
Streaming Life in the Multiverse

What happens when a teenager dies and gets a streamer system? Will he fight Gods, slay dragons? Maybe later, but he's in Danganronpa right now. Let's see how he handles his new job in a slice of life looking world.

DummyPersonified · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Meeting the Bros, and Hiro's Reading!

Peaking outside my door, I turned my head towards the sound of the voices. Interestingly, I recognized them both—Ishimaru Kiyotaka and Owada Mondo—fellow Ultimates and the source of the ever growing tension in the air.

Mondo was a tall guy with a rebellious aura, almost ready to snap like a rubber band. He was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath and black pants. With his tan skin, brown hair, and purple eyes, the outfit might have contrasted well if not for the scowl on his face, clenched fists, and pompadour hairstyle. It was an intimidating sight for most.

Taka was eleven centimeters shorter than Mondo, standing at 176 centimeters. His aura was similar to that of a drill instructor, ready to correct anything he saw wrong. He was wearing a brown blazer, white long sleeve shirt underneath, brown pants, a black buckle belt, and a red tie. His appearance was much less plain: brown spiky hair, thick eyebrows, and large blood-red eyes with rings in them. Overall, he was well-groomed and had a stern look on his face.

Before either of them could start throwing insults, I cleared my throat and spoke calmly. "Normally, I wouldn't interrupt meaningless fights but what the hell is going on? I was gaming and I could still hear you guys".

Having not heard my arrival, Taka and Mondo each turned to me in surprise. Just as quickly, Taka's face became more stern and Mondo's scowl deepened slightly. Before Taka could say anything, Mondo's voice became gruffer than normal as he demanded to know who I was. "The fuck are you?"

Figuring out Mondo's personality quickly, I knew he appreciated brevity and blunt answers. Thus, I answered how I thought was best. "Sakaki Hideaki, Ultimate Polymath. Who are you and your verbal opponent and what the hell is such a big deal you two are almost yelling ten feet from my room?"

With his stern expression softening a smidgen, Taka bowed and offered me a greeting in his usual energetic tone. Still, no smile was present on his face. "Greetings, Sakaki-kun! I am Ishimaru Kiyotaka, the Ultimate Moral Compass! I must apologize, but this matter does not concern you".

Likely unaware he was doing so, Mondo's scowl lessened slightly and nodded in agreement. "Damn right. This is between me and Ishimaru. So stay the fuck out of it".

Suppressing the urge to shrug or roll my eyes, I wasn't surprised by either of their answers or their demeanor towards one another. In fact, wildly different personalities were guaranteed to clash without common ground. Thankfully, Mondo and Taka agreeing on something was the first step to mediating between two difficult parties.

"Stay in my lane and all that, I suppose," I said, and at Mondo's nod of approval, I continued, "I only request you guys keep it down a bit then. If any of the staff hear you causing a commotion, that might take the rest of our classmates down with you. Even if it doesn't, you're disrupting the peace. Not appropriate for a school environment."

That was the second step, appeal to one's morality. In Taka's case, he valued school and society rules above all else. For Mondo, I figured he preferred to take the blame in place of those he considers to be his team. Being part of the same group, we're essentially his team. Worst case scenario, Taka calms down first. As long as one person calms down, the other usually will as well.

Seeing them pause, I noticed Taka's eyebrows furrow, his lips pressing into a thin line. His face pulled into a slight frown, and he glanced down, clearly struggling with the realization of his behavior. Suddenly, he bowed at a ninety degree angle with tense shoulders and apologized. "I apologize, Sakaki-kun. As the Ultimate Moral Compass, I hold myself to a high standard. My current behavior is unacceptable!"

Surprised by Taka's sudden shift in demeanor, I blinked a few times before speaking in a tone I was sure reeked of amusement. "I accept your apology, Ishimaru-kun. However, the dorms are stocked up on drinks I've never had before—non-alcoholic of course. I expect compensation by getting to know my classmates. My treat."—Turning to Mondo, I spoke a bit more reserved—"care to join us, stranger-san?"

Mondo's scowl lessened, and he let out a huff of amusement. "Sure, why not? Could use a drink after all this bullshit. And the name's Mondo, by the way. Owada Mondo. Guess it wouldn't hurt to get to know the Ultimate Polymath."

Tilting my head towards the common room, I gestured for them to follow me. As we walked, the tension between Mondo and Taka seemed to dissipate, replaced by a tentative camaraderie. It was a small victory, but I would take what I could get today.

