

"Jack, it's been two months." Marie started as she stood infront of Jack in the snowy weather, "It's been two months already, yet, you're not ready to talk to me?"she asked.

Jack nodded. He just got back from work and saw her standing infront of the gate of his house. And she followed his car as the gate was opened, his car drove in and before he could fully step out of the car, she was already standing and waiting for him. A sore sight.

"I don't wanna see you anymore."he said.

"Why? But I want to." she stepped closer to him. " I miss you. We can work things out. That day, what you saw..."

"I don't wanna hear anything about it. "he snapped.

"And that's why you keep misunderstanding me!"she yelled. Jack scoffed and made to leave but she held him back. "Babe, Jack, I know I hurt you but please, it was all my fault."

"Can you please leave? If you want me to forgive you, then please stop showing up infront of me. You're the last person I wanna see on earth right now." he said coldly and walked out on her. Marie didn't give up, she followed him still, and before his front door was flung open by his guard, she caught him by his arm and a glare from his eyes made her remove her hand from his.

"Don't you ever touch me in your life, you wench!" he warned but Marie smiled.

"I won't. I will never stop Jack. I will keep showing up infront of you. I will keep on doing what I know how to do best until you accept me back into your life."

Jack scoffed. "I'm not sure that's ever gonna happen, so stop dreaming. You're a bad nightmare which I'm tryna get rid of in my life. You're like a stain in my white shirt, which I'm tryna wash off..." he grabbed her arm, scaring her, "You're like a bad odor which I'm tryna get off my clothes by using deodorants every day. " he peered into her eyes, she was trembling, she have never been so scared of Jack. His eyes, his lips and the way he said those words made her wanna disappear almost immediately, get home, stay in her bed, where she's gonna cry her eyes out without anyone knowing, because she's gonna turn off all the whole lights in her house.

"So stop showing up infront of me. You're a leech to me, you're like a parasite to me, Marie. Do me a favor and stop showing your face infront of me. You're so ugly that I can't stand the sight of you any longer." he let her arm go and opened the door, he went in and closed the door infront of her.

She shook up, she trembled greatly, for nearly twenty minutes, she couldn't move and when she finally did, she dialed Brianna's number.

"Hello babe, what did he say? Is he gonna..."

Marie interrupted."Where are you? I miss you so much right now. Can you come over to my place, please. I wanna be with you right now." She was shaking.

"Sure, just calm down. Okay? Calm down, I'm sending someone to pick you up so wait a little bit."

Marie nodded and hung up, she squatted and buried her face into her laps and began to sob.


Trevor and Charlotte looked at each other. No smiles could be exchanged as they sat across the table facing the doctor.

"You're two months pregnant Miss Charlotte. Congratulations."

Trevor was pespirating for no just cause. He's doomed. Damnit! How careless must he have been. All the sex he had lately with Charlotte were all unprotected. He clenched his fist under the table, he tried to smile but it wasn't forthcoming. He's not even ready to spend the rest of his life with her but she's now with his child. What's he supposed to do? Keep the child with her? Smile and tell her he's gay who can never marry her because he's in love with someone else already? Why didn't he make it clear from the begining. He have been so foolish, how dare him! How dare him sleep with two genders at same time? This is a price he pays for being so manipulative. How is he gonna explain this to Karl?

Karl have been so different towards him for the past two months and he have been careful with him because it feels like Karl needs a break from him and that's the last thing he will want for himself right now. But Charlotte, what's he to do with her? A two month old baby in her stomach? That's quite a headache, he turned to look at her and her face was all blue.

"Doctor, can you check again please." her cold voice sprawled out. "I don't think I am pregnant, maybe I have a sickness which has the same symptoms as pregnancy but it doesn't mean that I'm pregnant."

"You're Miss Charlotte." the doctor repeated while Charlotte began to shake terribly. He pitied her, she must have been so shaken. It's all his fault, if only he made things clear from the beginning, things won't have gotten out of hand.

