As they had been raised in the medieval ages, Kari grows into a proud leader figure and works to protect her loved ones. She travels freely through the gates of time into futuristic modern eras. Into the year 3060, where powers of gods and scientific discoveries rule the world. Kari finds her way trying to stop the world from falling apart, though her tracks are staggered. Others above her stop and punish for what they see fit. Wondering if she might manage to fix this corrupt system in which everyone lives. On the other hand, there is a love blossoming between her and another. Though who could it end up being, maybe her love will die out, or maybe it will be replenished in the future.

Silith_Ucrino · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Fate of the Shiarama Household

In a time of the second Dystrogelia, there had become of a human household. This was known as the Shiarama household. One of few who were seen as liable allies in politics, marriage, and even magic education. The leaders of each generation would always have provided their children the best routes through growth in life. This began back when the humans were in their stages of war among other races. After multiple peace treaties; there was some balance with them. This was the start of the man whose name was Gremin Shiarama; leading towards creating the household, in hopes that throughout the generations there would be better futures of their children. He even held the ability to conjure magic at his own will, seeping this secret into the bloodline's private history. At some point, stopping the bloodline, Karia Shiarama, a beautiful young woman, became a leader, beginning a new age in their family. Although there were many other female leaders before her (such as her late mother), Karia's leading was far different than all.


"As I give you this home, this land, and all my offerings." Geji Shiarama (Karia's father) spoke proudly, gesturing around the room. "I give you my blessing to faithfully lead in our family's rights and future visions."


Karia nodded in acceptance, taking a scroll that Geji held out to her. This scroll contained information on everyone in the household, even all her earnings. This would be the beginning of something great, but also the tragedy of the Shiarama household. Later that night Karia was given the household name, her father had been seen in a brutal condition. Maids who took care of the late lord witnessed Geji's cruel death. A man dressed in dark purple, wearing a long-hooded cloak to cover his face, came in through a window. After multiple slashes to the chest; Geji fell to the floor in a pool of crimson rose blood. Maids stood in a fright, others ran away, and only three were brave enough to alert the others. Many things had gone through each of their minds, one was questioning why the late lord would be so brutally murdered. With this, there was no more Geji Shiarama, Karia was officially placed as the new Lady in lead of the Shiarama household. She was still only 19, but her young age gave plentily time to learn about the world's conflicts and how to keep her family far from it. The grief was short for Geji's death ceremony, even more the weeks of pondering that each other siblings took with their time. 


"Sister Karia." Hosh gently knocked on her opened door, she even spoke in a soft tone. "May I join you…?"


"Of course, Hosh." Karia nodded, allowing her to come inside her office. "Please, sit. Is there something bothering you, Sister?"


"Well…" Hosh thought back to years when Geji proposed marriage options for Karia. "The marriage options…"


"… Hosh." Karia calmly placed her things to the side. "You and I both know that I am still not ready for marriage."


"…" Hosh hesitated to speak. "… They are visiting by the morrow…."


"Pardon?" Karia quickly stood, barely keeping her composure. "What could you possibly mean by that?"


"I am sorry-" Hosh immediately dropped her head, feeling ashamed. "… I do my job looking through any letters sent to you, Sister… I just thought you would need this, for your safety…"


"Hosh…" Karia noticed tears falling onto Hosh's pale blue dress. 


"I want you to be safe… the other's doubt your abilities as the household's leading lady…" Hosh's hands trembled, slowly wiping away at her dreary eyes. "I just-"


Karia calmly sat back down, reaching for her handkerchief in a drawer. She handed it to Hosh and watched her sobbing even harder. Hosh was the youngest of the four sisters' within their current generation of the Shiarama household. As the second to youngest, Karia felt the need to comfort her troubled sister. The other two who were Venhi (second to eldest) and Gina (the eldest), thought highly of themselves rather than the laid-back nature of both Karia and Hosh. Karia ended up going along with Hosh's idea. They had all scheduled each four different hours to meet throughout the day. Though, Karia felt hopeless, she did not sense any sort of emotional connection with any of them. Without the true feeling of love to be cooperative with another person, she could not proceed with the marriage proposals. The household was struggling later on, even a sudden sickness arose around, affecting many of the family and servants. Venhi and Gina fell with this sickness, visited by Karia and Hosh. Though, in due time; Karia was also down with this sudden sickness, falling ill in bed. As she laid there, Hosh came as soon as the first morning she fell ill. 


