
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Action
Pas assez d’évaluations
150 Chs

52.) Morpheus VS. Zelibus 2!!

The day was… bright and the arch of the bright blue star could be seen as it began its start to the pinnacle of the sky. So right above the capital universe. The star was artificially made by the king and his younger brother. An essence ball larger than an entire universe, that's some crazy shit huh? Well, if that isn't, then this first fist clash between Zelibus and Morpheus oughta be. For luck, be on their side when their full-scale battle takes place in the dome of the training grounds. As stated before… the higher-ups created this place. Universal collision between young gods means nothing - *ka-BLOOOOOOOMMM*

Morpheus: "KAAAHAHAAA!!! Yeaaah, Zelibus! Your Physical Zenchi is everything!!!" *he says as he pushes his fist further in, upping the force and magnitude of his strike* 

Zelibus: "Not bad yourself, brat! But… this won't be like before. *Glare* *His eyes turn cold, and his presence matches the vibe* This isn't just a battle of fists!" 

Morpheus: "Oh… but of course!" *he says while opening his eyes wide, with a great, big smile* 

The two separate and dissipate the blast from the clash. Zelibus revs it up quickly when he uses his metallic element and wraps it around his left fist. He smashes it straight into the floor instantly, and the ground trembles underneath Morpheus. "Hu- EEEUUGH!?"he mutters while trying to keep his balance. Flailing his arms about with a hysterical, cringeful look on his face.

Morpheus: "Ah! *stomp* *stomp* *He regains his balance and jolts his attention to that of Zelibus* Aye!! CHILLOUT!!" 

Amera: "Pffft!!!"

Malikai: "Fucking…" 

Zoshen: "Idiot."

Ju'Mosi: "Idiot." 

Zelibus: "Idiot." 

Clarence: "Uh… buffoon." 

Everyone bursts out in laughter, causing little ol' Morpheus to get flustered. 

Morpheus: "Aye mannn, what y'all LAUGHIN' AT!!!"

Zelibus: "You, you dimwitted fool." 

Morpheus: *Twitch* *his vein pops out of the right side of his forehead. His left eye slightly twitches.* "Oh yeaaah!?" 

Zelibus: "Yeah… now I'm finished with my work." 

Morpheus: "Work-" *TREMBLE* *QUAKE* 

Zaira: "Uh ohh. This one's a doozey!" 

Amera: "What in the -" 

Ju'Mosi: "World, brah!?" 

Zoshen: "This… is unexpected." 

Malikai & Clarence: "No kidding." 

Morpheus: "Zelibus, what have you -" 

Zelibus: "Metallic Playground, EMERGENCE!!!" 

Morpheus: "Shit! Armored Zenchi! FULL BODY!" *fffffFFFWISH* 

The entirety of the training grounds were terraformed into a massive world of metal of more than 100 types! It would seem Zelibus has studied and scanned every piece of material within the training grounds. And converted them flawlessly to metals of equal value. A high-level technique for such a young god. He has definitely earned his recent promotion to an A-Class student after showing his range of effects that could engulf a universe. A test used to prey claim to those that are truly ready to freely come and go from a clan within Colossaverse 1. 

Morpheus: "Tuh! What the!? *he rubs his eyes three times and does three, 360° spins to check if he weren't…. "Tripping" as they sayy* I… know damn well." *Glare* 

Zelibus: "Why the look? I told you all, didn't I?" 

Zoshen: "Mhm!" 

Amera: "This… is incredible!" 

Ju'Mosi: "Brah… brah! This is an amazing addition to my man's arsenal. Can't believe it, man." *he says in amazement while staring at the marvel crafted by Zelibus*

Clarence: "This is a crazy turn of events, breh." 

Zaira: "Get 'em little brother. Show them…" 

Zelibus: "Hybrid Form!!!"

Zoshen: "No -"

Malikai: "Fucking-"

Clarence: "WAY!!"

