
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

Sugawara's Ambition! Riley's Support?

At Sugawara's home, early in the morning, Haru wakes up and sits up with a sleepy look and messy hair. He looks around before noticing Sugawara isn't in the bed with him. He gets up and walks out of the room before noticing Sugawara sitting at a large desk, tinkering with something, sparks zapping and parts kind of spread out.

Haru "Good morning love."

Sugawara "Oh, it's morning already? Sorry, I couldn't sleep, something was on my mind."

He says quickly as he focuses on his work.

Haru "Well with a brain that big, I'd be surprised if there wasn't something, haha!"

He says with a laugh as he walks towards Sugawara. He then gently places his hand on his back and leans over him.

Haru "But you remember what I told you. No tinkering before having breakfast. It's bad for your body. That's why you're so short and look like a girl."

Sugawara stops and pulls off his goggles and looks at Haru with an upset look.

Sugawara "I don't look like a girl!"

He is then interrupted by a kiss that Sugawara melts into after a moment. Haru pulls back a bit.

Haru "I like that you look like a girl. Now come on, I'll make us some breakfast."

Sugawara softly complies before putting his stuff down and getting cleaned up. Swiftly, breakfast is made as they sit together and watch TV while they eat. Haru speaks with a mouthful of food.

Haru "What are you working on anyway?"

Sugawara "It's the SSD Ms. Samuel gave me the other day. She said to use it towards my future and to fill it with my ideas."

Haru then looks at it surprised and slightly confused.

Haru "So you decided to tear it apart..?"

Sugawara giggles a bit.

Sugawara "No, silly. I'm upgrading it. I tried it but it just wasn't doing what I wanted it to so I'm changing it."

Haru shakes his head a bit with a look of not understanding.

Haru "I'm glad you can just do stuff like that because there's no way I could. Makes me confident that if anything in our house breaks, you've got it covered."

He says with a smile as Sugawara smiles warmly.

Sugawara "Yeah, I got it."

Another day, at school, Sugawara walks into class behind Haru as everyone's beginning to take their seats.

Samuel "Sugawara! I hope the drive I gave you worked well."

Sugawara "It did! I tore it apart."

He says with a big smile. Samuel sweats a bit, confused.

Samuel "Great.. Whatever works I guess."

Sugawara "Well, if I'm gonna filled with ideas that will innovate and change the direction of technology as a whole, I'm gonna need more than 500 gigs of data."

Samuel looks at him surprised and proud.

Samuel "Oh yeah? Finally decided to put that big brain to use, have you?"

Sugawara nods softly, a little embarrassed.

Sugawara "Yeah.. After what happened… I figured if I had something, anything to help, maybe things would have turned out differently."

Samuel smiles softly, understanding his feelings as he lifts his head with a proud look.

Sugawara "I'm going to make a difference. Create something that can help anyone at any time, anywhere."

He says with a bold tone as Samuel nods at him.

Samuel "And I can't wait to see you succeed."

She says softly as Sugawara blushes with a smile and nods happily. Later, as the group walks down the hall, Haru walks next to him.

Haru "So, a company to change the direction of science, huh?"

Sugawara nods happily.

Sugawara "Yes. Technology is the key to growth and I will evolve technology."

Haru smiles softly at him.

Haru "I know you will."

He then throws his arms behind his head.

Haru "But something like that would take a lot of money and considering how your brother left last time… I'm surprised we still even have the house."

Sugawara lowers his head a little, realizing he's right.

Sugawara "Yeah…"

Haru thinks for a moment.

Haru "Hmmm, maybe I can ask my mom and dad for some money? At least to get us started? Maybe Hikigaya will help, isn't his mom loaded?"

Sugawara sighs.

Sugawara "No, I'm not asking Natsu, Fuyu or Asami for money. That's just.. awkward."

As they walk, Riley steps in front of them.

Riley "I hear you are having a predicament in front of you."

Haru "Great, her again…"

Sugawara "Yeah, kinda. It's fine, I'll figure it out."

Riley then offers a large stack of Isos out of nowhere.


He shouts, his eyes popping out a bit. Sugawara looks stunned before shoving the Isos back into her hand and out of sight. The rest of the group stopping at their sudden shock.

Sugawara "Riley! You can't just pull out that much money!"

