
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

Being More Assertive. Clearsky Appears!

Shiori and Hikigaya look up, surprised.

Shiori "You know about Fullsky?"

Sky "Well yeah! Lots of people do. She likes a legit superhero! Although, a lot of news outlets like to use the term 'vigilante' but I don't. She may not follow any pre-established rules but she saves more people than most others do! She's the reason I call myself Sky! I wanna be just like her when I grow up!"

She suddenly stops talking and looks concerned.

Sky "Hey, are you okay? I didn't hurt your feelings, did I?"

They all look surprised as they see Shiori crying. Tears roll down her cheeks without her realizing. She suddenly snaps out of it and wipes the tears away.

Shiori "Oh, yeah, no. I'm okay. Must've been something in my eye."

The others who know all smile warmly.

Hikigaya "What about Watchdog? I'm sure you've heard of him."

Sky "Oh no, he's the worst."

She says with an upset look.

Hikigaya "What!?"

Sky "He just doesn't have the same elegance as Fullsky does. He's so dark and brooding. Always rushing in and smashing things up. While Fullsky handles things cleanly and swiftly! Never having a scratch on her! And she's got super cool wings!"

Hikigaya "Well, I mean, sure she does but Watchdog has some cool powers too!"

Shiori "Alright, alright, that's enough of that."

Hikigaya pouts as Shiori gains Sky's attention again.

Shiori "So you like helping people, right?"

Sky "I do, the only thing is… because I've been running around helping out everyone who asks, I've had very little time to focus on my own stuff. Like studying and hanging out with friends… I haven't even been able to join any clubs yet."

Shiori "How about this? Why don't we solve all your problems right here?"

Sky "How are you going to do that?"

Shiori "Why don't you join the Helpers Club? That way you can still help people but still get to be in a fun club. On top of that, you can have more time to yourself as well as make many new friends."

Sky looks around at the others smiling at her. Sky tears up a bit and nods.

Sky "I think I'd like that a lot."

Shiori smiles.

Shiori "Great. But you can't join just yet."

Sky looks up confused.

Shiori "First, we will help you learn how to say no. Only help those that you think have earned it. That's something Fullsky would do."

Sky looks at her slightly confused but nods determinedly.

Shiori "Starting tomorrow, whenever somebody asks you for help, if you don't think it's important enough, you say no. Got it?"

Come the next day, in class, Sky writes down something on a piece of paper as a student comes up to her.

Student "Hey, Alice, I totally forgot to do the assignment last night. Let me just copy off of yours."

Sky looks at the student for a moment before looking past them and at Shiori who gives her a nod. Sky then looks at the student and shakes her head.

Sky "Sorry, I don't think so."

Student "Oh, okay. Yeah, sorry for asking."

They say then walk away. Sky smiles for a moment before grabbing her chest and exhales sharply.

Sky "Ugh that was scary! I wasn't sure if they were gonna kill me or not!"

Chizuru "You did it! Good job!"

Ryuji "It's hard at first but you'll get used to it."

The others all give her smiles and nods as Sky sweats and smiles back. Later, another student approaches her in the hallway and points behind her before grabbing her wrist. Sky then pulls her arm away, shakes her head and shrugs. The student awkwardly rubs the back of their head before walking away. Sky sighs as the group gives her thumbs up from around the corner. Sky smiles widely as the end of the day comes. The group meets up in their usual place as Sky calls for them from the same second floor window.

Sky "Hey guys! Wait for me!"

The group smiles and calls for her as she places her foot on the window frame, getting ready to jump out like before. Before she can jump, another student calls to her.

Student "Wait, Alice! The gardeners club needs your help again. We just got another load of soil for the planters and we need you to shovel it."

Sky "I'm sure you guys got this."

Student "But aren't you Sky, the helper hero? Don't you want to help us?"

She says in a way to try and manipulate her. Sky pauses for a moment before smiling at her.

Sky "Nah, I think I'd rather hangout with my friends today. Good luck though!"

She says before jumping out of the window. The student looks at her with an irritated face before walking away. Sky then flips in the air and lands on the ground in a nice pose. She wobbles a bit before standing up and posing in a similar way to how Fullsky would. They group cheers for her as they surround her.

Chizuru "That was so cool!"

Suiyoubi "We're so proud of you for sticking up for yourself."

Sky shyly appreciates their support as Haru gets their attention.

Haru "I'd say this was a successful day. Now why don't we head into town and get some ramen?!"