"It is merely a cough, Hosh…" Karia spoke in a quiet dry voice, barely coughing as she breathed. "Even if I do not come out of this bed… I hope you carry on the family lead…"


"Sister, please…" Hosh cried at her bedside. "Without you, this household will fall…"


Karia slightly smiled at her and watched as Hosh's tears only increased. It was only for a moment, but Karia felt that she would not survive this. Hosh would continuously visit Karia and the other sisters, reassuring that they were given anything to get well. Unfortunately, Venhi and Gina, along with a few servants, were unable to wake up for their morning medicine. Gina, passed at age 38, Venhi had passed at 29. Hearing this news from Hosh, Karia was ready to accept her fate. Though, fate had something better in store for Karia, and she managed to get better sooner than expected. With more unfortunate news, Hosh had underwent a massive amount of stress from more family gone and sadly passed away days after Karia's recovery. She was only 16 years old, another tragedy to be piled up into the damaged records of the Shiarama household.


"Lady Karia, I advise you should accept one of the proposals-" Karia's assistant followed her around the halls.


"I cannot have you pestering me repeatedly about the proposals, Lillian." Karia's mood was certainly unwell in those later months. "This proposal, that proposal. Nothing but absolute nonsense."


Lillian was silent after hearing this, hurt by the once gentle Karia. A rough year had passed as Karia became cold throughout her grief. Attempting to cope with what suddenly resulted in slight isolation. Many of the remaining servants would notice the cold treatment towards anyone who spoke with Karia. Lillian suggested something to her, hoping it would help her troubled soul. Karia was told to seek out runes inside a place called the "Glimmering Forest." She was a virgin with no certain heir to the household who continuously refused marriage proposals. Although, this was true, Karia was curious of what Lillian had mentioned about the ruins. It was said that once you found the ruins; this meant that you were chosen to receive a wish from the gods, and so she went. Karia took a few horses and a couple of male servants to keep guard with her. The glimmering forest was far from the main home, about a two days' worth of travel on horse-back. Making it around with multiple resting points, it was with success that they managed to find the forest. Having been far from any city, town, or village, this was a forest full of bustling nature. It was near sundown, but they made it just before. There were lights seen within the forest, not made up of any creature, but of the air itself, making this look like a magical place. The trees were tall and wide, connecting into each other, but the branches were lower than normal. Karia decided to walk on foot as their horses followed into the forest. It was not too long before Karia spotted grey stones in the distance, these were the runes Lillian mentioned. As soon as she noticed more, she told the other two to stick closely. Calmly continuing toward the runes, Karia stopped to admire the large space made for them. The runes were six stones placed in a circle, one being larger than the others that had markings and a drawing carved into it. She let her horse stay with the two men and walked to the larger stone alone. It dimly lit as Karia walked closer, then sprouting out different colors from the top. They fell like sparkling rain, sticking onto Karia's hair and clothes. Though they soon disappeared and a large white figure of what looked like a woman appeared in the stones place. Karia looked up at this large figure, staring in complete shock, but it soon spoke to her in a gentle voice.


"Karia Shiarama, you have finally come…" She slightly leaned forward to Karia, almost smiling.


"You know me by my name?" Karia could barely manage to process this, even the guards behind were incapable of handling their shock. "… Who are you?"


"I am called by many names, but I am formerly known as Queen Hyrestia, the queen of all current gods." She moved back to the stone area, letting Karia have some space. "You came for the wish, did you not?"


"I did…" Karia recalled everything that has happened throughout the past, slowly quieting her voice in the process. "I am to marry and increase my bloodline, but I am a virgin… I fear that I cannot carry on with my family as the last who… has not fallen to death…"


"I already know." Hyrestia softly chuckled and held her hand out. "Speak your wish and I shall grant."


Karia gathered up her thoughts, finally calming down to speak properly about her wish. As the fact still stood, she continuously rejected any marriage proposals, having almost no guarantee that she could give birth to continue the bloodline. The wish was unlike any other, even though Hyrestia had known, it seemed as surprising that Karia would go to such thoughts so quickly.


"I wish to have children to raise." Karia looked up to Hyrestia, nervous. "Even if they are of different race, I must have children to continue the family bloodline."


Hyrestia held her arm out as soft, dim orbs, were slowly made in the air between her and Karia. Four floating orbs were created and sat onto the green grass, taking shape as they sat like young children. They were faded out, but their colors had shown small living beings, though not physically.


"These are…" Karia slowly stood and walked closer, getting a better view.


"Children who are destined for great futures." Hyrestia gestured to each. "You can either choose one… or all."


Karia thought for a moment, looking at each. "There must be something to work for, right? Simply giving me children would be far too easy."