All three stand up so fast that they basically go hopping off the ground. Before them was something most Dragon Gods from the Dracko Draconos region struggled to master. Most don't master it until they're well into their first millennium, traveling the infinite cosmos.  But here we have Zelibus at just the ripe age of 18! Using the almighty Hybrid Form, exclusive to those who share a Prime, animal/beast like gene within their DNA. This form allows one to perfectly harmonize with that gene and enter an apex humanoid form of their very gene. For Zelibus, he became a shining Emerald Dragon with gigantic wings that stretched more than 24 ft wide in wingspan. They had blackened skin in between where the bone can be found, the webbing. His eyes lit up green while the areas that were onced spiked,  turned into pieces of emerald armor in each respectable place. His chest all the way down to the first row of abs were suited to that same fashion. He had an emerald within the center of his head and the center of his chest. His hands and feet were in the same fashion. He sprouted horns from his head that were in the shape of a mystical/shenlong dragon. With flowing whiskers to boot.

Morpheus: "Wooaaaah. That's amazing and quite terrifying all at once. What's the occasion?" 

Zelibus: "We're not playing any games today, Morpheus! I felt your thought wave when the STRIFE insignia, filled with telepathic essence, was imbued within me. You made the conditions a-" 

Waaaay back over yonder, where Shii and Gaia are seen still wandering Luminaria with Dante. 

Shiishii: "KNOCKOUT ONLY!? That boy's about as crazy as I was back then." 

Gaia: "They say it's almost like you reincarnated within your own younger brother." 

Shiishii: "Chh! Shut uuuup!" *he smacks her on the back of the head*

Gaia: "Aye BITCH!" 

Dante: "Oh." *he says softly yet heavily surprised and perplexed* 

Shiishii: … "My bad." 

Back at the battle…

Morpheus: "Well I'll be… you are right. So I accept the challenge and will take everything you got. Come at me!" 

Zelibus: "Keh! That's the spirit, Morpheus!" *Pew* *he breaks beyond the speed of light as he dashes forward* 

Morpheus: (So fast!) *he thinks as he seemingly blitzed by Zelibus* 

Zelibus: "Got your ass!!!"

Zelibus swings his right forward with full force as it comes crashing down on Morpheus, and smashes the metallic floor beneath them to ribbons. 

Amera: "Did he just go…" 

Ju'Mosi: "Beyond the speed of light? Yes, yes he did." 

Malikai: "How could emerald armor withstand that?" 

Zoshen: "Use your brain. Its not real emerald armor man." 

Clarence: "It's a great scale representation of his current reserves. You could say the thickness is what measures it." 

Malikai: "Oh yeah?"

Zoshen: "Yeah… it scales in the same way we do when we show our area of influence and project it in the form of an astral body projection." 

Amera: "Oh wooow." 

Clarence: "Zelibus can withstand a big bang guys. Light speed travel's strain is nonexistent." 

Zelibus: "How about that? Brat." *he says while staring at the spot he punched.*

Morpheus: "You're definitely a mighty godling Zelibus… but my durability is far higher than you're assuming." 

Zoshen: "He took that in his base form!?" 

Malikai: "Yeah, but Zelibus was actually holding back." 

Zoshen: "Oh ok." 

Ju'Mosi: (Morpheus' essence signature is rising quickly.) 

Morpheus: "I've spent all 15 lf my years of living getting my ass kicked by my father, my mother, Kishin, Vashjai and even Haydes. All so they could help my durability rise quickly. They all know of me as a striker, even my eldest brother thinks so…" *Fwish* *fwoom*

Zelibus: "What's… this essence floating about?" 

Zaira: "Can he… use it too!?" *she says with an intrigued look on her face*

Morpheus: "Allow me to show you my… Hybrid Clan FORM!!!" *BEEEEEEEeeeeeemm….* *piCHIIUUUUUH*

Amera: "H-Him too!?" 

Zoshen: "There's no surprise there. Morpheus went through training more severe than anyone I know. Just to learn and master Death-Yu. And his royal duties and needing to be of a certain skill level. You get this." 

Malikai: "No doubt." 

Clarence: "Spot on. But it's not lile Zelibus is the only young dragon either." 

Zoshen: "Shhhhh! No need to spill the beans." 

Ju'Mosi: "Pretty sure we can all use our clan forms. Wouldn't be allowed to leave if we didn't." 

Everyone: …. "True." 

A huge ray of light shined and burst open, causing Zelibus to leap back and regain himself after being blinded. "Khek!!" , yelled Zelibus as he rubs his eyes and looks back up. 

Zaira: "Ah… that's right. He's half." 

Zelibus: "W-Wolf god!?" 

