
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
161 Chs

Overwhelming Emotions

Sugawara takes a step toward him.

Sugawara "I-"

He takes another step but before he can say anything to him, his foot slips off the side of the rocks. He begins to fall off into the waterfall's direction but before he can go too far, Haru grabs his hand suddenly. Sugawara looks up at him with an intense look while Haru's face is blank. There was no thought in his action, he simply reacted and grabbed him just in time. After a moment, they both realize the situation they're in and Haru begins to sweat but smiles.

Haru "Ah, see? I told you. Adventure awaits.."

He tries to smile while holding onto the rock wall and pull him up. Sugawara sweats and is very scared but takes comfort in Haru's comment. As he almost has Sugawara up, the rock face he was using as leverage suddenly cracks. Haru shoots his head over for a moment to look at the crack before it completely gives and sends them both falling down the waterfall. Fortunately, the waterfall was not very big and they both splash down into the pool at the bottom. Haru makes his way to the surface first. He splashes around for a moment, coughing and trying to get his bearings. After a moment, he gains his composure and begins treading the water. He then frantically looks around.

Haru "Sugawara! Sugawara, are you alright? Where are you?"

He can't find him anywhere. Suddenly, he comes splashing out from below a bit away from Haru. Haru quickly notices and makes his way towards him. While swimming over he begins to realize that Sugawara is splashing and struggling to stay afloat. It wasn't long until Sugawara began to sink back under.

Haru 'He can't swim!'

Realizing this, he quickly begins diving and swimming towards Sugawara. He grabs him then quickly lifts him up above the surface. Sugawara gasps for air and still panics a bit before realizing he is okay and is drugged closer to the shore by Haru. Once they get close enough, they both take to their feet and stand for a moment trying to catch their breath.

Haru "Woah… *panting* that was way more adventure than I would've liked, haha! *panting* It's a good thing I got to you just in time huh?"

As he is saying this Sugawara stands up straight from the bent over position he was in with his back turned towards Haru. Haru begins to laugh after his comment before Sugawara suddenly turns around and slams himself into his arms. He wraps his arms around Haru best he can and pushes his head into his chest.

Sugawara "That *sniffle* was so scary…"

He begins to cry a bit as Haru, who was surprised by the sudden hug, slowly puts his arms around Sugawara back standing in the pool. Not long passes as they are now sitting on the dirt by the pool. Haru with his feet close to the water's edge and Sugawara with his knees pulled up to his chest.

Haru "Sugawara… Why didn't you tell me you couldn't swim? Especially when we were at the beach. Did you tell anyone?"

Sugawara "... No… I didn't want you guys thinking that I was weak or incapable of taking care of myself… I just… I don't want to give you any reason not to like me…"

He sniffles and looks away trying to hide tears forming once again. Haru gives him a saddened look. He scooches a little closer to him and puts his hand on his back.

Haru "Suga. There's nothing that could make me not like you. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear enough for you."

He smiles at him a bit and Sugawara begins to cry again. He falls over as Haru embraces him.

Sugawara "It's just… all my life I've been alone and… now I found you guys. You're all so nice and kind to me… I don't want to mess it up…"

Haru "You won't mess it up. I promise."

They hold each other for a little bit before heading back soaking wet.

Natsu "What happened to you guys?! Don't tell me you already went for a swim in the pond up stream! I was saving that for tomorrow's adventure!"

He exclaims, completely unaware of the events that just unfolded. The two of them just embarrassedly rub their heads.

Natsu "Well as long as you guys had fun. Now, go get changed. Grubs on."

He gives them a solid thumbs up and they do as they are told.

Later that night, well after the sun has set, the boys are in their tent laughing and enjoying each other's company.

Haru "Haha, yeah! I still can't believe you just went in the water and had a blast at the beach despite not being able to swim. Most people would want nothing to do with large bodies of water if they can't swim."

Sugawara "Well the water doesn't scare me. Besides, I knew we were only going in so deep. And you were there so I knew I would be safe."

He laughs and Haru laughs back but stops laughing a bit sooner than Sugawara. He smiles and blushes looking at Sugawara so happy.

Haru 'He's so… cute, smiling like that…'

Sugawara "Do you mean it?.."

Haru is suddenly snapped out of his daze to see Sugawara blushing and staring at him embarrassed. Haru suddenly freaks out too, realizing he was staring.

Haru "D-do I mean what?" 'Crap! I was totally staring! What is wrong with me?! He definitely noticed!'

Sugawara "When you call me cute… Do you actually mean it?"

Haru "Well of course I do! You're like the cutest person in our group! But, don't tell Ryuji that, he might get jealous."

He puts his hand next to his mouth and whispers, leaning in closer to Sugawara as if trying to keep it a secret despite it being just them here. Sugawara giggles to himself. Haru stares again and blushes while watching Sugawara.

Haru "Hey, Suga..?"

Sugawara "Hehe, yeah?"

Haru "What was it you were trying to say up there? Behind the waterfall?"

Sugawara smiles for a moment before an intense blushes rushes over his face as he remembers what he was going to do.

Sugawara "Oh uhhh that? I uhh was just gonna say how much I appreciate your friendship and stuff. Yeah haha that's it."

He says frantically rubbing the back of his head trying to cover up the embarrassment of his, almost, confession.

