
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs


He seems to be fairly large, roughly 208 centimeters tall and quite built. He wears a long dark blue coat and a hood over his head. Belts strapped along his waist and large cargo pants tucked into large boots. Gloves and a mask covering the lower half of his face. His bright blue eyes glow in the dark. He stares intently as he stands. His eyes dart to the side as he jumps off the building, hopping from roof to roof. He eventually makes his way to the more developed side of town where the buildings are much larger and there is more hustle and bustle. It is roughly one in the morning. He lands on the roof of a fairly large building of a corner store as people and cars pass below. He leans over the edge looking onto the city.

Fullsky "You know, you shouldn't keep a girl like me waiting."

He quickly turns around to see a woman leaning against the rooftop entrance, hiding in the shadows. She steps out with her arms crossed. She stands roughly 175 centimeters tall. Dressed in an outfit similar to that of shinobi in red. Her hood over her head and a tattered scarf around her neck. She has a cloth piece covering her right eye as her shiny silver left eye stares calmly at him. A katana strapped to her lower back.

Watchdog "Fullsky."

Fullsky "Watchdog."

She smiles at him. He stands and faces her.

Watchdog "What are you doing here?"

Fullsky "Same thing as you, I presume. What? Don't want me around anymore?"

Watchdog "No, just didn't expect to see you tonight."

Fullsky "We've been after this guy for months. It'd be a shame if you caught him without me."

As she says this she leans against him and puts her hands on his face getting very close.

Fullsky "Besides, I just got some information that'll prove very useful."

She lets go and steps away from him.

Watchdog "Funny, I too just got some info. Him and his gang are planning a big job."

Fullsky stops and turns pouting.

Fullsky "Man, I wanted to say it!"

Watchdog "Snooze you lose."

He opens his hand with his palm pointed upward. A holographic projection comes out of his gloves' fingertips.

Watchdog "They're looking for bigger tech. Things Ito grade."

Fullsky "Industrial?"

Watchdog "Yes but that's not all. They've also been looking into more technical and fine tuned machines. Containment cells."

Fullsky "They're going after the factory, aren't they?"

Watchdog "I don't know yet. But from the looks of what they're trying to get ahold of, that is the best bet. Did your info cover anything else?"

Fullsky "Nope, you just about covered it. Although, one of his executives should be barreling around the corner with a truckload of goods right about… now."

As she says this, a large white delivery truck comes rolling fast around the corner of the building beneath them. Fullsky looks at Watchdog and smiles as she walks to the ledge.

Fullsky "Try and keep up, yeah?"

Then two large bat style wings appear out of her back. They are a bit torn and worn but work extremely well. She then falls backwards off the building and takes flight. Watchdog rolls his eyes then takes a couple steps back and runs and jumps from the building onto the next, following the truck below. As Fullsky flies above, she manages to land on the top of the truck. Watchdog notices 2 other compact cars coming up fast filled with a total of 4 people each with guns. He puts his finger to his ear as he uses an earpiece to talk to Fullsky.

Watchdog "You've got two more cars on your six."

She looks back as one of the criminals leans out the window and fires a couple shots at her. She quickly blocks the bullets with her wing.

Fullsky "Noted. Lend me a hand?"

Watchdog "On it."

As he's running and jumping across buildings, he lands on the edge of one building then takes a leap off of it over the street. He lands on the roof of the car in the farthest back. He leans over the driver's side window.

Watchdog "Pull over."

The driver freaks out and pulls out a gun but before he can use it, Watchdog grabs his arm, breaking the window. The driver yells which causes the shooter to come back inside the car to help. While that was happening, Fullsky made her way towards the front of the truck. She pokes her head down to the passenger side window.

Fullsky "Hi. Oh-"

The passenger freaks out then draws her gun and starts firing. Fullsky leans back then jumps away from the truck. As she does this, she turns back and puts her hand out and grabs the air which leaves a grabbing print on the truck itself. She then pulls herself back to the truck at high speed and crashes through the window. She kicks the driver out through the door as the passenger points her gun at her. By this point, police have joined the chase. Watchdog successfully managed to beat both criminals in the back car and slams on the brakes. He quickly gets out and hops onto the back of a police car that comes zooming by as a couple police linger behind to apprehend the criminals. As the police car moves up, he dives at the second black car. He doesn't quite make it all the way but his arm stretches a bit and he latches onto the trunk. The driver notices as he drags Watchdog along the road. The driver starts swerving back and forth trying to break Watchdog off by smacking him into things. Watchdog does his best to avoid any objects but gets hit by a few signs along the way.

