
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

Hisana's Reasoning. Unseen Consequences?

After that, she walks home from his house with a pouty look.

Hisana "What a dumdum! He didn't even try the cake!"

She pouts as her expression changes to a more softly sad look as she walks.

Hisana "I just wanted to tell him how I feel…"

In his room, Kitaro sets the cake down on his desk before picking up a candle and blowing it out.

Hisana "Why don't you just let me love you??"

She asks while playfully pouting. Kitaro doesn't look at her as he answers and only continues to clean up.

Kitaro "Because you don't know how to love. You flirt with every person you meet, most of them thinking they have a chance with you, and I don't want to be a part of the bit."

Hisana giggles a bit.

Hisana "I can't help it if I'm just so cute!"

Kitaro "Right, well that doesn't change anything. Now come on, we gotta clean up this mess."

Hisana's smile fades as she softly nods.

Hisana "Right.."

Back outside on the way home, Hisana's face gets even more sad.

Hisana "It's not my fault… You're the one who told me to be like this…"

In the fifth grade, a young Hisana meets a young Kitaro.

Hisana "Hey! You're cute, will you go out with me?"

Kitaro blushes and looks confused.

Kitaro "What do you mean 'go out'?"

Hisana "Like get married and stuff!"

Kitaro blushes even more.

Kitaro "N-no way! You can't just say that kind of stuff! You only do that with someone you really love!"

He says embarrassedly. Hisana is surprised for a moment before thinking and smiling at him.

Hisana "Okay, then I love you!"

Kitaro grits his teeth before standing up and yelling at her with intense blush on his face.

Kitaro "Yeah right, you flirty girl!"

He says before running off. Hisana stares at him as he runs away before smiling.

Some days later, she follows behind him after school.

Hisana "So how about now? Wanna get married?"

Kitaro "No way, you flirt!"

Some more days pass…

Hisana "Kitaro cutey! Look, I made you some Valentine's chocolates!"

She runs towards him and shows him the chocolates she made only for him to get disgusted as the sight.

Kitaro "You made these for me?.."

She nods happily.

Hisana "Mhm!"

Kitaro "Well that's very nice bu-'

Hisana "So we can get married now?!"

She asks excitedly as a vein pops on Kitaro's head.

Kitaro "That's not how it works you flirty girl! Now go away!"

He turns sharply and walks away as Hisana smiles at him.

Hisana "Kitaro!"

Kitaro "No way!"

Hisana "My love!"

Kitaro "Not a chance!"

Hisana "Cute boy!"

Kitaro "Go away!"

Time after time she would ask him to go out with her but every time he turned her down in embarrassment and while being flustered as the months go by. Kitaro ties his shoes one day after school as Hisana comes up to him with a smile.

Hisana "Hi Kitaro!"

He looks at her with a slight blush on his cheeks but goes back to tying his shoe.

Kitaro "You here to flirt with me some more?"

Hisana "Yep! Until you fall in love with me!"

She says happily. Kitaro pauses for a moment before speaking some more.

Kitaro "Why don't you go flirt with someone else?"

Hisana is surprised by his words.

Hisana "You want me to… flirt with someone else? Would you like me more if I did?"

She asks softly.

Kitaro "Yep. Loads more."

He says without a second thought or even looking at her. She stares for a moment at him.

Hisana "Okay."

She says softly before turning around sharply and walking away. He is surprised as he watches her go away. He then smiles.

Kitaro "Yes! Finally, she's going to leave me alone!"

He does a little cheer before looking ahead.

Kitaro "No more of this flirting stuff. I can finally get back to being alone. Just me… and myself…"

His smile fades a bit as days pass. Kitaro walks alone down a hallway when he sees Hisana giggling, jumping and turning around while talking to someone. He gets a scared look before diving behind a corner. He peeks his head out from behind the corner while sweating. He watches her as another boy steps towards Hisana. His eyes grow wide as she smiles at him and takes his hand before walking off together. Kitaro stares for a moment before getting a jealous look. Days turned into months as he watched her hangout and flirted with countless different people. Holding girls hands and giving big hugs to boys but each never sticking around for very long. Middle school comes as they continue this sequence. Everytime Kitaro saw her with someone else, he would feel more and more distant from her. One day in eighth grade, Kitaro walks by himself down a hall as he usually does.

