

The year was 2009, it was James and Jessica's 10th birthday and their parents Jason and Victoria have been planning a birthday party for them , even if they didn't want one. James was sort of the loner type at his school and his parents nor his siblings were okay with that. The only friend he had was the little rich boy from across the street, Cameron Price. James has always seen Cameron across the street and has never stopped looking at him ever since. Jessica really wasn't too keen on making friends, but her sister Vanessa always made sure she talked to somebody.

"James!" Jessica called excitedly.  Her bouncy curly hair flowed as she ran with her short legs to James to tell him some good news. James quickly turned off his laptop in embarrassment and smiled like he never smiled in his lifetime. "Cam is at the door, he brought some stuffies for us to play with!" She giggled happily, pulling James up from the couch to the door to see cam. "I'm too old for stuffed animals and they're too girly." James groaned, jerking his arm away from  Jess' grip. "says the one who was watching Justin Bieber all day!" James ignored her sassy remark and opens the door to see a happy Cameron, fluffy hair in the wind, leather jacket in one hand and stuffed Koala bear in the other. James' heart felt like it was two times bigger than before, his hands were slightly sweaty as he shakily reaches for his gifts. Jess notices that he's moving too slow, pushing James towards the light brown haired boy, causing them to form into a hug. "Happy birthday, James!" He said in between giggles. Jessica clears her throat, reaches over to Cameron and thumps his head. "Sorry, Happy birthday to you too, Jessie." Cameron lets go of James and went inside the house. 

He cheered, sniffing the sweet smell of freshly baked cupcakes in the kitchen as he'd stepped foot into the Decker's house. Cameron tried speeding he was into the kitchen, only to be pulled by James strong grip. "Wait until my mom calls us, dude!" James says as he pulls him upstairs to his room. They open the door and see Vanessa on her laptop video chatting with her best friend, Henry, Hen for short. Vanessa gasped in shock quickly closing the laptop trying to block the sound of Hen's voice. His high pitched voice can still be heard but the words are inaudible. "Get out of my room!" James hissed. He stormed up to her, snatching her laptop, and threatening to throw it out the window. Cameron and Vanessa both scream in terror and he keeps lowering it down, making them think his this close to dropping it.  

James finally gives up, still angry at the fact that she went into his room without permission. He throws the laptop at Vanessa's head, knocking her on the floor. This was James' first outburst on a person and it wouldn't be the last. James had thought this would be the one time he'd do physical damage to a human. 

James and Cameron Panic loud enough for James' dad to come in his room, panicking as well. "What the hell did you do?!!" Jason screams. James didn't know what to do or to say, he just stared at Vanessa on the floor, moaning in pain and stuttering trying to explain his actions. "It was an accident, sir. We were playing and it got carried away-" Cameron got interrupted by Jason. Jason knows his son more than anyone else does, he knew that it wasn't Cameron's fault. He knew how mad he gets even if he'd never seen anything like this before. Jason carries Vanessa to Victoria to take care of her as the loving mother always would. 

James and Cameron calm down a bit, laying on the bed and thinking about what had happened just then. Cameron holds James' hand with hesitation, he was scared at the moment but wanted comfort from James. Cameron never held back when it came to comforting a friend or wanting comfort from a friend, but at this moment it felt more different than just a friendship thing. He soon realized something that James didn't and that was loving a friend. Cameron sits James up and grabs the leather jacket and drapes it on his shoulders. James puts the Jacket on. He turns to Cameron and asked: "Why did you try to cover for me?" Cameron sighed and held his hand again, but this time James slid his hand away. "I'll always be there no matter what, James!" "You'll change your mind on that in a few years."