The common room was surprisingly empty for the time of evening, the soft hum of the vending machine filling the otherwise silent space. The room was cozy, with plush sofas arranged around a large TV mounted on the wall, creating a welcoming atmosphere perfect for unwinding. I headed to the vending machine and grabbed a few drinks, handing them out to Mondo and Taka. "So, what's the story between you two?" I asked, taking a seat and looking between them.

Taka sighed, his stern expression softening slightly. "Owada-kun here refuses to adhere to the school uniform policy. It's a matter of respect and order, something I believe is crucial for maintaining a proper school environment."

Mondo rolled his eyes, taking a swig of his drink. "Yeah, well, I ain't a fan of being told what to wear. Got my own style, my own way of doing things. Don't see why that's such a big deal."

I still thought it was a dumbass argument, but I smiled and nodded all the same. "I get it. Rules are important, but so is individuality. Maybe there's a middle ground you two can find? Owada-kun, is it possible you could wear the uniform during class but switch to your usual clothes after school hours?"

Mondo considered this for a moment, then shrugged. "Yeah, I guess I could live with that. As long as I don't have to ditch my jacket completely."

Taka nodded, his stern expression finally easing into a small smile. "That sounds reasonable. Compromise is essential in any functioning society."

Satisfied with the results, we started for the common room as the atmosphere was considerably less tense. "I have to ask, what made you guys attend Hope's Peak? Fame, fortune, personal goals?"

Mondo leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful as he took another swig of his drink. "For me, it's more about proving something. I wanna show people that just 'cause I'm a biker doesn't mean I'm a thug. There's more to me than what people see on the surface. Hope's Peak gives me that chance."

Taka nodded in agreement, his own drink untouched in his hand. "I understand that, Owada-kun. For me, it's about maintaining order and discipline. I believe that a well-ordered society is the key to a prosperous future, and Hope's Peak Academy is the perfect place to hone my skills and spread that philosophy."

I would admit their goals were far nobler than mine. I was just enrolled when I got here and wanted to thrive. Attending Hope's Peak was simply the best way to do that. Not exactly something I can share, so I decided to share some half truths.

"Pretty good goals. To be honest, I'm just excited to be here. As the Ultimate Polymath, I'm knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas and apply this knowledge for the benefit of others. Hope's Peak is the best way to expand on that and I can't say I'm not interested in meeting some new people".

Mondo raised an eyebrow and raised his hands behind his head. "So you're like a jack of all trades, master of none?"

I smirked in amusement and shrugged my shoulders. "Something like that, but I aim to master as many trades as possible. It's a challenge, but that's what makes it worth doing."

As we continued our conversation, the atmosphere grew more relaxed. Mondo and Taka began to open up more, sharing tidbits about their lives and experiences before coming to Hope's Peak. It was fascinating, two individuals different in many ways were getting along and talking as if they were friends. I swore I heard a couple "bros" in there, something I would repress until the day I die.

Eventually, I decided to steer the conversation towards something more light-hearted. "So, have you guys met any of our other classmates yet? I've only met a few so far, but everyone seems pretty interesting."

Taka answered without hesitation. "I've met a few. Kirigiri-san, the Ultimate Detective, is quite impressive. She has a sharp mind and a keen eye for detail. I believe she will be a valuable ally in maintaining order at this school."

Mondo smirked. "Yeah, I've run into a few people too. That Enoshima chick, the Ultimate Fashionista, she's got a real presence. And her sister, Ikusaba, she's something else. Quiet, but you can tell she's got a lot going on behind those eyes."

I nodded, recalling my own interactions with Junko and Mukuro. "Yeah, they're definitely interesting. Junko has this magnetic personality, and Mukuro is... well, she's intriguing in her own way. I think we'll all learn a lot from each other."

Mondo's smirk somehow got larger and raised his fist to me. Clearly impressed, he whistled. "Calling them by their first names already? Damn, you work fast".

Understanding where he's going with this, I let out a small laugh and bumped my fist with his. "Something tells me I'll be working overtime for these girls, but I met them a few days ago while shopping at the campus store. They're pleasant to be around and I think we have chemistry. It's far too early to start planning weddings. I hope it goes somewhere though".

While Mondo and I were joking, Taka was...well, Taka. He took my words more seriously. "Sakaki-kun, while I encourage all classmates to befriend one another, I must ask you keep your interactions respectful and appropriate in public".

I didn't see it, but I was sure I somehow felt Mondo roll his eyes. I understood where Taka was coming from, so I wasn't annoyed by it myself. "Of course, Ishimaru-kun. Owada-kun and I know that". My affirmation was met with a pleased smile and gleam in Taka's eyes.