Watchdog "C'mon man.."

He manages to get onto the car and climbs to the roof. He then punches a hole through the top stealing the passengers gun. He then hangs off the drivers side and punches him across the face knocking him unconscious. He quickly rips the door open and slams on the brakes with his hand. As the car screeches to a halt, Watchdog gets out and so does the passenger side. She looks at Watchdog for a second before putting her hands up.

Criminal "I'm just gonna…"

She gets on her knees and puts her hands behind her head.

Watchdog "Good choice."

He then turns and looks as the truck and a couple police keep going and he gives chase on foot. Back in the truck, Fullsky has control of the truck as the passenger, a very young woman not much older than 20, still has her handgun pointed at her. She looks at her as she shakes and exhales, lowering the gun.

Fullsky "Good girl. Now, what are you carrying in the back?"

Young woman "I don't know… I'm new, they didn't tell me anything. All they said was we need to deliver this immediately and protect it from anyone trying to stop us."

Fullsky looks at the young woman who is shaking and staring at the dashboard. She believes her but before she could say anything else, a sliding door opens from the back and a bigger man comes through putting Fullsky in a choke hold. The truck swerves as she is no longer in control.

Fullsky "Can you drive this thing?!"

The young woman nods as Fullsky throws herself and the bigger man into the back of the truck. The young woman hops in the driver's seat and quickly regains control. Fullsky slams the door shut quickly and stands up looking at the four large people in front of her. The back of the truck is also filled with a few crates and machines.

Fullsky "Say, none of you would happen to want to, I don't know, give up and tell me what I want to know, would you?"

They all stand silently for a moment looking at each other before charging her. She jumps up and grabs the bar on the roof to knock over the man in front of her. Then she spins and kicks the woman on her right. After she lands she punches another man in the face which throws him against the wall next to the person watching. The woman gets back up and grabs Fullsky from behind and lifts her up for a moment. The person starts looking around trying to think then sees one of the machines on the wall. They put their arm into it and a large device wraps on their arm. It has a couple circles of machinery around the wrist and below the elbow connected via parts along the arm leading to a three fingered hand-like part. Electricity and energy starts to form around the hand. Fullsky breaks free of the woman's grasp and spins to punch her but before she can, energy wraps around her entire body. She can't move at all as she floats in the air. The person then swings their arm back causing Fullsky to be thrown against the back of the truck hard. She coughs for a second before the large metal hand grabs her by her neck and lifts her up.

Frontier "You and that little boytoy of yours better keep your noses out of our business. You're in way over your heads."

The energy on the arm then shifts and Fullsky's eye widens. Watchdog watches as he runs after the truck. The entire back side of the truck is blow to pieces as a massive force wave comes exploding outward. Fullsky is sent flying towards him as he too is knocked back by the force. They both go crashing into the street. Frontier stands tall and watches as the truck gets away. Fullsky and Watchdog slowly get up, rubbing their heads.

Watchdog "Fullsky! Are you alright?"

He comes over to her.

Fullsky "Yeah… I'm alright."

She coughs out some blood into her hand before being helped up by Watchdog. The police all stop and begin cleanup as one particular, the Chief, approaches them.

Chief "You know I appreciate the help but I still can't let you guys walk free. As unsanctioned heroes or police, what you are doing is technically illegal."

Watchdog "Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks for the repeated support though. I'm sure we'll see each other again soon."

He sighs and nods as Watchdog disappears with Fullsky. He looks off into the distance and shakes his head.

Chief "Man, what am I gonna do with those two?"

Watchdog eventually gets to an open park with no one around. He sets Fullsky down and she stands next to him.

Watchdog "You sure you're okay?"

Fullsky "Aw, are you worried about me? Afraid I'll die?"

She playfully presses herself close to him and boops his nose. He rolls his eyes as he grabs her wrists and pulls her hands away.

Fullsky "Hehe, I just got the wind knocked out of me. That's all."

Watchdog "I'm glad you're alright. What was that?"

