
Streght Above All In Konoha

On Naruto's first day as Hokage, he receives Hinata's first kiss. Naruto's reaction is: "I'm sorry, it wasn't intentional, I thought I was dreaming..." Naruto: "What? Tomorrow is the graduation exam?" "Well... Does that mean Mizuki wants me to steal a forbidden jutsu scroll?" "Hold on, I'll go buy a camera... No camera? Then I'll buy a copying scroll. No money? Hmm... Let's see if I can borrow some from Hinata..." Disclamer: Forgive me if I am merely a mediator in presenting this work in a different language. I appreciate the beauty and wisdom found in the original writing.

Pratama_Jiwatmika · Anime et bandes dessinées
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36 Chs

Chapter 16: Human Bomb

The next day, at the agreed meeting point.

Kakashi was late once again.

Kakashi: "Hey! Good morning, everyone!"

Naruto's smile was as bright as sunshine: "Morning."

Sasuke glanced at the time and didn't say anything.

Hinata, feeling guilty, couldn't meet Kakashi's eyes and was staring at her toes.

Sakura weakly greeted, "Morning!"

Kakashi pulled out an alarm clock: "I've set this alarm for noon. I have two bells here. Your task is to grab them before noon."

Kakashi: "Those who fail to grab a bell within the specified time are not eligible to eat lunch."

"And they will also be tied up... watching us eat bento."

The three looked to where Kakashi was gesturing, where there were three wooden posts.

Then they remembered Naruto's words from yesterday: "That guy said not to let us eat breakfast. Don't listen to him, I bet the punishment for failure will be not letting us eat lunch."

They guessed it right...

Guessed? Hmm... Naruto won't trick me with his schemes, I knew that long ago.

*Ding ding ding...*

Kakashi shook the bells in his hand: "Grabbing one bell qualifies you, but there are only two bells in total, so someone will definitely be tied to the wooden post."

"And, because of the mission failure, they will be eliminated!"

"In other words, at least one person has to return to school."

Someone will be eliminated? Wasn't Naruto talking about teamwork?

Sasuke pondered slightly, wondering whose words to follow.

So far, Naruto's words seemed more credible, but after all, Kakashi was their teacher.

Hinata also looked worriedly at Naruto.

Naruto smiled.

Kakashi: "Also... the reason I asked you to bring your ninja tools is so you can use them, because without the determination to kill me, you won't be able to grab the bells."

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei, can we use exploding tags?"

Kakashi: "You're prepared with exploding tags? Interesting, it seems you're ready to kill me... I'm starting to like you guys."

Naruto: "Can we? If not, that's okay."

Kakashi: "...You can."

Kakashi: "Alright, everyone understand? Well then... let the exercise begin!"

Kakashi's figure departed.

The three looked at each other and then headed in three different directions.

Naruto climbed a tall tree, reaching point A.

Point A was a designated hiding place in their three-person strategy.

Naruto: "I wonder if Sasuke will follow Kakashi's instructions or stick to the plan... Hmm, let's go check on Hinata first. She should stick to the plan, and as long as we find her, even if Sasuke's position changes, we'll still find him."

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Four Narutos appeared, leaving one behind as three departed.

One of them found Hinata's location, which was point B.

Naruto: "Confirm Sasuke's location."

Hinata nodded and activated her Byakugan.

Hinata: "At point C."

Naruto breathed a sigh of relief.

Naruto: "What about Kakashi?"

Hinata: "Reading by the riverbank."

Naruto: "Alright, you rest first. I'll handle his position. When he changes, I'll notify you to search with the Byakugan. During this time, just confirm every ten minutes."

Then Naruto quietly approached Sasuke's location.

Naruto: "I'm glad you still trust me."

Sasuke: "For now. But if what he said is true, our relationship won't last long."

Naruto: "As long as we can grab the bells, right?"

A, B, and C were the initial positions of the three.

Around points A, B, and C, each point had five letters representing hidden traps.

Around A: DEFGH.

Around B: IJKLM.

Around C: NOPQR.

In addition to this, there were seven random "Easter eggs" in the woods: STUVWXY.

And the largest trap, Z, was positioned in the middle of ABC.

That was the masterpiece the three of them had worked on until sunset yesterday.

Naruto called it the Twenty-Six Absolute Kill Formation.

Naruto: "Now, I'll lure him in. You must seize the opportunity and strike mercilessly."


Naruto's clone dispersed.

At the same time, by the riverbank, eight Narutos suddenly burst out from the river.

They wielded kunai and rushed towards Kakashi.

Kakashi lifted his head in surprise.

He was astonished. He remembered that yesterday, when Naruto was fighting in school, he only created five clones.

It seems he was holding back.

However, dividing his chakra into eight clones simultaneously would be a massive drain.

With this, these clones wouldn't last five minutes... not even one minute.

A thought flashed through Kakashi's mind.

By now, Naruto had already charged forward.

Kakashi's gaze returned to the book in his hand.

At the same time, he dodged the attacks coming from that direction based on the sound.

However, at that moment, five Narutos appeared behind him once again.

One of them directly grabbed Kakashi.


A warning surged in his mind.

Kakashi looked towards one of Naruto's clones in the distance and instantly activated his Body Flicker Technique.


A loud explosion echoed.

That was Naruto using his clone as a human bomb!

And at this stage, it was the only jutsu Naruto could think of to maximize the power of his clones.

If Kakashi hadn't allowed the use of exploding tags, Naruto wouldn't have been able to use this move.

Of course, after using this move, Naruto himself wouldn't feel good either.

He would experience 50% of the pain transmitted back from the clone, causing his body to go numb.

The first attack failed as Kakashi dodged.

But there was still a gain; Kakashi's newly purchased book from the bookstore... "Affectionate Heaven," hadn't been finished yet... it was blown up.

Kakashi stood at a distance, looking at the shattered remains of "Affectionate Heaven"...

Kakashi's mouth twitched.

Naruto's voice came from the woods: "Kakashi-sensei, I'm really sorry. I meant to blow you up, not your beloved book."

Kakashi: "..."

Naruto: "Kakashi-sensei, are you angry now?"

"Do you want to spank me? Then come and catch me?"

"Our leader wouldn't be a coward who only talks big, right?"

Muscles twitched on Kakashi's face.

His anger skyrocketed after "Affectionate Heaven" was blown up.

Kakashi: "Though the method is crude, you did succeed in provoking me."

With that, he stepped into the woods.

As for the punishment?

Spanking? Non-existent. I'll make you experience the ultimate technique of Konoha, the One Thousand Years of Death!

On a big tree, Naruto watched Kakashi walking in

 the opposite direction and let out a breath: "Phew, Phase One successful."

The voice of the Nine-Tails came: "You turned a clone jutsu into a human bomb, you little troublemaker."

Naruto replied: "I had no choice, right? But Kurama-sensei, since you said my body heals faster than others due to your blessing, this move shouldn't harm me, right?"

Nine-Tails: "It won't harm you. On the contrary, it might even benefit you. If you decide to train in the Eight Inner Gates, using self-destructing clones is a good way to accelerate your progress."

There's this benefit too?

Naruto's eyes lit up.

Wait a minute... what's with this masochistic state?