
Strange man in fantasy world

A strange man goes to a fantasy world, is he a hero? A villain? or... Just a nutcase? The only thing we know is that the earth is not flat!

Ramno_Theplucky · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

The beggining...

There was a young man whose name is Hector, he was fourteen years old. Hector is Brazilian and lives in Acre.

The day dawns while Hector sleeps, but Hector must go to school, so that Hector is not late for class, his mother, whose name is Mariana, punches her son in the stomach and then Hector wakes up.

After Hector wakes up, Mariana with a face full of hate says "Hector you bum wakes up and goes to school" And then with furious steps Mariana leaves closing the door of Hector's room very aggressively.

Hector, stunned by the punch he had taken, gets ready and goes to school. Arriving in his classroom, Hector watches his classmates reading webnovels and then Carlos, one of his classmates who was reading webnovel gets up and says "hello Hector we are reading webnovel, come read with us" and then Hector replies to Carlos "You you know I don't like to read, so there's no way I can like webnovels"

Then the teacher arrives in the classroom and begins the lesson. Hector was bored during class, but at one point the teacher starts teaching about the geography of planet earth and then Hector starts laughing very loudly, the teacher indignantly says "What's funny Hector?" Then Hector replies "How can you, who don't even know our planet, want to teach us about the universe?"

The angry teacher asked "So Hector, if you know about the planet better than me, then show the class what I'm wrong about" And then Hector with a smile on his face says "Alright, for starters our planet earth is flat !" Hector responds and then the professor says "Really? Then prove it!" Then Hector with a big smile on his face says "Observe the shape of our shoes, if the planet were a ball, our shoes would be curved, but if we look closely, our shoes are flat suitable for the flat earth".

After Hector's explanation, the class was amazed at the disproportionate wisdom shown by Hector. Then the teacher grounded Hector for the rest of the class. After the end of the class a classmate named Samuel runs up to Hector and says "Amazing Hector, you proved that the earth is flat and as the teacher ran out of arguments he was forced to punish you" and then laughing Hector replies "But of course! what would come of it? NASA and the FBI hide us from the truth"

Then Hector and Samuel say goodbye and go their separate ways. Hector in a dark street watches a hooded man holding a knife while a cold wind blows around, then the man says "This is a robbery, give me your valuables" Then Hector says "sorry I don't have what you are looking for, but I have information that you might like it" Then the crook asks "What kind of information?" Hector raises his index finger and points to the starry night sky saying "they!" The bandit without understanding says "They who?" And to the bandit's surprise, Hector responds saying "The aliens that NASA and the media hide from us" The bandit amazed at the boy's obscure knowledge replies "Let's not talk about it here they might be listening to us" The bandit replied in a tone of whisper. Hector nods and the two go their separate ways.

Hector, when he gets home tired, lies down in bed and tries to sleep without success due to insomnia, to solve this problem Hector goes to his mother's room asking for help to sleep, Mariana with a smile on her face tells Hector to lie down in bed and close his eyes and then Hector does as his mother said, then Mariana takes a baseball bat and hits Hector so hard on the head that Hector sleeps.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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