Sadly, all good things come to an end. The sky had darkened; our conversation lasted far longer than I intended. To my present day surprise, I was reluctant to end our conversation. "It's getting fairly late and I don't want to be too tired to wake up for school tomorrow. Let's talk more tomorrow, yeah?"

"Fuckin' right" Mondo said, clapping me on the shoulder. "Thanks for the drinks, Sakaki".

Taka nodded in agreement with an appreciative smile. "Indeed. It's important to build strong relationships with our fellow students. I look forward to our next conversation".

Suppressing a yawn with my arms stretched out, I stood and gave both of them a small grin. "Same here. See you later".

Upon hearing their goodbyes, I turned for the hallway to my room. Assured I wasn't on collision with someone, I was about the check the chat and cellphone notifications. That is, until I heard a noise on the other side of a door to my right. Listening, I heard the sound of a grown man panicking about "ghosts" or something.

Looking back, the noise was music to my ears. "Ah! It's a ghost! Where's the salt?!"

Curiosity piqued, I paused and listened more closely. The voice on the other side of the door was unmistakably distressed, adding a layer of urgency to the situation. Deciding it was worth investigating, I turned and knocked on the door.

"Hey, everything okay in there?" I called out, trying to sound calm and reassuring.

The door swung open almost immediately, revealing a pale-faced boy with messy brown hair and wide, terrified eyes. He was clutching a book to his chest as if it were a lifeline. I recognized him as Hagakure Yasuhiro, the Ultimate Clairvoyant. His usual laid-back demeanor was nowhere to be seen; instead, he looked like he'd just seen a ghost.

"You gotta help me, man! There's a ghost in my room!" Hiro exclaimed, his voice trembling.

Suppressing a smile, I raised an eyebrow. "A ghost, you say? Are you sure it's not just your imagination?"

Hiro shook his head vigorously, his eyes wide with fear. "No way, man! I saw it! It was right there, floating and everything! We need salt, or maybe some sage to cleanse the room!"

Recognizing the dumbass wouldn't calm down until it was gone. "Alright, alright. Let me check it out. Maybe I can figure out what's going on." My voice drops to a whisper. "Worst case scenario, my stream becomes interesting".

Hiro gave me permission as I entered his room. I couldn't help but notice how cluttered it was. Crystals, tarot cards, and various mystical items were strewn about, giving the place an eclectic, chaotic feel. Hiro pointed to a corner of the room where he claimed to have seen the ghost.

"There! It was right there!" he insisted, his voice still shaky.

I took a closer look, scanning the area for anything unusual. There were no signs of a ghost, but I did notice an old, dusty mirror propped up against the wall. A sudden thought occurred to me, and I turned to him.

"Have you ever heard of pareidolia?" I asked.

Hiro frowned, clearly confused. "Para-what now?"

"Pareidolia," I repeated. "It's when your mind tricks you into seeing familiar patterns, like faces, in random objects. It's possible that in the dim light, your mind played a trick on you and made you see a ghostly face in the mirror."

Hiro blinked, considering my explanation. "You really think that's what happened?"

I nodded. "Most likely. Come in, and adjust the lighting for me. We can check that way".

We turned on more lights and inspected the mirror closely. Sure enough, with the increased illumination, the spooky face Hiro had seen was revealed to be nothing more than a pattern in the dust on the mirror's surface. Seeing him let out a relieved sigh with his shoulders visibly relaxing was more amusing than you could know.

"Man, I feel like such an idiot," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

I smiled, clapping a hand on his shoulder and holding back my laughter. "Don't worry about it. We all get spooked sometimes. Just try to keep your room a bit tidier, and maybe it won't happen again."

Hiro laughed weakly, nodding. "Yeah, you're right. Thanks, dude. You're a lifesaver."

Deciding to get this over with quickly, I introduce myself with less mirth than before. I admit I couldn't help but wonder if he had any real talent or if he was just another con artist. "I'm Sakaki Hideaki, the Ultimate Polymath".

Seeing Hiro's eyes widen, he quickly introduced himself. "I'm Hagakure Yasuhiro, but everyone calls me Hiro. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant. Want a reading on the house? Think of it as a thanks for helping me".

Honestly, I believed in fortune tellers and psychics when considering the multiverse. In this universe, I had no doubt it was a scam. Even if his success rate was the highest at thirty percent, word things vaguely or carefully and you're likely right. I was impressed by the manipulation that I anticipated was required. However, it was free and I wanted to know the bullshit I expected him to spout. So, I nodded with skepticism.