Amera: *she bites her lip ever so slightly* "Mmmhm. Would you look at that?" *she slightly grins as she's mesmerized by the form before her* 

Morpheus' eyes were glowing a bright yellow and his white-ish, silver hair had black streaks flowing through it. He had war class horns made of essence floating at the sides of his head, representing his war helm. His royal-class, black, fur long-coat was flashed on as if it were preset with the form. He had viking like, blood red gauntlets and gleaves. He had two belts around his waist with a chain hanging on his left side. His eyes were then covered by a strange set of bone-style shades that made his sockets sink in a bit and give off a skeletal look. Then… yellow lights flash and the forn sets. *FWOOOOSH* 

Zelibus: "Mhrm!!!" 

Zaira: "Well I'll be damn. And his wolfic parts are showing greatly, a tail and nice little ears." 

Morpheus: "Alright Zelibus… let's go." *he says as he stares at a charging Zelibus* 

Zelibus: "Guaaaaaahhh!!!" 

Morpheus: "Heh." *fwip* 

Zelibus smashes his right fist into the floor, missing Morpheus who leaped high into the sky. "Hunh!" , he grunts while looking up and calls out an attack. "Divine Alloy Shower!!!" , a huge amount of spikes protrude from the floor amd shoot up at Morpheus. 

Morpheus: "Woah there! *FWIP* *FWIP* *he dodges back and does more than 25 dashes until hitting the floor* They're still following me huh." 

Zelibus: "They're linked to my eyesight and can be controlled remotely with essence. So just… let 'em hit youuu." 

Morpheus: "Yeah right. Pure Essence Burst: Strife Signature!!!" 

Zaira: "He can use essence burst as well?" 

Zelibus: "Oh damn!"

Pure Essence Burst, a move that relates to that of our elements. It takes the elemental essence within ourselves and sends a wide signal to whatever single point you choose m on the body. From there, a huge build up of essence occurs and bursts out more than 5x the size of the build up itself. A force of great magnitude is sure to always follow as well. *Peuwwwwwhh*

Morpheus: "With my Strife essence, I take the phrase inner conflict to a new level. Your little spears here… are now mine. On top of that, I'll be gunning for you nonstop!" 

Zelibus: "Gunning for me at a constant pace? That's not how you usually go about it." 

Within… the vast emptiness of space, was the assassin's base which had been moved in between Colossaverse 1 & 2. A movement that was agreed upon by the Grand Council. Per request by Zigorim. There we could find Meenahs watching Morpheus with Vashjai and Ebon. Both had just returned from liberating another galaxy by "purists'', who were busy killing anyone they ran into that had Malice.

Vashjai: "Wow… he actually learned how to use that technique already? That's insane." 

Ebon: *Munch* … *Crrrrrunch* "Dhuds… outthea killin' tit!" *Munch* *Munch* *munch*

Vashjai and Meenahs: "What!?" *they both glare at him with confused yet agitated faces*

Ebon: *Munch* *Gulp* "I said, Dude's outchea killin' it." 

Vashjai: "Oh… yeah. We did train him well throughout the years."

Meenahs: "I can see that. He's truly like what Shiishii used to be in his younger days. Vashjai… you're more like Kishin." 

Vashjai: "Yeah, I know. I've been told more than once on multiple occasions." 

Ebon: "So… this should be amazing. Morpheus has my full attention." 

Meenahs & Vashjai: … "Yeah." 

They continue looking into the screen Meenahs setup and watch as Morpheus and Zelibus pick up the intensity.

Morpheus: "Take your petty shards of metal back!" *PEW-Tehtehtehtehtehteh* 

The barrage of spikes controlled by Morpheus flew at Zelibus at speeds beyond light. The spikes slowly break down even with Morpheus essence being wrapped around them. But they stayed whole just long enough to make contact with Zelibus. He quickly starts throwing a barrage of jabs to counter. Each was thrown with great precision as every single shard got obliterated. He jumps back after a slight pause between them and dodges the remaining 20. 

