
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantaisie
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42 Chs

2 be

What is the meaning of those two words?

To be, is the first verb you learn in an English course.

A phrase contemplated by philosophers and drama writers.

But for baby Bee, sleep drink and grown, was her to be.

It was all she knows, it was all she could do.

She never complained, asked questions or even thought any thought herself.

But she was. Deeply, that as all she knew.

Then her eyes grown, and she saw the sun for the first time.

The faint light of day illuminated her little honeycomb at the entrance to the hive.

The first bright spot in the darkness.

Still, she felt nothing.

What's the use of seeing the sun if you don't know what it is?

The little bee still only knew how to eat, sleep and grow.

Anything else was useless and futile.

Baby bee had gained a sense of vision, but she still didn't see meaning in things.

Everything changed when the legs grew.

Baby Bee, as if by instinct, moves them for the first time.

After the first move, she felt an urge to move everything at once. Her honeycomb had become too little for her.

With a lot of effort, she managed to get out. She knew despair, fear, relief and happiness in just a second.

She was the first time Baby Bee had ever done anything for herself, the first time she had taken the effort.

Before, she ate when she was fed, slept when she was not fed, grew up without any control.

And now, move your legs on your own. She had a feeling that with her legs, she could do whatever she wanted.

To be, was now something different.

She looked again at the entrance to the hive where the light was coming from and thought for the first time: I want to feel the sun.

And then the bee that had been feeding her arrived with her daily honey. But as soon as the older bee saw Baby bee standing on six legs, she turned to the next comb and fed another baby bee.

In that instant, Baby Bee noticed that things were going to be different, that she was a different bee.

The baby bee now had a new to be. To be a little bee instead of a baby bee.

Little bee turned and saw other little bees. All followed a path. Little bee also wanted to follow a trail.

That's why I have legs. She thought it was all the same part of the art of being. Just a different type.

But what found her was something like the lack of control over her actions that she had in her honeycomb.

The trail led to the entrance to the hive where the adult bees with wings poured honey, nectar, pollen and other things. The little bees took these things and took them to another place. None of them quite knew why. Little bee did this because the little bee in front of her did that too, so all the little bees thought. None even thought of doing something different because, for that, they would leave the path that was their only purpose in life.

Little bee forgot she wanted to feel the sun.

One day, while working, she felt discomfort in her back.

In an attempt to sew herself with her paws, she moved her wings that had slowly grown over her working days.

The feeling was similar to the first time she had moved her legs.

An urge to move her wings took over.

She stays there, standing in the middle of the trail, shaking her wings until the discomfort passes.

When that happens, she accomplishes one thing. She can now fly. She has tested her hypothesis and happily hums to the hive entrance.

She remembered everything, how it felt to think for herself, how it felt off the beaten track, and the desire to feel the sunlight.

She then sees the landscape of the world for the first time.

The leaves of the trees, the grass, the sky.

She felt the wind in her fur and the warm feeling of the sun.

But what most caught her attention was the color of the flowers.

She ran to the flowers to sniff them.

The perfume was amazing.

She then realized that it was from within the flowers that the nectar that fed the baby bees came from.

A massive sense of responsibility descended upon her mind with this achievement.

She felt like the baby bees were going to die if she didn't bring them, honey.

Once again, she forgot the feeling of sun, wind, and the smell of flowers.

She ran from flower to flower, always trying to capture as much nectar as possible so the babies in the hive wouldn't go hungry.

The dangers of the outside world, the rain, predators, and other tremors, made her use all her instincts and forget once again that she had ever thought for herself.

As an adult bee she no longer followed her trails, she had to find her own way. What often did not happen.

The world was too big, even for a grown bee.

Sometimes she left the forest and ended up in a small village. There she saw little humans and human babies playing and having fun, doing as they pleased, not following any path.

These visions were the only things that reminded the bee from time to time, that she had once thought for herself.

When the hive is well, when all the babies are fed, the bee thought, then I will truly enjoy the sun, the wind, the flowers and run around as I please.

One fine day, the bee flew around looking for a flower.

She was lost and distracted by humans.

Through this, she did not see the cobweb in front of her.

But the spider saw the bee.

The bee didn't try to resist.

The spider bit the bee's neck.

Hurt much, more than any pain the bee had experienced before, but only for a millisecond. So everything was dark.

The bee was no longer a bee.

To be had lost its meaning once more.

If being had no more meaning, she allowed itself to be carried away by something, at the same time it did nothing since it was nothing.

Suddenly, she was something again.

She didn't know what, she just knew she was, and that was enough.

This time I'm going to do things differently, she thought.

She was no longer waiting to be fed. She cried when she felt like it.

She moved freely from the beginning, never let herself be restricted.

Then, when her legs grew, and she realized she could run, she remembered the children in the village.

To be. She was a human. To be now was everything she'd ever wanted.

She ran out of her house like the first time her wings grew. She ran across the garden, feeling the grass at her feet.

Laughing, she felt the wind and smelled the flowers as she was warmed by the sun.

She ran and ran and ran, until something big and fast and heavy collided with her as she walked along a path of smooth black stones.

She flies backward. Just before hitting the ground, she thought.

To be is good, to be twice is even better. I'm looking forward to the next time. And everything went black again.