
CHAPTER TWELVE ~~Charlotte is Pregnant

Mr. Jack stood by his window pane watching the beautiful city, the view was very refreshing and able to warm him up.

"Mrs. Smith." he called and she showed up almost immediately.

"A glass of brandy and my cigarette plate please." he ordered while she bowed and left. He smiled at the beautiful view infront of him before he went back into the living room and sat down on his couch, he thought of Charlotte. He have been seeing her on the news but not so often these days, and every time she's giving out a message, she tends to be more aggressive, almost like she's talking to him. She'd whine about what cigarettes can make someone do, how they can lose their senses and rape people. At first, he thought it was fun but as it continued, he wasn't finding it funny at all. But that didn't stop him from missing her. *__Her upset eyes whenever she looked at him. Her tired eyes when she was exhausted and her moaning eyes when he goes into her__* he wanted to feel that again.

He missed her greatly. He missed her blunt words. Mrs. Smith came back to the living room, dropped his orders and turned to leave. "Mrs. Smith."

"Yes sir."

"Have you heard from Miss Charlotte?"


"Okay, tell me about it." he said as he lit his cigarette and took a hard puff at it.

"The last time we got in touch with her, she was in the hospital few days ago with her boyfriend."

He furrowed his brows. "Hospital?" Then a concerned look flashed through his eyes for a moment. " Is she sick?"

"I don't know. I'm yet to find that out."

"Please do, pretty fast. And please book a flight for me, I need to be in NYC, I need to see her."

"You can't see her. She said so in one of her mails to this house. She doesn't wanna have anything to do with you ever again. She's gonna sue you."

He chuckled. "That stubborn soul. I bet she's gonna be so happy when she sees me. "

"Mr. Jack.."

"Just book the flight, I need some fresh air and please cancel all my schedules for tomorrow and the next. Thanks." Mrs. Smith nodded and left. He smirked, Miss Charlotte, you might hate me but I know you miss me...he chuckled and sipped his glass of brandy before taking another puff at his cigarettes.


Yeah, he might've been really harsh on Charlotte but that doesn't mean she can cheat on him. He was angry but didn't let that weigh him down.

"Who is he?" he asked again but she scoffed.

"Better stop asking because there's no way I'm ever gonna tell you about it."

Trevor heaved. "Look Charlotte, it's not my fault that I'm gay."

"Then is it my fault that I got deceived by you? Someone never told me about his gender and there's no way I would've known because we fucked all the time!!"

"The person you cheated one me with, who is he? Was he better than me?"

"Why are you curious to know? You should be so happy that you can now finally reunite with your love. I'm fine with being heart broken but it will only last for a few days and I'm gonna be fine, you scum!"

"Is it Brother Mark?"

"Why do you keep changing the topic you fool!"

"Or was it Mr. Jack, that man from Hollywood, whom you met for an interview, was it him?"

She crossed her arms beneath her chest. "What if it's him? What are you gonna do about it?"

"What I'm gonna do? You cheated on me Charlotte?"

"I feel so much better because I did. I would've felt really bad if I never did. Because you're the devil's son. Or the devil himself, you date me and your useless boyfriend at same time! Are you even a human being? So you eat, drink, smile and sleep with me, assure me and play the good man when you're actually a big time devil! I suddenly hate myself for knowing you."

"But sleeping with someone you just met for an interview, isn't that cheap?"

"At least I did it with the hottest man in the world. Every girl, even you," she pointed her finger towards him. "...will die to bear his weight on the bed. He's so good at what he does."

"Then what about me?"

"You're gay. And now that I think about it, I realize so many things which you've never done with me since we started dating, and I used to wonder why and it all make sense now. You're gay. A deceitful one at that!"

"So he didn't taste like me?"

"Why would he taste like you? When he's much better than you? "

Trevor's anger was starting to become very much unbearable for him. "Yes I'm gay and I decieved you but sleeping with that guy is a no no for me!!!" and suddenly, he realized something. "Oh, is that why you were apologizing and pledging your love to me in the car? And we fucked...hold on..."his eyes went to her tummy.

"Don't tell me...That child is mine right?"

"And what if it's not yours? What are you gonna do?"


Jack dressed up to go out and catch some fun. When he came out of his house, his bodyguards drove him to his usual whore house. The house was one of those old summer homes in his street: one big room with a porch and two smaller rooms off the back. It was no treat in the winter when the wind blew off the roof with a damp chill and the lack of insulation made the house hard to heat, but in the warm weather, the rickety house was full of charm. He loved the house, sometimes, especially when he broke up with Marie, this whorehouse was his solace and a good way to find happiness and he isn't letting the house go for any woman. From childhood, he always visited the whorehouse, when his parents hated on him and wish he wasn't born, this is where he'd stay and take all his sorrow away. From the house, he made friends, cool ones who aren't cool anymore. Now, it's him and him alone. Tsk! he won't be alone tonight though. There are plenty of women to fuck each time he comes to the whorehouse and they are always ready to welcome his presence in the house. He came into the house and was greeted by hot chicks, laps so neatly shaved and smooth, body so thick and beautiful, asses bounced in every direction he turned his eyes. He smiled and came into the room. His usual couch was left vacant for him and immediately he sat down, all the girls swarmed around him. Another time to forget all about his sorrows, his worries, his pains and more especially, forgetting Charlotte...even if it's for a moment, he thought as he welcomed every chick into his arms laughing and smiling with them.They welcomed him, served him drinks, he saw one of the whores carrying a plate filled with strawberries and he was greatly reminded of Charlotte again. He remember telling her that his strawberries and cigarettes *always tasted like her...* the phrase haunted his thoughts. Wonder if she's sick for real? He shouldn't have been really harsh on her...he waved that thought off his mind when they began to kiss him. Their tongues slided into his mouth, her neck, and even his half exposed chest. Their hands, oh, my god, were doing unexplainable wonders to his skin. Hands kept running down his chest to his groin. Two of the girls palmed his cock, running their fingers along his length. He bucked up into their hand willing them to continue, even as some befuddled part of his brain is wondering, wishing it was Charlotte, that stubborn bitch who'd wear him out before she can submit to him. He stared up to their faces and all he could see staring back at him was Charlotte. He tried to shake her away from his mind when his phone started ringing.