Zelibus: "You haven't answered my question Morpheus!" *Prch* *He's punched in the right cheek* 

Morpheus: "My power has inner conflict coursing through it. The Life and Death signals found in my Strife essence, constantly repel each other and cause a strange, violent build up. I have to keep releasing it with my blows and techniques so it doesn't burst from within." *Prch* *an uppercut meets with his stomache* 

Both jump back and Morpheus does a faster step forward and blitzes Zelibus before he can leap forward too. A quick five jab barrage was shot at Zelibus' stomach, but Zelibus blocked all five with his left arm. His tail instantly strikes at Morpheus' face but was weaved with finesse. Morpheus leaps up and grabs his horns then knees him in the forehead and pulses the nerves, blinding Zelibus with pain flashes. "GAAAH!!!" , Zelibus yells as he takes a few steps back. Morpheus lands afterwards and does a quick downwards squat as he repels himself forward. 

Zelibus: "DOH!! You damn brat!!!" *he gets frustrated as his eyes water* 

Morpheus: "You're a tough juggernaut type. I've gotta go for your weaker points. (Now build up my essence…)" 

Zelibus: "That's a sound strategy. Guess I'll use my home court advantage! Twin Mountain Peak!!!" *Clap* *he claps his hands together and brings up two slabs of metal shaped like mountains* 

Morpheus: *Step* *step* *step* "Whaaaaat!? Those are bigger than your average sized city!" 

Zelibus: "Gehee! Gotcha Morpheus." 

Amera: "Damn…"

Ju'Mosi: "Leave it to Zelibus to bring out some over-the-top shit, brah." 

Clarence: "No kidding."

Morpheus: "Damn… guess I'll have to burst now then." *Fwish* *FWISH* 

The two gigantic slabs of metal slam into each other while Morpheus is in the middle. But just before they could smash into each other… *BOOOOOM* A massive burst of force comes forth from Morpheus. Both mountains were blown asunder, while the shattered pieces fall to the ground. 

Zelibus: "Damn.. That bursting crap might just be able to keep my environment from hitting him. (If that's the case… I'll have to go with tandem-style attacks.) Erhm… HA!" *PEW* 

Morpheus: "Alright then… Strific BOMB!!" 

A huge blast hits the metallic floor and sinks within it as if it were fusing to it. It was yet another Inner Conflict use and the ground beneath him became corrupted by his essence. It was now his for the taking and with that being said. He brought forth a wall of metal before him and used it to block Zelibus as he rushed in. *Dink* "GhRrrr!!!" , Zelibus snarled as he realized what had appeared in front of him. 

Morpheus: "Alriiiight. Now let's see how well you can take your own juice." *Fwish* 

Zelibus: "Huh!? … *SMASH* GYAH!!!" 

Morpheus uses the metal coated around Zelibus' left fist to force his hand back into his own face. Tearing the metal as he's thrown back. "Aaah! Not yet!" , Zelibus yells as he regains his balance and swings his tail right at the left side of Morpheus' stomach. Morpheus uses both arms and braces himself as he catches the massive dragon tail. 

Morpheus: "Heh… thanks for the handout!"

Zelibus: "Goddammit!"

Morpheus: "Why don't we… Nnnrrrrgh!!!"

Zelibus: "NGRRRRH!!!" *he wears a strained look on his face as he attempts to resist Morpheus' pull* 

Morpheus: "Go for a RIIIIIIIIDE!!!" *fwoosh* *Fwoosh* 

Zelibus: "WoooaaahhhOAhhhhhh!!!" 

Morpheus begins to spin Zelibus around until they begin to look like a propeller on a helicopter. Once their momentum reaches its peak, Morpheus jumps high into the sky and turns himself horizontally while still spinning. They reach a peak height of 12,000 feet high… then begin to descend. After more than 1,500 feet had been cleared, Morpheus takes one more spin and attempts to throw Zelibus into the floor. But Zelibus swings his tail down just in time to force Morpheus down with him. "WOAAAAH!!!" , they both scream as they smash into the floor head on.

Malikai: "Man… they're not playing around today." 

Zoshen: "Not even a little." 

Zaira: "Hm… neither one will last much longer in those unmastered forms. It's still amazing that they could even use those kinds of forms." 

*SMAAAASH* Both boys come rising out of the ground, fast-fighting. Throwing more than 200 blows each as they rise into the sky again. Morpheus uses his left hand to push Zelibus' right jab off to the side. He then cocks back his right hand and imbues it with Physical Zenchi then fires. *BaTOOOOOMM* "Phenomenal Force!!!" , says Zelibus as his Armored Zenchi covered 'X' guard is smashed by Morpheus. Zelibus looks up, but Morpheus had already zipped out of his vision. 

