
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

Stuck! Love Potion Finally Activates?

The group looks at her in surprise and concern.

Suiyoubi "What's wrong? Is she okay?"

Lucy "Yeah, yeah. She's fine but she suddenly got all red and hot. Maybe a fever but I don't think anything would set in this quickly. Other than that she said she was fine and just needed to be alone for a bit."

Sugawara "That's a relief."

Chizuru makes her way to Lucy and leans in close.

Chizuru "So what happened?.. Did she say what went on?.."

She whispers as Lucy smiles a bit.

Lucy "I'll fill you in later."

Haru "Well I'm starving! And if she ain't cooking, I say we go out to eat!"

He announces happily and most of the group seems to agree.

Kitaro "Sounds good to me."

Alice "But what about Shiori? We can't leave her behind."

Haru thinks for a moment with his hand on his chin.

Haru "True. I guess we'll get takeout!"

Ryuji "Some of us will go and some will stay."

Chizuru raises her hand excitedly.

Chizuru "Touma and I can stay! We'll make sure nothing bad happens to Shiori!"

She says happily as Touma blushes a bit at her words.

Touma "W-wait, I'm staying?"

Haru "Great! That works perfectly, we'll need the hands to help carry the food back haha! Now to just get Shiori's order."

Hikigaya "Wherever you go, she'll take macaroni and cheese with bacon bits and parmesan cheese grated on top."

He says quickly as he bounces in his seat. He's blushing intensely as he sweats. The group looks at him in confusion as he notices the looks and gets embarrassed.

Hikigaya "It's her favorite comfort food.. That way you don't have to bother her.."

He says as he looks down, red in the face and his leg bouncing as he sits on the couch.

Lucy "You okay man?"

Hikigaya "Yeah, yeah. Just a little.. Warm at the moment."

Lucy and Chizuru exchange sharp glares in an instant before looking normal again.

Chizuru "Oh, well maybe you should stay behind with Touma and I then."

Lucy "Yeah, maybe you can check on Shiori in a bit too."

Hikigaya smiles nervously and nods as he sweats and blushes.

Haru "Alright then, let's get moving! We gotta find a place to get some grub!"

The group gathers and makes their way out leaving behind Chizuru, Touma, Hikigaya and Shiori. Hikigaya stares blankly on the couch for a moment before Chizuru approaches him.

Chizuru "I think you should go check on Shiori. Just in case she's really sick."

Hikigaya looks at their room door for a moment before nodding.

Hikigaya "R-right."

He gets up and leaves the room leaving just Chizuru and Touma behind. She turns and looks at him as he blushes intensely and looks away. In Shiori and Hikigaya's room, his hand trembles over the door handle. He sweats and blushes intensely as he stares at it.

Hikigaya 'What's going on with me?.. My body feels funny… and I… I feel so…'

He shakes his head before opening the door.

Hikigaya "Shiori?"

He calls her name as he enters. On the bed, Shiori sits in a shirt and pajama bottoms. She looks up at him sharply as her blushing face is filled with surprise.

Shiori "You!"

She scrambles out of the bed and to her feet.

Shiori "Stay away from me!"

She says as she sweats and backs away. Hikigaya steps towards her.

Hikigaya "I think we need to talk."

Shiori "No! I mean, yes but not right now! I think you need to just stay away for a bit."

She backs up until she's against the wall behind her as Hikigaya approaches still.

Hikigaya "I don't think I can… Shiori, I…"

He says between hot breathes before standing above her. She closes her eyes and looks away as she presses against the wall. Hikigaya places his hands on the wall behind her and leans over her.

Hikigaya "Shiori…"

Shiori "Hikigaya…"

She says still looking away as he stares at her intently. Suddenly, the wall clicks behind them and spins quickly, pulling them into a small closet sized room, leaving an unpainted wall where they once were. The spin causes them to fall over, Shiori falling onto Hikigaya's chest as he leans against the back wall of the tight space. Shiori opens her eyes wide before throwing herself off of him and against the opposite wall. Hikigaya's legs are between hers as she presses on the wall behind him with one of her legs. Hikigaya's arms are pressed against the walls as Shiori presses one hand against the roof and the other on the wall as well. They are now stuck in a tight space together with their bodies acting in unexpected ways. In the living room. Chizuru props herself up from the couch, her hair ruffled a bit.

Chizuru "What was that noise? Was it Shiori and Hiki?"

Touma props himself up underneath her with a slightly dazed look.

Touma "Maybe we should check on them?"

Chizuru smirks before turning back to Touma revealing her laying on top of him.

