
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

Sugawara's Secret. Caught In The Rain?

Shiori "With Lucy and Ryuji together even more of the original group is a couple now."

Chizuru "And you're okay with that? Ryuji and Lucy I mean."

She asks softly. Shiori looks at her surprised a bit then at Lucy and Ryuji nudging each others' heads. She then smiles softly.

Shiori "Yeah, I'm not really into Ryuji anymore. I haven't been for a while."

Chizuru "Oh? Is that role filled by someone else now?"

She wiggles her eyebrows at Shiori then looks at Hikigaya sitting next to her. Shiori rolls her eyes and gets embarrassed.

Shiori "Yeah right. He's only ever a pain in my ass."

Chizuru "Except for all those times he's not right?"

She looks at Shiori who gets surprised for a moment but then thinks about a few soft moments between her and Hikigaya. The time she bandaged up a cut on his eyebrow, the time he comforted her at the christmas party, him taking her valentine's chocolate, the kiss they shared as vigilantes, her crying with him when her dad lost her job, the time she fell on him at the amusement park and the kiss at the end of the play. She blushes a little as she remembers.

Shiori 'I guess… he isn't always so bad.'

She shakes her head then looks back at Chizuru.

Shiori "Yeah right! Besides, what about you? You're always into other people's love lives, what about you?"

Chizuru "Oh, yeah, that's not really for me. I'm not even sure how to love right haha!"

She laughs awkwardly a bit but smiles warmly.

Chizuru "But who knows what could happen, right?"

Shiori smiles and nods at her. Eventually, the night comes to an end. The group all help to clean the house before saying their goodbyes, leaving Sugawara and Haru alone. Sugawara cuddles up with Haru in his arms. Haru looks around with a smile on his face as he looks at the now quiet and empty house. His smile slowly fades as he realizes how empty it really is and when he's not around, this is what Sugawara has to deal with.

Haru "Hey, Sugawara, your house… Is it always this empty? I mean, I've never even seen your parents or anything."

He asks softly. Sugawara is surprised for a moment as he sits up before getting a slightly upset look. He looks away for a moment, hesitant to answer. He sighs as he sits up on his own and looks down.

Sugawara "My family is never around because they are always too busy to be a family."

He chuckles to himself a bit.

Sugawara "But what can you expect? Our name is Ito after all."

Haru gives him a confused look after he says that. Sugawara pauses, then looks at him confused too.

Sugawara "You know, like Ito Industries? The largest tech company in the world?"

Haru still looks confused as Sugawara sighs.

Sugawara "Ito Industries is the largest technology company in the world. We make all kinds of things from phones to microchips and medical equipment. And I am the direct descendant of its founder, Emeritus Ito."

Haru looks confused for a moment before getting a look of surprise.

Haru "Wait, so you're like royalty?!"

Sugawara sweats with a look of disappointment.

Sugawara "Not technically but I guess, yes in a way."

Haru calms down a bit.

Haru "But that still doesn't explain why your family is never around. Are they really that busy with their jobs? Don't they care about you?"

Sugawara gets a sad look.

Sugawara "It's not that they're that busy. At least, I wouldn't think so. It's just the way my family is. The way they always have been. Ito Industries is centuries old. My family has been running it for generations and they always do things this way. Once we turn 13 years old, we are sent to live on our own to learn how to survive by ourselves and focus on graduating the top of our class. Then, once we are old enough and have proven ourselves, we are to join the family in the business."

He looks down with a sad look in his eyes. Haru listens with a sympathetic look.

Sugawara "My close family has always been extra diehard about this tradition so I haven't even heard their voices or anything. I really do feel like they don't care at all…"

Tears form in his eyes a bit as Haru takes his hand. Sugawara looks at their hands and smiles a bit, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Sugawara "But it's okay because I don't need them. I have you and the others to be my family now!"

Haru smiles at him as they hug tightly.

Haru "I won't ever let you go."

He says softly. Sugawara's smile slowly fades as he gets a sad look again.

Sugawara "Yeah…"

Another day comes as Hikigaya, Haru and Ryuji hangout in Haru's room.

Haru "Ahha! Finally! Some guy time! It's been a while since we've had some time to ourselves since we have partners now."

He says excitedly. Hikigaya pouts a bit.

Hikigaya "Speak for yourself…"

Haru "Oh come on Hiki! You and Shiori are basically a couple at this point, right Ryuji?"

He nods happily. Hikigaya blushes and gets mad at them.

Hikigaya "We are not a couple! She doesn't even like me!"

Haru smirks.

Haru "Oh? But you like her?"

Hikigaya blushes harder at his question.

Hikigaya "N-no… I don't think so…"

Ryuji "That's convincing."

Hikigaya "Yeah well who asked you?!"

He shouts back angrily.

