
Morning Jitters

The following morning, Daisy awoke at the crack of dawn. As roosters crowed she layed in bed, a mixture of nervousness and excitement to start the new day concocted within her. Careful to not wake her siblings still asleep in the bed they all shared she stealthily slipped out of bed.

Determined as ever to help her family she dutifully got ready for her first day at work. As she brushed her teeth, she heard sounds coming from the kitchen. Heading to the kitchen once she was dressed for work she smelled something delicious and savory along with the sound of a sizzling pan.

"Mom?" she said in a still tired voice as her mother poked her head up from out of the refrigerator. "Oh hey Daisy, it's still really early what are you doing up so soon?" Coco said with dark circles under her eyes. "I was already up so I decided to wake up, like dad always says there's no such thing as too early" Daisy said with a wide beaming smile as she grabbed her overall straps.

Coco smiled as she rolled her eyes. "Yeah that definitely sounds like your father. Anyways I couldn't sleep cause my baby is a woman now and she's got a job" Coco said beaming ear to ear as she pulled Daisy in for a hug.

"Mom you're squeezing me" Daisy said jokingly as her mother let go and kissed Daisy on the crown of her head. Holding her by the shoulders, Coco looked lovingly into Daisy's eyes as she smiled proudly at her daughter.

"I know you hear me say this a lot and you think I'm just saying it cause I'm your mom and I'm all lovey dovey and lame, but thank you for being the best daughter I could ever ask for. Thank you for being the most caring, understanding, lovely child ever, I love you Daisy" Coco said as she pulled Daisy in for an even tighter hug.

"There's water brewing on the stove for some tea, leave some for your dad though. I made you breakfast and a bacon burger for lunch wrapped up for you. Remember to keep your ears hidden with your hat, it's gonna be cold today so when you go past the neighborhood just keep your hat on and act like you're just cold until you get to the farm" Coco said as she kissed Daisy on the crown of her head.

"Wait... nevermind, thanks mom" Daisy said as her ears slumped down onto her head and she looked to the side. "What's wrong sweetie?" Coco said as she watched Daisy's nervous ticks active on full display. "It's nothing..." Daisy replied.

"Sweetie. A bunny's ears don't lie, what's wrong Daisy?" Coco said in a soft tone as Daisy looked up at her mother and began to be teary eyed. "I'm scared" she said as a tear fell down her face.

"Scared of what?" Coco asked with a gasp as she immediately grabbed Daisy and pulled her in for a hug. "It's just...it's just, you always said people don't like Faunists, aren't the people at the farm going to hate me?" Daisy said as she cried into her mother's shirt.

Crying was atypical of Daisy. She was always the kind of child who would smile and shrug her way through any situation, so seeing tears pooling in her velvet eyes and flowing down her caramel skin made Coco's heart sink down to her stomach.

Holding her close to her chest Coco fought back tears of her own and maintained her composure. "Sweetie, they what do you mean they'll hate you. Who could hate you?" she said with a reassuring smile as she wiped away Daisy's tears.

"Well you and dad always talk about how I need to be careful and not show my ears when we're in town and stuff. About how people don't like Faunists sometimes. What happens if my hat falls off at the farm or something" Daisy said as she cleared her throat.

"Wait... oh my days, your dad didn't tell you" Coco said as the concern in her eyes shifted as she placed her fingers on the bridge of her nose. "Daisy. The farm is ran by and only hires Faunists. The guy who runs it is one of your dad's friends. He was supposed to tell you all this" Coco said with an exasperated tone.

"Oh that's good" Daisy said as a weight was seemingly lifted from her shoulders. "Wait did he tell you he was gonna walk you to work?" Coco asked as she crossed her arms. "No" Daisy answered sheepishly as she shook her head.

"Wait so why didn't you say anything till now" Coco asked in a soft tone. "Oh we need the money so..." Daisy replied with a shrug. "I don't know where I got a daughter this brave and selfless. I don't deserve you" Coco said as she turned her head at the sound of the front door creaking open as James arrived home.

"Actually, we! Don't deserve you. James why oh why did you not tell Daisy you were going to be walking her to walk today" Coco said as James's eyes went wide and his mouth fell agape. "Oh...shit" James said slowly as he sheepishly walked over to Daisy.

"Hey Daisy guess what" he said with an awkward smile on his face. "You're unbelievable" Coco said with her arms crossed. "Hey I'm back early so I shut my eyes for a bit before we go" James said before squatting down to be eye level with Daisy.

"Daisy sweetie. I'm really sorry I forgot to tell you in advance but you're gonna love Bandits farm. He's a dog Faunist and he knows you're a bunny Faunist. Everyone there is special so you'll fit in just fine. I took the day off work so I'm gonna be there the whole time, if it gets too much just tell him and we'll go" James said as he gave Daisy a reassuring look with his tired weary eyes and a loving hug.