
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

Always Loved You. Conarc's Message!

He thinks about her words for a moment before his eyes widen. 

Kitaro "Back then… in fifth grade…"

He looks at her as she cries before rushing to her and wrapping his arms around her.

Kitaro "No, no Hisana! I didn't mean to-"

She shutters and whimpers in his arms as the weight of his actions hit him all at once. He trembles a bit as his grip tightens on her, sadness forming on his face. 

Kitaro "It's all my fault…" 

He says softly as Hisana's crying softly stops. 

Kitaro "Hisana… I've always loved you…"

Her eyes widen as he speaks, holding her close to his chest.

Kitaro "From the moment we met, I knew I loved you… You were so cute and bright, I couldn't do anything else… but that's what scared me."

They pull away as Hisana stares at him with a surprised look as he looks away awkwardly.

Kitaro "You're so much more attractive than I am, everyone wants to be with you. I'm just scared you'll finally realize how lame I am and just… replace me… Maybe every time I turned you down it was really to spare me the pain… not you…"

He admits with an embarrassed and ashamed look. Hisana stares at him for a moment before a big smile spreads across her face.

Hisana "Kitaro you dummy! Who else would take care of me the way you do?"

He looks at her a little surprised and a little concerned. 

Kitaro "You're… not mad? About what I said?"

Hisana shakes her head.

Hisana "It hurt the same as all those rumors do but… if you love me back… there's nothing that can hurt me anymore!"

She says with a big smile as Kitaro blushes intensely, looking at Hisana whose eyes are tired and worn with a sniffly nose and red cheeks from crying yet the smile on her face is so pure and true. Kitaro lifts his head a bit and looks at her with a confident but still embarrassed look.

Kitaro "I do… I'm in love with you Hisana!"

He says out loud as she smiles at him warmly. They look at each other for a moment before Hisana gets an excited look.

Hisana "Does that mean we can finally get married??"

She asks excitedly as Kitaro droops from her question.

Kitaro "And back to normal, just like that…"

He smirks a bit before patting her on the head.

Kitaro "Nope. Not yet. We're still in highschool, dummy."

She smiles at him as he lowers his hand and smiles back. 

Kitaro "But… one day we will…"

He says softly with a loving smile before walking away. Before he can get a step away, Hisana tugs on his sleeve, still standing in place. He looks back confused as she looks down with an embarrassed and shy look.

Hisana "Aren't you… forgetting something?"

She asks softly as Kitaro looks at her. He smiles a bit before stepping towards her and taking her hand. They pull in close and lean closer, slowly, as they close their eyes. In a moment, they press their lips together in a warm kiss, covered in dried tears and intense emotions. Hisana bathes in his scent and touch as her longing for the past 8 years is finally met. After a moment, they pull away as Kitaro gives her a warm look.

Kitaro "You okay?"

She smiles a smile as if drunk before her knees buckle and she collapses but Kitaro quickly catches her with a shocked look.

Kitaro "Woah! You okay??"

He asks again more frantically. Hisana sighs in relief.

Hisana "It's so much better than I dreamed it would be."

She says with a goofy look as Kitaro sighs in relief. He helps her stand up before taking her hand.

Kitaro "Come on, let's go home."

Hisana nods happily.

Hisana "Yes please… boyfriend."

She says with a bright smile as Kitaro smiles back. 

In late may…

An office building bustles and works as another normal day plays out. A familiar man types at his computer for a moment before stopping and leaning over to his office phone and picking it up, dialing a number.

Murphy "Hello Diana, did you have a chance to get the Mattpad contestants in order yet?"

He asks before pausing for his answer and smiling a bit.

Murphy "Great, mind if I swing by now to take a look? Be there in a few."

He says before hanging up and standing up. He knocks on a door frame to another office where a woman is sitting at her desk.

Murphy "Diana."

Diana "Murphy, perfect. Let's get this list in order so we can have our editors go through and pick the winners."

He pulls up a seat next to her as she pulls up a list of book covers and descriptions. As they cycle through, Murphy gets a surprised look a bit.

Murphy "Wait, could you scroll back up?"

She is confused but does as she's told.

Murphy "There, wait a moment."

He analyzes one book in particular with a familiar cover art. He reads the description before getting a warm look.

Murphy "The Shadow and Her Pet…"

Diana "Quite the name. Definitely an eye catcher, and that cover. Think she got that commissioned by a professional?"

Murphy smiles a bit before sitting back in his chair.