He touched her cold palm and squeezed it, she turned to look at him and he smiled at her. "It's gonna be fine and I'm so happy. Thanks for giving me a million reasons to smile." he lied in order to soothe her ears but she smirked, stood up abruptly and left.


Outside the hospital, she felt like she can breathe again, she felt her stomach. A baby is really in there. Whose baby? Of course, it should be Trevor's baby, how sure can she be? She slept with the both of them at the same time, same day? She gasped, she dreaded this baby being Jack's, else, what's she gonna tell Trevor? Even his assurance inside the hospital seem to piss her off right now. She dug her hands into her hair, she was about to go crazy, things took a sad turn in her life since she met Jack, if only she never did. If only they never crossed path, she won't be feeling this way.

"I've been such a fool..." she muttered as she broke down in tears.

And she sat all alone curled up to herself inside her office later that day, no one could console her. Even Brother Mark can't soothe her as she kept gobbling sliced strawberries down her throat.

"Charlotte, can you please take it slow."

She eyed him and ignored him. "Can you please leave me alone? Don't you get it? I'm ruined! "

"You're not. You are just thinking that you're but that's not true."

She smacked her lips while Mark helped her with a tissue but she ignored him. He had no choice but to wipe her messy lips by himself.

"Thanks." she mumbled and resumed eating again.

"Charlotte, you and your baby are gonna be fine."

She gave up eating. She was getting tensed up. "You don't seem to get it at all Brother Mark, I don't know whose child I'm carrying. I don't know if it's Trevor's or Jack's. I can't say and I can't tell!! 'Cuz I slept with the two of them on the same day. And I slept with Jack over and over again after that day. He raped me..." she paused trying not to recall a painful memory, "that beast of a man used me as he wanted and have never called for once to check up on me or ask after me and I dread this baby being his."

"Calm down."

She ignored that. "Or is it because I threatened him to stop reaching out to me, cuz for the past two months, he doesn't even know how I'm doing."

"Can you calm down, Charlotte?"

"Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? What am I gonna tell Trevor? What about my mother? " she clutched her hair. She was going crazy.

"Why do you have a hunch that the baby belongs to Jack?"

"Because I just feel it. I know what I am saying and I hate it so much that I had anything to do with him."

She rubbed her forehead and then stood up, she walked out and headed to the restroom to wash her hands and her face. Which she did, barrages of thoughts raced in her head. She have been such a fool, She have never met any man who treated her just like Trevor and yet, she cheated on him, and not only did she cheat, but she got pregnant! Whose baby? She doesn't know. It's gonna be so embarrassing to ask Trevor to run a paternity test with her. How is she even gonna say it? He's gonna see her as someone who had other men apart from him. But she can be so sure that this is Trevor' baby. It can't be. Her head is gonna explode at this rate. She needs to go home. She reminded herself as she came out of the restroom and headed for home.


Trevor stood infront of Karl, he was trembling, shaking, wishing this isn't true, Karl doesn't mean it, he was almost at the verge of tears.

Karl was breaking up with him. He suddenly walked into his house twenty minutes earlier and demanded for a break from him.

"Karl you don't mean that."

"I mean it. I don't like the way everything is moving between us. I hate that I have to wait on you all the time. I don't even know if you love me or not! You are always whining about Charlotte and how you don't wanna hurt her all the time! But you're okay with me getting hurt all the time."

Trevor tried to touch him but he pulled back. "Karl, I don't want you to break up with me. Please, I love you."

"I used to believe that."

Trevor held his arm, "Please Karl, I will end things with her, I promise. I will end things with her."

Karl peered into his eyes. "You sure about that?"

Trevor nodded his head. "Yeah. Yeah. I promise, I will end things with her. I can call her right now and do that." he reached for his phone. "I will call her and tell her to come over right now, so I can end things with her."

Karl scoffed. "Even when she's pregnant for you?" he asked leaving Trevor dumbfounded.

"How did you know?"

"I'm bound to know. Or were you never gonna tell me about the pregnancy? Now tell me, how are you gonna end things with the mother of your child?"

"I will! I will Karl, and I will still take care of her until she delivers my child which is mine."