"Sure, Hiro. Let's see what the stars have to say about my future," I replied, leaning back against the cluttered desk and crossing my arms. Despite my skepticism, I was curious about what he might come up with.

Hiro's demeanor shifted almost immediately. He seemed to relax into a more confident state, as if stepping into a role he was comfortable with. He grabbed a deck of tarot cards from a nearby shelf and shuffled them with surprising dexterity. "Alright, let's see what the universe has in store for you, Sakaki-kun."

He laid out a few cards in a simple spread, his eyes narrowing in concentration. I watched with mild amusement as he turned over each card, his face growing more serious with each revelation. "Interesting… Very interesting," he muttered, scratching his chin.

"What's so interesting?" I asked, playing along.

He looked up at me, his eyes wide with what seemed to be genuine astonishment. "Your future is filled with... unexpected twists and turns. I see a powerful connection with two individuals, both of whom will play a significant role in your life. They will challenge you, push you to your limits, but also bring you great joy."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Two individuals, huh? Anyone I know?"

Hiro nodded, his expression grave. "Yes, very much so. One is marked by chaos, a force of nature that will test your very limits. The other is a silent strength, someone who will stand by you through thick and thin. Together, they will form an unbreakable bond with you."

At his words a shiver ran down my spine. Instinctively, my mind went to Junko and Mukuro. I decided to probe further, curious about his "interpretation". "Can you tell me more about them? Any specific details?"

Hiro studied the cards for a moment longer before looking up at me. "The one marked by chaos, she's a catalyst for change. Her presence will bring about significant transformations in your life. The other, the silent strength, is fiercely loyal and protective. Their love for you will be unwavering, but it will also be a source of great conflict and growth."

I nodded slowly, taking in his words. It was almost eerie how well he seemed to describe Junko and Mukuro. Despite my skepticism, I couldn't deny how accurate the reading sounded. "Thanks, Hiro. That's quite insightful."

He grinned, clearly pleased with himself. "No problem, man. Just remember, the future isn't set in stone. It's shaped by our actions and decisions. Keep that in mind as you move forward."

His words made it sound like he wasn't confident in his own reading, but I still found it interesting nonetheless. "I will. Thank you, Hiro".

Reaching my room, I quietly entered and sat on my bed. Taking a moment to collect my thoughts and reflect on the day, I start reading chat as I pull out my cellphone.

The screen lit up with messages from the chat, and I couldn't help but smile at their curiosity and engagement.

Web_Slinger: That was pretty intense, man. You handled those situations like a pro.

Miles_Morales: Seriously, you've got some skills. De-escalating fights and solving ghost mysteries in one night?

Reporter_MJ: I'm intrigued by that reading. Do you think there's any truth to it?

With a smirk, I responded mentally to the chat. 'Thanks, guys. It was definitely a busy night, but I enjoyed it. As for the reading, I'm still skeptical, but it's interesting how accurate it seemed. Time will tell, I suppose. If it is, I guess I have a lot to look forward to'.

Eleven: You okay? What happened?

Her concern was touching; my face changed into a soft smile. 'I'm okay, Eleven. Just helped a friend with a little scare. Nothing to worry about. Thanks for your concern, kiddo'.

As I was about to continue, a notification from the system popped up on my cellphone screen.

System Update:

Congratulations, Sakaki Hideaki! You have successfully completed multiple interactions with your classmates, forming connections and resolving conflicts. As a result, you have earned the following rewards: Enhanced diplomacy, increased observational skills, reputation increase, increased public speaking, increased acting, increased nonverbal communication, increased physical fitness, quest function.

I stared at the new notification on my cellphone screen, feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity. The rewards from the system were impressive and could prove invaluable in my future interactions at Hope's Peak. Enhanced diplomacy and increased observational skills would certainly help me navigate the complex web of relationships and challenges ahead.

The quest function, however, was what truly intrigued me. It seemed like a new feature added to the system, potentially offering more objectives and rewards. With a sense of anticipation, I decided to explore this new function.

Mentally commanding the system to open the quest function, I watched as a new screen materialized before my eyes. The interface was sleek and user-friendly, displaying a list of available quests and their respective rewards. As I scrolled through the list, one quest in particular caught my attention:

Quest: Uncover the Truth Objective: Investigate the rumors and mysteries surrounding Hope's Peak Academy. Rewards: Significant increase in investigative journalism skills, enhanced deduction abilities, access to hidden information about the academy, ???, ???, ???.


I changed the format a bit. Other than that, we're going to have the ocassional time skip from now on. Thanks for reading.

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