Zelibus: "What!? Now where did he go!?" *he frantically looks around* 

Morpheus appears from behind Zelibus. *Fwip* Then strikes Zelibus' right paldron with his right heel, using a back spinning crescent kick. He keeps his foot planted and imbues it with the Inner Conflict essence. But with a twist…

Zelibus: "On my paldron!?" 

Morpheus: "Yep. *Fiteeewww-IP*

Zelibus: (What'll it do this time) *He closes his eyes as a beam of light shines from the paldron*

Paldron: "AHhehehehehe-HUP! Hello there everybody!!!" 

Amera: "Uh… 

Malikai: "Ah… This some shit." 

Zoshen: "Some bullshit is what it is bro." 

Ju'Mosi: "Brah." 

Clarence: "Breh…"

Zelibus: "This…" 

Zelibus & Zaira: "Fucking kid." 

Morpheus: "Yeah… now it's gonna betray you. And one should know my strife allows me access to both sides of a conflict, man. With death comes life." 

Zelibus: "Tch!... Should've known." 

Back over in the Luminaria…

Gaia: "Did he just?" *She looks over at Shii with an offended expression* 

Shiishii: "Yes… yes he did." 

Dante: "Wow… You brother's pretty good." 

Gaia & Shiishii: "We know." 

Zelibus: "What a childish move. What… What's WRONG with you?" *he says with a confused cringed face while shrugging his shoulders* 

Paldrons: "Hehehehehe-HUP. He's right, you knoooow. I'm going to betray you… cause you're a meanie head!!" *Pfftftftftftttt* *KABLOOOOM* 

The paldron self-destructs and sends Zelibus flying into the floor almost instantly.

Zaira: "It…" 

Everyone: "KILLED ITSELF!?!?!" 

Morpheus: "Yuuup!" 

Zoshen: "Hey guys?" *he speaks in a low voice, almost whispering* 

Amera: "Yeah?" 

Malikai: What's up?" 

Zoshen: "I think Morpheus is preparing to use Flinchless." 

Ju Mosi: "Ah… You felt that too then huh?" 

Zoshen: "Yeah, he's concentrating heavy amounts of essence into the tips of his limbs. You can see it with Mental Zenchi." 

Clarence: "Yeah.. You can." 

Morpheus floats back to the ground as the ground itself begins to form into a grand whirlpool right beneath him. "A METAL WHIRLPOOL!?!?" , he yelled as the whirlpool began to show signs of magnetism and it began pulling Morpheus in. 

Zelibus: "After trading so many blows with you, I've figured out your essence signature and created a mix of essence and metals that can attract yours. Then stuffed it all in this WHIRL. POOL!!!" 

Morpheus: "Damn… did he… actually get me!?" 

Zaira: "It's over. This is what Zelibus wanted." 

Malikai: "He's done for…" 

Amera: "Naw… He has his birthright." 

Zoshen: "Oh!? Always wanted to get a glimpse of your guys' birthright." 

Morpheus: "It's time then…" 

Zelibus: "Hmm!?" 

Morpheus: "Realm of Mayhem: OPEN!!!" *BmmDMMmmMmMmm*

Zaira: "My… wooord. What in the Omniverse is this!?" 

A grand realm of disorderly functions, chaos, shifted reality and beasts of all sorts stood before them. The realm itself was at a constant slow paced move and had flames of hot pink, velvet, violet and black all around it. The beasts seemed to be of this same variety, as well as everything else in there. 

Zelibus: "This is quite the marvelous wonder, you and Amera share. But it will not stop me." 

Morpheus: "There is no real order here and reality isn't reality. It's all Mayhem. You've lost bruh." 

Zelibus: "You fool! My birthright is BREAK and that's what I intend to do… TO YOUR REALM!!" *FWEEeehhhh* *He leaps at Morpheus* 

Morpheus: "Have fun." 

Zelibus: "Whet?" 

Zelibus had leapt with enough force to push beyond the speed of light… yet he could get no closer to Morpheus. 

Zelibus: "Tch-ssssh! If… I… can't get closer… TO YOUUU!!! I'll just break the realm from here!!!" *he cocks his right arm back to the heavens, with intent to demolish everything in sight* 

Morpheus: "Too late for that and too late to keep this form going. So go to sleep. I won't be losing to my recruit." 