Kitaro 'I've been watching her for years and I don't know why. She used to annoy me all day everyday, why would I care who she hangs out with, let alone flirts with?'

He has a conflicted look as he thinks deeply about her before he bumps into someone. He steps back with a surprised look.

Kitaro "Oh, I'm sorry-"

He stops when he sees the short girl in front of him. She turns and looks at him with a surprised look before smiling.

Hisana "Kitaro!"

Kitaro 'Her hair… she cut it short. It's… cute.'

He thinks to himself before stuttering out some words.

Kitaro "S-sorry, I should've been looking where I was going."

Hisana smiles at him.

Hisana "You can bump into me whenever you want."

She says playfully as Kitaro rolls his eyes.

Kitaro "Right. Well, sorry, I'm gonna go now."

He steps past her when he feels something tug his sleeve. He looks back surprised to see Hisana holding onto his sleeve. She softly turns and looks at him.

Hisana "Kitaro… Maybe wanna.. Hangout some time?"

She asks softly. He blushes and thinks for a moment.

Kitaro 'This girl has done nothing but annoy me and irritate me from the moment I met her. She brings me nothing but pain and stress. No way.'

"Sure, that could be fun."

He says with a warm smile. Hisana smiles widely before jumping onto him. He blushes and looks away as she cheers.

Kitaro 'What am I doing..?'

As they hug, a few others stand by and watch with jealous looks.

Student 1 "He's so lucky to have her whenever he wants."

Student 2 "She's so easy."

Hisana pulls back and looks at him.

Hisana "So does this mean we're getting married?"

Kitaro's vein pops.

Kitaro "No it doesn't!"

He shouts. Some months later, they eventually make it into high school. Hisana walks down the hall happily before a student approaches her.

Student "Hey, you're Hisana right?"

She is surprised but answers.

Hisana "Yeah."

Student "You're not like, dating that guy you're always hanging out with, are you?"

Hisana lowers her head a bit.

Hisana "No, I guess not."

Student "Oh good. I heard you do favors, I was wondering maybe we could…"

The student trails off as they talk alone in the hall. Hisana lowers her head as the student speaks his request to her. Her expression going blank.

Student "... but don't worry. I can make you feel really good too."

He says with a crooked smile. She looks at him and smiles.

Hisana "No, I'm sorry. I think you have the wrong idea."

She says before walking away past him. He gets an irritated look.

Student "Tch, whatever slut."

Hisana stops as her expression stays neutral as rumors and words of students float around her head.

Student 1 "I heard she used to be with all kinds of people."

Student 2 "We should head over to my place after school."

Student 3 "She's so easy to get with. She's always flirting with someone new, looking for something."

Student 4 "I could just lick yours if you want."

Many students' words play in her head from over the school year.

Hisana 'Ever since last year, people have been asking me to do all kinds of vulgar things with them. I guess all my flirting has made rumors that I do those sorts of things.'

She thinks to herself as her blank expression sits on her face.

Hisana 'It's okay though…'

She thinks as someone calls her name.

Kitaro "Hisana."

She looks up as her expression softens.

Kitaro "Wanna come over and play this game I just got?"

He asks her as she smiles at him.

Hisana 'It's for the one I love.' "Yeah!"

She says happily as she follows him.

Back at night on her way home from Kitaro's house, her expression is sad as she holds herself tightly.

Hisana "I just want you to love me too…"

She says softly as her eyes fill with hurt before she shakes her head and puts a smile on her face.

Hisana "It's okay! There's always next time!"

She says with a big smile and a determined fist in front of her chest as she makes her way home.