
Stray Clouds

Shiori Inabi, a young girl fresh into highschool, has a hard time making friends or even tolerating people in the first place. She feels everyone around her isn't worth the time because they are all toxic and evil anyway. But before the school year even starts she is thrown into a situation far crazier than anything she has ever experienced. Now she has to figure out how to deal with the flood of new emotions and events going on in her life. Will she be convinced to change her ways or only be solidified in her belief that people are bad?

SCandleStudios · Sports, voyage et activités
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161 Chs

A Secret Room? Like Sisters.

Kitaro and a few others look around the lower side of the structure when he comes across metal bars blocking off a doorway shaped hole in the stone wall leading to a room below the stage. 

Kitaro "Check this out."

Shiori, Hikigaya and Ryuji look at it.

Kitaro "You'd think there would've been a door here, with the windows being completely open and all."

He points to the square cutouts in the stone wall that look like windows.

Ryuji "Think they're hiding treasure in there?"

Shiori "Only one way to find out."

She smirks as Hikigaya steps forward.

Hikigaya "Please, allow me. Don't want to get your pretty little hands dirty."

He says flirtatiously as Shiori blushes and smiles while playfully waving her hand at him. Hikigaya grabs the bars and grunts as he bends the metal, opening a way through them. 

Hikigaya "Tadaa."

He motions to the entrance. The four of them go inside and look around only to find more vines and an empty room. 

Kitaro "Guess not."

He says, disappointed. Shiori looks around and runs her hand along the back wall before noticing grooves in the wall going from the floor to the roof. She examines it for a moment before gently pushing the door shaped stone with both her hands. It slides back a bit before slowly descending into the floor below. The guys turn around with surprised looks as Shiori smirks and points her thumb at it.

Shiori "Heh. Secret door."

The four of them peek their heads through and gaze into the dark room. 

Hikigaya "Give you twenty creds to go in there."

He says with a smug look to Ryuji. Before he can respond, Kitaro slaps his hand and walks in.

Kitaro "Deal."

They're surprised as Kitaro casually walks into the room. He looks around before looking back to the others and shrugs.

Kitaro "I don't think there's anything in here."

He looks back down before smiling a bit.

Kitaro "Wait, I think I found something."

He bends down and grabs something but the others can't see what it is. Kitaro gets a confused look.

Kitaro "What the?.. What is this?.. It's a…"

His eyes grow wide when suddenly he turns sharply and throws what he picked up at the others with a shout, causing the three of them to scream in fear and jump back before running away. This startles the others as Samuel watches the three of them run a little away from the structure. 

Samuel "Come on! Everyone off the structure, now!"

She commands as the class quickly gathers themselves around Hikigaya, Shiori and Ryuji.

Samuel "Are you okay?? What happened??"

She asks concerned when Kitaro steps out of the room they were just in with a smirk.

Kitaro "Dead tree branch."

He says casually while lifting up a fallen tree branch he found in the room. The three of them get angry looks as Samuel sighs in relief.

Shiori "You jerk! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Hikigaya "I'm taking all your creds for that!"

They shout while tackling him to the ground and beating up Kitaro in a dust cloud. The others shake their heads.

Sugawara "Tough.."

Hisana "Why would he do that?"

Shiori holds Kitaro by the shirt as he hangs there all beaten up.

Kitaro "Totally worth it.."

He says with a weak thumbs up. 

Eventually, the hike is brought to a close as the class moves onto the next activity. They are walked through the nature center as two staff members educate them on the wildlife of the surrounding area. After that, they sit together for a good lunch where Daiki takes a bite of his sandwich which squirts out the jelly inside onto Haru's face causing the others to laugh in response. And after that, the class takes a trip to the archery range where they each take turns shooting the target. Shiori lands a bullseye, Hikigaya gets an average score, Haru completely misses as the others laugh at him as he droops a bit. Chizuru aims carefully, sticking her tongue out as she does. She releases as the arrow strikes dead center of the target. She smiles big as the others get surprised looks before cheering for her. Soon, the shenanigans of the day come to a slow stop as the class is released for free time before the sun begins to set. Chizuru, Lucy and Shiori sit on a hill a little ways away from the main area of the camp. They sigh in pleasure as they look over the forest and the camp with happy smiles on their faces. 

Chizuru "This is the best."

Lucy "You can say that again."

Shiori looks at her with a taunting look.

Shiori "I thought you were the one against going camping?"

Lucy "No no, what happened was I was the reason we went camping. It was all my idea."

They laugh together before sitting and listening to the peaceful sounds of the forest. 

Chizuru "I'm so happy.."

She says softly as the others look at her and smile.

Chizuru "I really.. didn't think I'd make it this far."

Their soft looks turn to more concerned ones.

Lucy "Chizuru, don't say that."