"Indeed, but I assure you, this will be a great act for the fate of the world." Hyrestia smiled, lightly tapping Karia's forehead. "I give you my blessing and trust."


Information had flood through Karia's head. Knowing the whereabouts of these four children. There was more information given to Karia in Hyrestia's touch, that would decide the rest of the fate in her hands to give unto these children. Night had fallen in which had already darkened the rest of the forest. The area she and the servants were had been lit up by the Goddess' presence. As soon as she vanished, the forest became dark, but the specks lighting the forest from before reduced the dangers of the darkness. Karia's hope had been rejuvenated and brought along this information to the servants with her. There were rumors spread around with other servants in the main house after their return. Karia did not mind this and proceeded to track down these children. Three were of color, from light to dark brown skinned. Only one area in which they lived had people with such a color in skin; The City of Harcovko. The poverty was very high and each who were of colored skin had been forced into slavery. Karia traveled far, still inside The Great Capitol. She hoped that this city unknown to her could be better than told of, but it was not.


"Lady Karia Shiarama…?" The lord in charge of the first pack of slaves checked papers that Karia signed. He looked down, reading the part where she asked to pay 100 precs each slave child. "Why children?"


"I would like fresh servants," Karia tried to keep up an act, covering the true reason for this. "As the current standing leader of my household, I must take care of these matters myself."


"Hmm…" He took a moment of thought, unsure of this deal. "250 precs each."


"Alright." Karia looked him straight in the eyes. "Where can I start looking?"


He glanced toward the window where there was a full view of working slaves. Then looked to his assistant. "Show them where they are. I will be with you shortly."


Karia noticed the assistant nod and followed as they gestured. With the same servants of the forest, they kept guard as Karia went through the open grounds. The assistant lead them through the many slaves working, catching a few glances from some. Karia and the guards immediately caught the strong stench of urine and body odor mixed in one. Trying not to make it obvious, Karia slightly held in her breath for a moment. She even managed to notice the looks some slave had been giving off. The assistant in front quickly darted his eyes; making them turn away, back to their work. Karia realized how different these people were treated, wondering what the children would think of her. It did not take too long as the assistant slowly came to a stop in front of a small hut. Karia and her guards stopped to look at the man, waiting for him to speak.


"This is where you may find our slaves' children." He gestured to the wide doorway, children already peeking their heads out. "If you would like to personally choose, you may enter at your own will."


Karia gestured to one of the guards to keep following as she went to the doorway. The children quickly scattered away to the corner of the small hut. There seemed to be only about 12 children and they could barely fit if evenly spread out. One stood in front of them huddled in the corner, a boy who had a fierce look in his eyes. He spread his short arms out like making a shield for them, looking older than his true years.


"… and you are?" Karia recognized him as one of the children the goddess shown.


"No one you should mess with, lady!" He almost squealed and shrieked in his voice. 


The assistant quickly yelled from the doorway. "Raise that voice again and see what happens with your sister!"


The little boy simply closed his mouth and gave Karia a death stare. Karia slightly smiled and sighed for a short moment. She looked around the small hut, clearly seeing the many piles of human "waste." In the heat of the moment Karia held back the vomit traveling up her throat, trying to keep her attention on the little boy. She slightly squatted to meet around his eye level, feeling disturbed that her clothes were surely getting dirtied by the "waste."


"I want to take you out of here." Karia calmly spoke to him, hoping to get a decent response back.


He spat on the floor where her dress touched, perfectly aiming at the end. "If you want to take someone out of here, take my sister."


"I heard about your sister, but why not take you both?" Karia smiled softly, speaking in such a sweet tone. "Please, tell me, what are your names?"


The little boy realized she did not seem to show ill intent. "… we have no names only numbers, I am 458."


"As for your sister…?" Karia patiently waited for the boy to speak again.


"I have two," He slightly put his arms down, looking off to the side. "The younger is 457… older is 459."


Karia turned to the doorway, speaking to the assistant. "Please, would you be so kind as to guide me to each?"


The assistant was hesitant to, but he finally accepted and walked a few steps away, waiting for the others to follow. Karia slowly held her hand out to the little boy, making sure she was seen as no harm. He also slowly took out his hand and shakily placed it onto Karia's palm. She immediately felt the roughness of what should be soft baby-like skin. In this moment, she realized the worst had been brought over these children. Though, she tried not to mind it and stood, gently holding his hand. The boy looked back to the other children and then to Karia.


"I am sorry, I cannot take them all." Karia kneeled to him. "Please understand…"


"… I know." The little boy accepted this with a pensive expression, holding her hand tightly in response.