Karl was silent. Trevor came closer and then cupped his face. "You need to trust me on this Karl, I wasn't gonna deceive her forever, she was bound to find out someday after all."

Karl stared at him. "Trust me, okay? I swear, I will end things with her..."Trevor assured as he kissed him lightly on his lips.

"Good boy." Karl replied beaming with smiles while Trevor bent and picked him off the floor, heaving him upright. He swayed, glaring at Karl until his back hit the wall. Trevor freed Karl's cock—of considerable size even in a flaccid state—and his heavy balls. The area around Karl's cock was neatly shaven; Trevor smirked, this is one part of Karl which he dearly cherish. He knows how to keep himself so clean especially for him.

Trevor began to feel him with his hand, he felt his ass. He took hold of his thick dick, put it in his mouth and tried every technique he knew—with tongue, teeth, lips and throat—to get it to stand up. Slowly it started getting bigger—he wasn't totally out of condition yet—and he took it deeper into his mouth, could feel it in his throat; though nearly gagging, he didn't stop; he wanted to see it in its fullness. Karl groaned in pleasure, clutched Trevor's hair and constantly screamed with his eyes closed and when he opened his eyes again, he saw Charlotte standing by the door way and looking at the two of them without a word.


Charlotte rushed in and was shocked at what she saw. She couldn't move, she couldn't even speak, she just watched the two of them doing their thing. But as Karl's eyes met hers and he began to push Trevor away from his skin, Trevor had to look up and Karl signaled him to look at the door, which he did and he nearly stopped breathing because of whom he saw standing at the there. They began to scurry for their clothes, forcing their cocks into their underpants while Charlotte just looked on without a word. She can't believe this. It's not really happening right? This is a dream right?

Karl dressed up and turned to Trevor. "I'm leaving, better end things with her." he whispered and walked past Charlotte, he stopped briefly while the both of them glared at each other without a word. He finally left.

Silence reigned in the room, Charlotte wasn't sure about how she felt at the moment. So she first of all, sat down on the couch and began to process everything in her head. But everything wasn't coming together pretty well just as she wanted it to, something is always missing out from her thoughts but one thing was certain, Trevor have been cheating on her, is he gay or is he bi-sexual, that she can't say. Trevor came over to her side and one look at him boiled her to the highest. She can't believe he's the human being who promised her the world, a man who promised to do everything for her. The same man she felt so guilty for, beat up herself for.

"Babe." he called trying to touch her but she flinched.

"Don't call me that. My name is Charlotte."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry Charlotte."

She nodded. "So have you been deceiving me this whole time? All the love talks and bla bla, were they lies? What are you? I don't...I don't even know what to ask you or how to ask you because I'm so confused right now."

He touched her arm. "Calm down, I will tell you everything."

"Then start talking before I lose my mind."

He nodded. He then sighed, pulling himself together. "I'm...I'm gay."

And she turned cold. "What?"

"I wanted to tell you. I've always wanted to tell you but I couldn't bring myself to say it to you. I was too scared to hurt you."

She swallowed hard. "Trevor, you're saying that all these time we spent together, all these years, that you have been deceiving me? "

"I wasn't."

"Then what was it? Gays don't love their opposite sex partners. So how did you do it? How have you been deceiving me?"

"Charlotte, I...I'm sorry."

She nodded. "Fine, it's all good. You love him right? The more I think about it, the more I recall seeing you with him and whenever I asked you, you told me that he was your friend! You told me that he's your friend Trevor!! "

She was about to explode. "Trevor I believed you! I trusted you! I gave you my all! I supported you! I cried for you!" she stood up and began to pace around angrily, "When I cheated on you, do you know how ate up I always felt each time I look at you? I felt so bad, I felt so terrible!!"

"Wait, you cheated on me?"

She nodded. "Yes, you're not the only one who knows how to deceive and play with people's feelings!"

"Who is he?"

She smirked. "Mr. Gay, why do you wanna know"

"Who the fuck is he!!"

"And why are you getting jealous?"