Haru "Haha alright, alright, we'll stop teasing you. Now, let's get this Brawlers Tournament on!"

Suddenly Hikigaya's phone rings. He is surprised and pulls it out to see Shiori calling him. He answers.

Hikigaya "Hey Shiori."

Shiori "Hey, Hikigaya. We're still going to the movies later, right?"

She says over the phone. Hikigaya sweats a bit.

Hikigaya 'Ah crap! I totally forgot we made plans today!'

Ryuji "Who is it?"

Hikigaya "It's Shiori. I forgot we made plans to go see the Super Romeo Bros. movie today."

He whispers while covering his phone. Haru and Ryuji get mischievous looks as they giggle.

Haru "Sounds kind of like a date, doesn't it?"

Ryuji "It does to me."

Hikigaya rolls his eyes before looking back at his phone.

Hikigaya "Whatever. I'm gonna tell her I forgot and we'll watch it another time."

Haru gets a shocked look before punching Hikigaya in the face. Hikigaya looks back surprised as a buff Haru stomps towards him.

Haru "You will do no such thing. A pretty girl has made plans with a loner like you. You cannot miss this chance."

Hikigaya "I'm not a loner, am I?"

He looks at Ryuji for assurance.

Ryuji "You're a loner."

He says coldly. Hikigaya gets frustrated and lifts up his phone.

Hikigaya "It's fine, it's not a big deal."

Haru "No!"

He tackles Hikigaya over. Shiori sits in her room with her phone to her ear looking confused as she hears rustling and fumbling on the phone. Haru pants as he gets Hikigaya's phone and puts it to his ear.

Haru "Hi Shiori, sorry, Hikigaya was just helping me with something but don't worry. He's on his way home now so he won't miss your date. Bye!"

He then immediately hangs up his phone as Shiori sits on her bed confused. She puts her phone down and sits in silence for a moment.

Shiori "Date?"

She thinks for a moment and starts blushing.

Shiori "Oh my Cos, it is like a date!"

She holds her face in embarrassment as Hikigaya rubs his head, sitting up. Haru hands him his phone as he looks up in confusion.

Haru "You better get going. Don't wanna be late for your date."

He says giggling. Hikigaya sighs as he takes his phone and stands up.

Hikigaya "What about the brawlers tournament?"

Ryuji "We can do it another time."

Haru "Yeah, but this is a one time chance for you and Shiori so go!"

Hikigaya steps out of the room before turning back around.

Hikigaya "And for the last time, it is NOT a date!"

He says before rushing out of the room. Haru and Ryuji giggle to themselves.

Later, Shiori and Hikigaya come out of the movie theater holding a small bag of popcorn.

Shiori "That was actually better than I thought it would be."

Hikigaya "A solid 8 out of 10 on my scale. Although, I would've liked to see more Armani and less Romeo personally."

Shiori smiles and nods before getting a surprised look when a raindrop falls on her hand. She looks at it for a moment before looking up to the sky when it starts to rain lightly. They're both surprised and rush to some cover while laughing a bit.

Hikigaya "Oh man, the popcorn!"

He says while holding a now soggy bag of popcorn.

Shiori "Forget the popcorn. How are we gonna get home now?"

Hikigaya "Maybe it'll go away in a few minutes?"

He says shyly. Shiori gives him a look as he looks down awkwardly.

Hikigaya "You're right, sorry."

Shiori thinks for a moment.

Shiori "Well, there's no way around it. We'll have to run for it."

Hikigaya "What?? But we'll get soaked!"

Shiori "Then you walk home, but I'm gonna run."

She says before taking off into the rain. Hikigaya hesitates for a moment before following her. They quickly get soaked from the rain as they make their way back home. They pant as they stand in the doorway of their house. Shiori looks at herself in her wet clothes.

Shiori "Aw man, this sucks! It was so warm earlier, why did it start raining suddenly?"

Hikigaya "I don't know, but this is so lame."

He says as he looks at Shiori. Suddenly, he starts blushing as he can see her bra under her now soaked wet shirt. She then begins to take it off.

Shiori "I gotta get out of these clothes. I'm going to shower, want me to grab you a towel?"

She says with her shirt around her hands. Hikigaya blushes and pauses for a moment as he stares at her. She looks down and realizes she is only in her bra and begins blushing too. She covers her chest and turns away a bit.

Shiori "Stop staring you perv!"

Hikigaya snaps out of it and quickly walks past her.

Hikigaya "Yeah, right! Sorry! I'm gonna shower, want me to grab you a towel?"

He points upstairs as she gets angry.

Shiori "No way! I said I was showering first! Were you not listening to me at all?!"

She shouts at him angrily as he looks away blushing. She realizes why he wasn't paying attention and blushes herself. She walks past him still covering her chest.

Hikigaya "Sorry, I'll just shower after you then…"

Shiori nods softly as they continue upstairs.