"Hold everyone, I need to take this." he told the girls as he took Mrs. Smith's call. "Yes??"

"I have found out what she went to the hospital to do."

He sat up immediately. "Okay, what did she go there to do."

"Well, she went for a pregnancy test."


"Charlotte is pregnant."

Mr. Jack stilled at that moment. His mind went through what Mrs. Smith said over and over again. "You said that Charlotte is pregnant right?" he asked to be sure that he heard things pretty correctly.

"Yeah, she is. That's what my source."

"And you're so sure that your source isn't lying to you."

"My source never lies. They never told me a lie."

He removed the cigarette from his lips and sniffed. "How many months gone?"

"I think two months..."

He snapped, getting a bit tensed. "You think? You should be confirming that immediately, instead of telling me about what you think."

"I'm so sorry."

He stood up to leave. "Find that out very fast and get back to me. " he said exiting the whore house and getting into his limousine while his chauffeur drove off for home. As he entered the house, Mrs. Smith greeted him with a new message. "Charlotte is two months pregnant."


Trevor dreaded to think that the baby wasn't his. Even as she walked out of the house and never came back that day, it troubled him. It ate him up. Even as Karl rejoiced over Charlotte's eviction from the house, it bothered him so much. What if the baby isn't his? Why him? why that Jack? Of all the people she could have an affair with, why must it be him? That child is his and must be his. He phoned Charlotte.

"Why are you calling me?"

"Aren't you gonna come home?"

"Not until you vacate that room for me. The house belongs to me and I'm so sorry that I can't share the house with you anymore."

Trevor scoffed. "Are you kidding me right now. We rented the house together. We bought everything together..."

"Are you insane Trevor, I did all that with you because I thought you were a human being and not a beast. Okay? So leave my house before I get back."

"You must have lost your mind Charlotte. I paid the last rent. And you want me to leave the house?"

"Trevor, are you even sure you're gay because if I were you, I'd be so happy right now and on my way to meet my gay boyfriend whom I've been hiding for a long time now. Why don't you go to him now? You wanna fight for a house with me, are you that petty?"

"Charlotte, I'm sorry that I couldn't love you like you did but I'm not gonna let you take this room. No. I'm not."

"And you think I would've loved you if I knew how deceitful you're?"

"And you think that I would've hesitated in telling you about myself if I knew that you're such a whore and a big time cheat!'

He heard her scoffs over the phone. " Look, Mr. Trevor, how do you even manage to fuck me at all when you said you're gay. Aren't you deceiving yourself?"

"All I know and all I care about right now is that baby. The baby is mine and I don't care about whomever you fucked around with when I wasn't there but that baby, has to be mine."

"You've gone mad Trevor!" Charlotte screamed and then hung up. Brother Mark was by her side, he was patting her shoulder as she was boiling and so red with anger.

"That son of a bastard have gone crazy, he's so crazy that he can't even recognize himself!"

"Calm down, slow down and take your strawberries." he said offering her a plate of the sliced fruit and she stuffed her face with it. Her mind was in turmoil and Trevor's growing madness added to it.

"If I hadn't caught them that day, he would've kept deceiving me and I would always be torturing myself each time I see him. That bastard was ready to keep that way away from me for as long as he is alive. I forbid this child in my stomach being his."

"Then do you want the child to be Jack's."

She heaved. "I'm considering an abortion. I need to get this rid of this baby. I hate the both of them being the father of my child. "

"Charlotte, can you slow down? Okay?" he said while she pouted and began to cry falling into his arms. "It's okay, you can't be strong all the time, okay. "

She cried herself to sleep and when she opened her eyes again, a set of blue eyes were gazing into hers. Fingers rubbing her clit and the folds of her slit. Now gently, now rough. Never letting her get a grip on the sensation to where she can handle it and master it. Keeping her helpless and clueless about what's going on. Faster and faster. He won't let her close her legs; won't let her twist away. She flung open and at the mercy of lust. At the mercy of him as he watched her crotch. As he jiggles his fingers on her touch-hungry clit, her breath comes shorter and her heartbeat raced madly out of time. But what's going on? She tried to think, she tried looking at the face above her and it was that of Jack, she gasped in surprise. What is he doing here? And her eyes began to burn with hate, she tried to get away but he pinned her under himself.

"Let me go!!!" she kept screaming and screaming until she woke up panting heavily. She turned on the light in the room...she looked around, there was no Jack, just her and her, alone. Her heartbeat was beating wildly against her chest. But she was relieved, it was a dream, yeah. It really was. She thought as she lay back on the bed but she couldn't sleep. She didn't want Jack to show up in her dream again.