Chizuru "Sorry! I don't mean to bring down the mood. I just… I think sometimes that I'm not strong enough. Sometimes just doing daily tasks become more difficult and I… get scared."

She says softly with a smile. Shiori looks unsure what to say and so does Lucy for a moment before she smiles and wraps her arm around Chizuru.

Lucy "Ah but don't be! You're gonna live until you're 200 years old, remember? You promised."

Chizuru giggles.

Chizuru "I did, didn't I?"

Shiori smiles and looks down.

Shiori "Hey, guys?"

They turn and look at her.

Shiori "I've been meaning to ask you about how you guys met. From what I've gathered, you've known each other for a long time, right?"

Lucy smirks as Chizuru smiles a big smile.

Chizuru "Yeah! Lucy and I met in kindergarten. After that, she introduced me to Ryuji. And he introduced me to Haru!"

Lucy "Kinda funny how that works, huh?"

Shiori nods with a giggle before getting a surprised look.

Shiori "But what about Hikigaya? When did you meet him?"

Lucy "Oh, that loser came way later. I think we met him in, like, 3rd grade? Something like that."

Chizuru "Yeah, one day during recess, while we were playing, we saw this lonely kid with grey hair. He was so sad looking!"

She says with a laugh. Shiori looks interested in what they're saying. 

Shiori "Where did he come from?"

Lucy shrugs.

Lucy "I dunno. He never talked much about his life before that. Apparently he was kind of a loner there too. Although, he did talk about one girl in particular a lot."

She says, gazing at Shiori before looking away with a smirk.

Lucy "But that's a story for another day. Chizuru was way more interesting back then."

Chizuru blushes and rubs the back of her head bashfully.

Chizuru "Nooo, I was just like any other kid."

Lucy "Yeah right. You really tried making friends with every person you met, yet that never turned out so well."

Chizuru "Yeahhh, they usually would start picking on me because of my hair.."

She says with an embarrassed look.

Lucy "At least it kept things interesting. Ryuji and I would take care of things as Haru comforted you with those stupid faces he'd make!"

She says with a laugh, thinking back to those times. 

Chizuru "Then Hikigaya came along and made sure every bully stayed far far away!"

Shiori smiles warmly at them.

Shiori "It sounds like you guys love each other very much."

Lucy "Are you kidding? I can't stand this girl."

She says sarcastically as Chizuru gets a shocked look. Shiori then giggles.

Shiori "I can tell!"

They all laugh until Chizuru sighs softly with a warm smile on her face.

Chizuru "Honestly, she's really like my sister. I don't know how I could ever show how much she means to me."

She says warmly while staring into the forest. Lucy smiles before pulling in Shiori and Chizuru for a side hug.

Lucy "Of course that means you too, Shiori! Now you'll never get rid of us!"

She says with a laugh as Shiori blushes and smiles awkwardly. They sit and giggle together on the hill, overlooking the camp and forest. 

Later, while the class is still split to do their own things, Shiori, Hikigaya, Chizuru, Touma and Alice hangout in the mess hall playing a board game when suddenly the lights turn off. They look around, confused when a glowing light is seen through the windows and front doors.

Chizuru "Guys?.."

She asks nervously as Shiori and Hikigaya get up.

Alice "What's going on?"

The group sticks together as they step outside into the chilled air. They see small candles forming a path down and around a bend. They look at each other before nodding and deciding to follow. As they walk down the path a bit, they notice another glowing light path coming from the cabin. 

Touma "Look."

Chizuru "Thank goodness.. It's the others."

Soon, the two paths merge as the group forms.

Lucy "What's up guys?"

Hisana "What do you think's going on?"

Alice "No idea but at least we're together, right?"

They look at each other for a moment before realizing Haru and Sugawara are nowhere to be found.

Alice "Oh no! The monster ate them!"

Airi "Monster!?"

They hug each other tightly as they cry in panic.

Hikigaya "No! There is no monster! Let's just follow this path and see where it leads us."

He says, slightly irritated by their crying. The group follows the dimly lit path, noticing the power seemingly being turned off to the rest of the camp. Eventually they see a brighter glowing in the distance. As they get closer they notice a large fire burning. Soon the path forms onto a prebuilt path leading to an archway with the large campfire set in the middle of the area.

Alice "Stay diligent. The monster may still be hunting us! This may be a trap!"

She says while looking around, her hands out ready to chop anything that comes near her. 

Daiki "Woah, look!"

He stops and points at two figures standing before the fire to the side. Alice stares at him for a moment before yelling and hitting him in the face.

Daiki "Ow! What the hell!?"

Alice "Sorry, I just needed to hit something."

The figures turn as they hear them. They begin to step forward towards the group as they tense up.

Hikigaya "Here we go.."