Chizuru "Nah, they'll be okay. We're busy right now."

She says before pushing her lips against his as they lay back down on the couch.

Shiori "I-I'm sorry!"

Hikigaya "No, I did this! I don't even know what's going on."

He says with a nervous tone as he pushes up to try and adjust himself out from under her. This movement from his position to her causes her to wince and exhale before landing her hand on his chest.

Shiori "Ah! Hikigaya, stop!"

She says abruptly. He quickly stops and looks at her confused before noticing his position. His eyes grow wide as their blushes increase.

Hikigaya "I'm sorry."

Shiori shakes her head softly. They stay in that positon for a moment in silence, only hearing each other's breaths.

Shiori "Should we call for help?.."

Hikigaya "I don't think anyone will hear.. They went out to get dinner and I doubt Chizuru and Touma could hear us."

Shiori looks around a bit, timidly.

Shiori "What if we break through the wall?"

Hikigaya "No way. My mom would flip out."

Shiori lays her head back letting out a sigh.

Shiori "What's going on?.. My body is so… sensitive right now…"

Hikigaya "I know…"

She looks at him a bit.

Shiori "You too?"

Hikigaya "Yeah… I feel so hot and… you know…"

He says softly as Shiori nods a bit.

Shiori "Y-yeah… but why?"

They pause for a moment before laughing a bit.

Shiori/Hikigaya "Suiyoubi's love potion."

Hikigaya "I thought it wouldn't affect us."

Shiori "I guess our powers only delayed the effects.."

They crouch in that position for a bit in silence before Hikigaya adjusts himself a bit. This causes Shiori to gasp.

Shiori "Hikigaya! Stop moving!"

Hikigaya "I'm sorry but this position isn't exactly comfortable. Right?"

She thinks for a moment before nodding. She looks down before blushing some more.

Shiori "We could just… sit down…"

He looks down a bit before looking at her confused.

Hikigaya "But there isn't enough space for us both to sit."

Shiori shakes her head.

Shiori "I could… sit in your lap…"

Hikigaya's eyes widen as they stay in silence for a moment.

Hikigaya "Okay."

They adjust themselves for a moment before Hikigaya manages to sit on the ground. She stands over him, slumped over from the short height of the closet for a moment before lowering herself over him. She gets on her knees and sits just behind Hikigaya's bent knees behind her. She shakes a bit as Hikigaya watches her. She notices his gaze and gets embarrassed.

Shiori "Don't look at me like that dummy…"

Hikigaya "R-right…"

He says while looking away. They sit in silence before Hikigaya speaks up with an awkward smile.

Hikigaya "I guess we can't help but get stuck together haha!"

He says nervously as Shiori looks at him timidly. 

Shiori "Hikigaya.."

She whispers. He looks at her as she leans forward and wraps her arms around his neck. They pull close as she embraces him, laying her head down next to his. Hikigaya follows and wraps his arms around her as they hold each other in a tight hug.

Hikigaya "Shiori?.. What… How do you f-feel…"

He tries to stutter out but fails to finish his question. So Shiori decides to whisper back in his ear.

Shiori "H-Hikigaya… I want…"

His eyes widen as suddenly Shiori feels something before her eyes open wide and she darts up, slamming her head into the roof of the closet. She crouches down while rubbing her head with a pained look on her face. Hikigaya freaks out a bit and quickly apologizes.

Hikigaya "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I'll fix it, I-"

Shiori "No."

She says quickly, stopping his frantic apologies. She blushes before lowering herself back onto his lap.

Shiori "Leave it…"

Hikigaya gulps before nodding. They sit for a moment as Shiori presses her hands on his chest. She struggles for a moment before wrapping her arms around him again, hugging each other once again.

Shiori "Oh gods…"

She whispers as they hold each other tightly. 

Hikigaya "Shiori… Your touch… I can't…"

She lets go and throws her arms behind her head. She pants for a moment before leaning her head back.

Hikigaya "Shiori… I don't think I can do this…"

He then places his hands on her waist as he begins to lift her shirt, he struggles as he does.

Shiori "Hiki… please…"

She whispers as she leans forward, placing her forehead on his. They pants together for a moment before they lean close, preparing to kiss each other passionately when suddenly the spinning wall opens up, causing them to fall out of the small closet. They fall back as Shiori hits the ground and Hikigaya lands on top of her. They pant and sweat and blush as they look up to see Lucy smiling smugly over them with the rest of the main group.

Haru "Finally out of the closet, huh?"

He says smugly.