
Dawn Of Faunists

Long ago after a nuclear war that decimated the populous mutants began to appear. Animals were infected by toxins and their bodies mutated. Be it them growing tenfold in size, growing claws, fangs or horns. Some even developed supernatural abilities. Be it them breathing fire, controlling other animals or growing limbs or wings they soon began terrorizing humanity.

When all hope looked lost, they appeared. Humans who'd also become mutants of sorts from the radiation. Only their mutations gave them more supernatural abilities as opposed to physical mutations. They were hailed as heroes and fought back against the mutant wild animals running rampant on their countries.

Over time more and more people were born with mutations, normalizing the extraordinary. One thing that no one had any explanation for at first however was the birth of a new species. Humans with animalistic characteristics. These extraordinary beings possess a captivating blend of human intellect and animal instinct, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of diversity and wonder.

From birth, these individuals showcase their animal traits, from the elegant grace of a gazelle to the fierce strength of a lion. Some are adorned with the majestic wings of an eagle, while others possess the agility and speed of a cheetah. Each individual's animal characteristics are as unique as their personalities, turning heads everywhere they go. A curious few embraced their existence while an untrusting majority vilified them for being different.

They were seen as less then by the public and subjected to a lack of basic rights in most cases.