Riley "Why not? Have the others not seen Isos before?"

Haru "Not that much.."

Sugawara "That's not the point.. Come on, let's talk somewhere private."

He takes her hand and pulls her along for a moment as Riley blushes and breathes out a steamy breath. She tugs at the collar of her overly lavished uniform. 

Riley "Oh Suga… I didn't realize you were so forward… I don't know if I'm ready…"

The others giggles as Haru is stunned.

Haru "Hey hey hey! Nuh uh! None of that! That's my boyfriend, thank you very much!"

He yanks Sugawara away from Riley who immediately is back to normal. Sugawara, stunned by the sudden change of mood. In the Helper's Clubroom, they discuss business. As the entire group joins them, Milo rushes to Hikigaya and jumps on him, giving him a big hug.

Milo "So good to see you guys again!"

Shiori looks a little upset at her hugging him but doesn't say anything. After a moment, Milo turns and looks at Shiori.

Milo "And don't think I forgot about you, shorty!"

She then hugs Shiori tightly as Tsuki approaches Hikigaya. He offers his hand for a shake as Hikigaya looks at it. After a moment, he smiles and pulls Tsuki in for a hug. He hugs him tightly as his grip tightens enough to hear little cracks in Tsuki's bones. Tsuki looks nervous and unsure.

Tsuki "Uh, Hiki…"

He chokes out as Hikigaya smiles with a cold look in his eyes.

Hikigaya "All those thoughts you had about Shiori better be long gone.."

He whispers threateningly in Tsuki's ear as he nods.

Tsuki "Yep, totally. Trust me dude, they're gone."

Hikigaya lets him go with a big smile as Tsuki catches his breath.

Hikigaya "Great! Good to see you too."

He stares at Tsuki with a smile but threatening eyes as Tsuki nervously smiles and shakes Shiori's hand. 

Suiyoubi "Despite everything they've been through…"

Hisana "The Soul is a silly thing."

Mormo pops his head over Alice's shoulder from her bag.

Mormo "Yeah, yeah. All this love and care is gonna make me sick. I'm outta here."

He jumps down before heading for the door when it suddenly slides shut, slamming on his head. He screams and struggles to free himself as Kitaro looks at the group with a smile.

Kitaro "Whoops."

At the table, Sugawara sits across from Riley who smiles at him.

Sugawara "So what was all that about back there? With the money and stuff?"

Riley "Simple. The one I care for deeply is in need of financial support. Support I am plentiful of."

Sugawara sweats nervously a bit.

Sugawara "And there's no strings attached? You're not gonna want reimbursement or, like, me to do something with you..?"

He asks nervously as Riley shakes her head gently.

Riley "I will not blackmail you, Suga. I simply want to be a part of your life forever and I think this is the best way to do it, for both of us."

She says softly as she looks down a bit.

Riley "I know you love that strange boy a lot. I am not asking you to jeopardize that for me. I only want you to accept me into your life as someone important."

Sugawara hears the sincerity in her voice and smiles a bit.

Sugawara "You already were, and this won't change that."

She looks at him surprised.

Sugawara "But sure! I'll take your money too!"

He says with a soft giggle as Riley smiles, pleased.

Riley "Perfect."

Haru watches from a little bit away, pouting a bit.

Haru "Great, now I gotta deal with little miss flower begging for his attention all the time."

He pouts softly.

Ryuji "Are you really threatened by her?"

Haru looks away a bit, making duck lips.

Haru "no…"

He admits as Ryuji chuckles. Haru turns and looks at her a bit with a softer look.

Haru "I guess she is cute…"

He sighs.

Haru "Whatever, it won't be so bad."

Ryuji "That's right, buddy. Let it out."

Touma nods in agreement as Haru smiles at them.

Haru "You guys suck."

They give him a thumbs up. 

Sugawara "Well, with this financial gain, it seems I can get started on my business sooner than expected!"

He says with a smile as Riley nods.

Riley "I will get to work, right away."

Sugawara "Oh, you don't have to-"

He says, surprised.

Riley "I have already thought up some corporate names that are still available. I have researched other demographics we should shoot for to gain influence and Districts in most desire of such advancements. We should probably…"

As she trails off, Sugawara sighs and smiles a bit.

Sugawara "I guess she's got it all figured out."

He says softly as they continue.