Zelibus: "NNNGGGGHH!!!" *His eyes were being covered in slight veins as they bulged out slightly* 

Morpheus: "Flinchless Series:..." 

Gaia: "Shii… he's." 

Shiishii: "Already moving to those straining techniques. Damn… I'll have to train him sooner than expected." 

Gaia: "Yeah…" 

Morpheus: "Projectless, Right Hook!"

Zelibus: "What in the OMNIVERRSSSE- *pewTOOOOOOOFFF* 

Yet… Another flash from Morpheus' Projectless strikes and we see Morpheus in a finishing hook pose. While it would seem… the entirety of the realm has copied Morpheus and punched Zelibus right in the jaw. Knocking him… unconscious and out of his straining Hybrid Form. 

Morpheus: "Tssssssssssss!" *he slowly brings down his leg as his form fades away* *FWISH* 

Both his form and his realm were completely deactivated and his bones and body were aching incredibly. "Argh…. It hurts more than I thought." , he said as he slowly limped towards a soundly sleep Zelibus. 

Zaira: "Hmph… seems he's still just a tad bit better little brother. Erh ERRM!! WINNER… MORPHEUS!!!" *she raises her right arm up then points it at Morpheus*

Amera: "He… used our whole realm to punch him… He'a crazy." 

Zoshen: "Eh… We knew that." 

Malikai: "Yeah.. You're probably only saying that, because you can't do that yet."

Amera: …. *Prch* "Shut up." *She elbows him in the ribs*

Malikai: "S-Sorry." *He says with a strained voice*

Morpheus: "Mhm… ahhh. A good squat rest can do you wonders. *Smack* *smack* Wake uuuup!" 

Zelibus: *smack* *smack* "Mrrrhm!! *smack* …  *grip* You can stop now." 

Morpheus: "Oh… ok. Well we got some words for ya." 

He gets up and looks behind Morpheus to see the rest of the group standing and waiting. 

Zelibus: "So does this mean?..." 

Morpheus: "Hold on… those two have to approve. We're listening and waiting!!" 

Dante: "Uh… I think he means you two." 

Shiishii: "Brat's being difficult. He knows we approve. He only won, because he activated his birthright first anyway. Zelibus is good with me." 

Gaia: "I agree. Little brat is a bit more cocky than you were, that's for sure." 

Dante: "With skills like that… Who wouldn't be?" 

Gaia: "Eh…." 

Gaia & Shiishii: "WE APPROVE!" 

Morpheus: "Ha! Welcome to Young Strife, big guy." 

Zelibus: "Hehehe… nice." 

Zaira: "Good going there brother. Now… Let's get healed up and ready to train!" 

Morpheus: "Sounds good to me." 

Everyone: "Let's go!!!" 

Ju'Mosi: "Hey, Get this damn metal off our training grounds brah!" 

Zelibus: "G-gotcha bruh." 

Their spar is finished and Zelibus is now an honorary Young Strifer. As the young ones and Zaira get ready to train. All eyes that were watching go about their day and Haydes gets an interesting call. 

Haydes: "Ray… what is it buddy?" 

Ray: "Seems we ran into no real leads as of yet, but… I might've stumbled on some useful information for you sir." 

Haydes: "Well… go ahead and spit it out then." 

Ray: "Right. It would seem the two gods known as, Slith and Jabreeze have somehow got into the Phoenix Empire."

Haydes: "Mhmm… that is quite the information. Did your source tell you what they could be after?" 

Ray: "Yeah, actually. It would seem they want the "Key" that may be hidden there."

Haydes: "Ah… ok. Make sure you keep an eye on that. Let the others search for my target. This could work in our favor." 

Ray: "Will do sir!" *bloop* 

Hayde: "NGRRRRGH!!! *his face becomes infuriated* That also claimed to be "helping" me, yet he and his bastards searched for the keys!? I'll make sure they become my puppets. They'll all be puppets!" *Smash* *He bangs his hand on the table* 

It would seem all has gone well with the recruiting of Zelibus. But conflict rises in the omniverse as Haydes finds out… he's not the only one searching… for those keys. 

Next Chapter: Haydes' New Plan!