Haru "Oh. Okay, yeah, that makes sense."

Haru looks down after hearing his response. Sugawara catches his reaction.

Sugawara 'Is he… disappointed? Did he want something else?' "Haru…"

He looks up and starts blushing.

Sugawara "Could you… call me cute again?.."

He says while he pulls the collar of his shirt down, blushing intensely.

Sugawara 'What am I doing?! This is way too embarrassing! He's gonna think I'm creepy!'

Sugawara blushes and stares at Haru wanting him to call him cute again but is on the verge of stopping due to his doubts. Before he can, however, Haru responds.

Haru "You're… You're so cute."

He swallows mid sentence due to his high heart rate. Sugawara blushes more now and sweats. He doesn't know what to do next.

Sugawara 'Ugh, this is so awkward! I don't know what to do now! I just asked him to call me cute and that's it?!'

Haru "Sugawara… Could you come here..?"

He snaps out of his thoughts and sees Haru with his arms out for him to come closer.

Sugawara "You want me to… sit in your lap?.."

He nods.

Haru 'What am I thinking?! That's so weird, of course he won't! He's probably gonna think I'm some-'

Before he could finish his thought, he snaps out of it and looks forward to Sugawara's face being very close to his as he adjusts himself in his lap. Sugawara his his legs around Haru's waist and his hands on his side while Haru's legs hold him in place from behind. Sugawara makes eye contact for a moment with a terribly embarrassed look before looking to the side.

Sugawara "Do you still like Chizuru?.."

Haru is confused by the question for a moment before snapping back to now. He smiles and shakes his head a bit.

Haru "No.. I don't think so. I'm not sure I ever did. Maybe it was just the thought of her? I'm not entirely sure but I know now that this is where I want to be."

He puts his hands around Sugawara's back and brings him in close for a tight hug. Sugawara snuggles his face in his neck and wraps his legs around his waist a bit tighter. After a moment, they both pull back and put their heads together. They lock eyes as Haru slowly leans in a bit closer. Sugawara leans back a bit in automatic response but stops and closes his eyes. Haru follows through and puts his lips on his. The kiss for a moment before pulling away. They both are blushing intensely. Haru smiles awkwardly.

Haru "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to…"

Sugawara shakes his head.

Sugawara "Can we… again..?"

Haru looks at him as Sugawara gives him longing eyes. Haru slightly nods then leans forward and kisses him a bit more confidently than before. They pull apart after a moment then kiss again. As they do this, Sugawara slowly puts his arms around Haru's neck. Haru continues pushing forward with every kiss until eventually they lean so far that they fall. Sugawara lands softly on his back with his legs still wrapped onto Haru's waist and Haru with his hands next to Sugawara's head above him. They are both panting a bit. They stare into each other's eyes for a moment before Sugawara slowly raises his hands and opens his palms toward him. He has his arms open as if for an embrace.

Sugawara "More..?"

He says in a whisper as Haru smiles and leans in. He kisses him a few times before moving onto his cheek then along his face down to his neck. As Haru kisses Sugawara right where his jaw and neck meet, Sugawara lets out a small whimper. Haru slowly leans back up with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Haru "Was that okay?"

Sugawara bites gently onto his finger and looks away as he nods. Haru smiles and tilts Sugawara's face forward again and kisses him once more. Haru grabs the blanket and pulls it over them as they continue to makeout and eventually the night comes to an end.

In the morning, Sugawara is the first to awake due to sleeping on the ground on some bags and blankets, being so used to his comfy bed. He expresses slight discomfort before remembering the events of the night. He blushes deeply and looks down seeing Haru's arm wrapped around his waist. He gets a slightly surprised look when he realizes Haru is big spooning him. He then gets a pleased look and calms back down. As soon as he closes his eyes, Haru stretches his arm and other limbs out then rolls over, releasing Sugawara. He gets a displeased face then sits up. Haru then follows and rubs his eyes and yawns. He looks over to Sugawara.

Haru "Ah *yawn* Good morning Suga. Slept well I hope."

Sugawara "Y-yeah. I did, I guess.."

He responds with a slightly confused and concerned look. He watches as Haru gets up and changes into more functional clothes.

Haru "I'll meet you by the fire 'kay?"

He says with a smile and then exits the tent. Sugawara stares for a moment with a confused look.

Sugawara "He's so… calm about it. Is he?.."

He eventually comes out and joins the others for a campfire breakfast but is slightly concerned while staring at Haru who is acting suspiciously normal by Sugawara's standards. The day goes on as it originally was planned to. Natsu took them to the pond where they were before. Haru and Aki play around a bit and laugh while Natsu bumps Sugawara laughing as well. He smiles in response but is obviously more in his own thoughts. Eventually they pack everything up and begin the hike back to the car. Haru and Natsu sing a shanty while hiking. Sugawara watches closely but can't help but be bothered by Haru's demeanor. He is then poked on the arm by Aki.

Aki "Hey, you okay? You've seemed out of it today."

Sugawara "Ah, yeah I'm fine. Just… thinking I guess?"

Aki "Hm. Well please let me know if you want to talk. Haru can be a dummy sometimes and not get the hint."

Sugawara "Haha yeah…"

Eventually, the trip comes to an end and they drive their way back home for the next school day to start.