Fullsky "I'm not entirely sure. There were multiple crates filled with guns and other contraband I assume. But that machine… It could grab me mid air and stop me completely. Not only that but it could also completely repulse everything in its way. It's not something we should take lightly…"

Watchdog "Yeah… Wherever they're hiding, they've got a bigger arsenal than we thought."

Fullsky "They're suiting up for something big. We've got to find out what."

As they discuss, we fade off to the half broken truck pulling into a large warehouse, location unknown. The people hop out the back as Frontier follows, still attached to the machine. The young woman gets out of the driver's seat meekishly. She begins to walk away as Frontier calls to her.

Frontier "Where do you think you're going?"

Young Woman "To the barracks…"

Frontier "Not yet you aren't. You're gonna come here and chat with me for a minute."

The young woman thinks for a moment before deciding to ignore her and tries to quickly get into the other room. Before she can, however, she is halted by the energy of the machine. She is then dragged over to Frontier and released only to be caught in the metal hand by the neck.

Frontier "You know he's not going to be very pleased to hear what you did."

Young Woman "Ngh… Who are you… to make that call?.."

Frontier looks around as the few others there are whispering, watching them. Frontier lets her go and she drops to the floor coughing, holding her neck. Frontier leans down over her.

Frontier "Who do you think he's going to value more? A cowering rat who can't even do her job? Or the one who saved the entire mission?"

Frontier stands up and looks at the others who have all gone quiet. Frontier begins to walk away.

Frontier "Unload the truck. He should be here soon."

It fades to black as Frontier walks away.

Later that week, Friday, the group heads for the gates of the school as class just got out. They all go over their plans for the weekend as they head out.

Haru "Now remember guys, we're meeting tomorrow at Chizuru's house early for the sleepover."

Chizuru nods in the background aggressively.

Hikigaya "And don't be afraid to ask for rides. My mom said she's more than happy to give us a ride there."

Lucy "Oh Hiki, could you take us? It'd be so much nicer than walking the whole way there."

She points to Ryuji who nods in agreement. Hikigaya agrees then turns to Shiori.

Hikigaya "So how about it? Want me to take you?"

Shiori is surprised for a moment and agrees begrudgingly.

Shiori "Sure. That only makes sense."

Haru "Great! Then I'll just get Sugawara and we're all set!"

The group all confirms the final arrangements before heading their own ways. Haru and Sugawara walk home together. Sugawara seems nervous for some reason and Haru notices so he asks.

Haru "What's wrong Suga? You nervous?"

He looks up at Haru, surprised and a bit embarrassed by him noticing.

Sugawara "It's that obvious?"

Haru smiles at him.

Sugawara "I've just never been to a sleepover before… I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do or feel…"

Haru "Well are you excited?"

Sugawara looks up at him again, slightly confused.

Sugawara "Of course I am."

Haru "Then feel happy. And don't worry about how to act. We're just here to have fun so relax. I'll be right there with you if you start to feel overwhelmed okay?"

Sugawara smiles at him and nods.

The next morning rolls around and Shiori wakes up looking a bit more energized than she usually does. She checks her phone and it reads 9:36 a.m. She smiles and gets out of bed. She packs her things she'll need for the sleepover into a duffle bag, changes and heads to the bathroom to prepare herself. She then comes into the kitchen where her mom is cooking.

Hamasaki "My, I haven't seen my Shiori so excited so early since her first field trip."

Shiori "Sorry, I know it's pretty early but we still have to go get snacks for later before we head over."

Hamasaki "Oh? Want me to take you then?"

Shiori "No, it's okay. Ms. Oshiro said she'd take us."

She goes and grabs her bag and heads for the door.

Hamasaki "Hey."

Shiori stops and turns as her mom lifts a breakfast sandwich in her direction.

Hamasaki "Make sure you eat breakfast. It's very important to eat properly."

Shiori smiles at her and grabs the sandwich.

Shiori "Thanks mama, love you, bye!"

She heads out. Takanou comes into the kitchen soon after.

Hamasaki "Hmm… do you think she'll be alright? She hasn't had friends in so long…"

Takanou "We'll just have to wait and see my love. But she's a strong girl. She'll be alright."

Shiori shuts her front door and turns to run down the hallway to the stairs but stops. She realizes she has a big smile on her face and she was running to get there sooner. Her smiles slightly fades and she stands normally.

Shiori 'I guess I really am excited… I am excited!'

Her smile comes back and she continues to run down the stairs.