Murphy "Could you send that one to my computer? I want to take a look at that one myself."

Diana "Oh yeah? I know that look, you want to make this one a winner already, don't you?"

She asks smugly as Murphy smiles at her before looking back at the computer.

Murphy "Come on, let's finish up."

She sticks her tongue out playfully before they continue on. 

Early another morning, Shiori stands in her inner desert. Rain pours down from the thick layer of clouds above her head as the white sand never seems to get wet or muddy. She stares off before lifting her head, letting the rain hit her face.

Young Shiori "It's started raining a lot again lately."

Shiori lowers her head and looks at her younger self sitting on the ground in front of her.

Shiori "Yeah, it has."

Young Shiori "People have been getting hurt because of you again, haven't they?"

Shiori nods a bit before smiling softly.

Shiori "Yeah. But… maybe this time it isn't my fault…"

The younger Shiori just stares at her in surprise.

Shiori "I will always try my best to be the best I can be. And even though it hurts, this time I have people who've shown me it doesn't have to be my fault. Sometimes, bad things happen, done by bad people, but that doesn't make it my fault."

The younger Shiori smiles a bit.

Shiori "That makes me feel so much better."

She says softly before looking up at the sky.

Young Shiori "Look, the rain's letting up."

Shiori looks up with a soft but sad smile on her face.

Young Shiori "You should find him."

Shiori looks at her younger self confused as she looks at her with a smile.

Young Shiori "Your first friend."

Shiori is surprised as a pair of arms slowly and softly wrap around her from behind, holding her gently. She opens her eyes to find herself in her bed, just waking up. Hikigaya sleeps behind her, wrapping her in his arms. She looks tired but smiles a bit while grabbing his arms warmly. 

Shiori "I've already found him…"

She says softly as they cuddle a bit. Later, Shiori eats breakfast as Hikigaya sits down next to her. 

Hikigaya "The contest winners come out soon, don't they?"

Shiori "They were announced a few days ago."

Hikigaya looks a little upset.

Hikigaya "Did you win?"

Shiori shrugs.

Shiori "I dunno. I didn't get any emails or anything."

Hikigaya "Well, that's okay. It doesn't matter."

Shiori "I know I did my best. I'm proud of my book, even if no one else reads it."

She says confidently as Hikigaya smiles before kissing her on the cheek.

Hikigaya "I love you."

He says softly as she smiles and blushes. She then hears her phone vibrate so she checks it, noticing an email. She looks surprised before opening it.

Hikigaya "What is it?"

Shiori "An email… from Conarc Editors…"

She says softly and surprised. Hikigaya looks surprised.

Hikigaya "I thought you totally blew it with them?"

He says blatantly as Shiori gives him an upset look at his abrasiveness causing him to look away awkwardly. She then continues reading.

Shiori "'Dear Ms. Inabi, We saw you submitted your book The Shadow and Her Pet to Mattpad for the Springling Contest and although we have decided to select others as winners for out contest, we have decided your book would be undersold if only labeled a contest winner. We would like a chance to complete the paperwork on your book to get it integrated in our system and give you the platform you have so obviously earned. Looking forward to hearing from you again. - Murphy Law, Conarc Editors.'..."

She says out loud softly. Hikigaya stares at her with wide eyes as she stares too. 

Hikigaya "Shiori… Do you know what that means?"

Shiori simply nods slowly.

Hikigaya "Shiori! You did it! Your book is making it big!"

He hugs her as her eyes shine brightly.

Shiori "I… did it…"

Hikigaya looks at her phone before noticing something.

Hikigaya "Hang on, there's a follow up email."

Shiori "'Also, if you're able, we would like you to stay in contact with the artist who made your book cover. We'll cover any commission fees. We were very impressed with the artwork and want you and them to continue working together.'"

She says as they both look at each other, stunned, before jumping up and hugging each other happily. As they celebrate, Asami walks in and pats her on the head after they pull away from each other.

Asami "See? I knew you could do it. Who said you needed my help to pull some strings?"

Takanou "I distinctly remember you offering to cheat for her multiple times."

He says, walking behind her. She turns and smirks at him smugly.

Asami "Did I now?"

She says before following him. 

Hikigaya "Okay! I'm gonna get working on some character sheets! Can't show up empty handed."

He says with a smile before rushing upstairs. Shiori smiles at him before looking back at the email.

Shiori 'I can't believe this is happening. This is a dream come true.'

She thinks to herself, warmly, proud of what she's accomplished.