They cheer as they begin to walk away. Sky then approaches Haru.

Sky "Thanks Haru. For helping me become better."

Haru "Aw shucks, don't mention it. I didn't really do much."

He blushes and rubs the back of his head as Sky smiles. Shiori eventually makes her way next to Sky.

Shiori "You did good today. I'd say you even filled in the name Sky the Helper Hero."

Sky "Thanks but… I think I'd rather be called Alice for now. I'll leave Sky for the times when people really do need my help."

She gives Shiori a warm smile as she smiles back. Shiori then looks forward as they walk.

Shiori "That sounds like a good idea to me. Although, you could probably use a name change. Sky just doesn't sound right. Why don't we call you Clearsky instead?"

Suddenly, Alice stops walking as a look of awe comes across her face. Shiori turns and looks at her confused.

Shiori "What's wrong Alice?"

Alice then starts blushing and tearing up as she jumps on Shiori giving her a big hug.

Alice "I like that name… I really like that name a lot..!"

Shiori smiles after being surprised with the hug. Alice then lets go and gives a big smile.

Alice "Alright, onward to ramen!"

She says as she rushes forward with the group. In Kenji's ramen shop, the group sits at a big table enjoying their food.

Shiori "So, how much do you know about Fullsky?"

Alice "Well, I've been following her online for about 8 months now. Anytime a video pops up about her or news talks about her, I look into it. I know that she seems to have many different powers and always uses them when fighting her opponents. If anyone shows her something new, she can counter it! I also know that she always covers half of her face. We've never seen her full face before and I think I know why."

Shiori chokes on her food for a moment before looking at Alice.

Shiori "O-oh yeah? Why's that?"

Alice "Well I think it's because she has a deformity or something. Like a huge scar or maybe discolored eyes! In fact…"

She turns and looks at Shiori who has discolored eyes and a scar under her left eye. Shiori looks away, trying not to make eye contact as Alice studies her face.

Alice "You have discolored eyes too… You should totally watch some Fullsky videos with me! You'd love her!"

Shiori "Haha… yeah maybe I will."

Haru "Anyway, Alice, when are we gonna hangout! I want to see what kind of video games you have!"

Kitaro "Me too."

Alice "Oh yeah, that's right! Let's do it soon. I have the new Itondo Shift system. We can play in the living room."

Kitaro and Haru high five each other as the others get excited. Alice then looks at Tsuki as he takes a bite of food.

Alice "You can come if you want Tsuki."

He looks at her confused.

Tsuki "What changed?"

Alice "I didn't want the others to not come because there were too many people and I know you the least so I wouldn't be upset if you didn't come. But you seem cool, so you can hang."

Tsuki "I'm not sure if I should be offended or grateful but… thanks."

He gives her a slight smile as she smiles back.

Another day, the group makes their way to Alice's home. It is an average sized home as Alice swings the door open.

Alice "Hello friends! Welcome to my stronghold! Please, come in!"

The large group comes in and sits around the living room, some on the couches and some on the ground as Alice follows.

Suiyoubi "Your house is really nice Alice."

Alice "Thanks! I live here!"

She says happily before turning around and slamming her fist into her head, upset.

Alice "So stupid! Of course I live here!"

Kitaro "We should start with some games first."

Haru "Yeah! Like the new Fario Party Megastars!"

Lucy "I don't know, I'm kinda hungry."

Ryuji "I can cook something for you guys."

Lucy "Oh that would be so sweet of you."

She says as she bumps her forehead into his face softly. He blushes and looks away a bit. Alice snaps towards them.

Alice "Oh! Don't worry about that! I ordered pizza! I hope I got enough…"

She turns, revealing six large pizza boxes on the counter. Lucy and Hikigaya get excited over the food and rush to get some. Alice watches happily as Hikigaya speaks to her.

Hikigaya "You know, for someone who hasn't had friends over in many years, you're doing really good."

Alice "What?? How did you know??"

She jumps back in shock at his statement. He smiles and looks at Shiori.

Hikigaya "I guessed. I have some experience in telling if someone has had a rough time making friends."

Shiori sticks her tongue out at his playful words. Alice smiles and nods embarrassedly.

Alice "Yeah, it's… been awhile. Especially with so many."

Lucy "Well, welcome to the club."

She pats her on the shoulder before heading back to the couch next to Ryuji. Alice smiles warmly in response.