
Something More

Russ hung up the phone with an exhausted huff. He set back in his chair again. "You might as well go to your family. It doesn't look like we'll be getting anywhere with these tonight…"

Georgos nodded as he pushed up from his chair. "Sounds like a plan. Tomorrow then?"

"Yeah…" He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.

"You going to bed?"

"In a bit…" Russ answered in a low tired mumble.

Georgos frowned. "Alright… well don't push yourself too much." He was just about to close the door behind him when he turned and nearly bumped into Jaden. He gave her a slight bow. "Sorry. I didn't see you there."

Jaden fumbled with the tie of the robe she wore. "It's fine… I… was just checking up on the prince…"

He smiled. "He could use a distraction of any kind. He's drowning in paperwork right now." He gave her another bow as he pushed the door back open for her.

"Thank you." She muttered, keeping her gaze adverted as he stepped past her. She bit her bottom lip as she tip-toed into the office Russ had been holed up in for days now. Her breath caught when her eyes landed on him. His head was rested against the back of the chair, his eyes tightly shut. He pressed his thumb and pointer finger against the bridge of his nose. She stepped up behind him as quietly as she could. She gripped either side of his forehead and began massaging his temples. "You've been working yourself raged lately."

Russ moaned as her administrations began to work loose the tension that had built up there. "I'm sure it would be less if I understood more…" He muttered.

Jaden glanced over his shoulder to the stack of papers. "Is there anything I could help with? I've had extensive training in palace management…"

Russ shook his head. "You don't have to. You don't need to stress over this crap right now."

"That's nonsense." She replied, her brows furrowed. She released his head and stepped around the chair. She stepped between his legs and crossed her arms over her chest. "I am to be your queen... your mate." She couldn't hide the hint of hurt with the last two words, but she pushed on. "We are to rule this land together. It is my duty to handle a portion of this, the duty of all queens. If you're struggling this much just let me help you."

He let out a resigned sigh as he reached out and tugged her crossed arms loose. He let his hand slid down the fluffy sleeves of the robe until he reached her hands. He clasped her fingers and tugged her closer as he sat up. He stared up at her, searching her expression as he squeezed her hands gently. "Would it make you happy to help? I honestly don't want to add unnecessary stress to you. You've had enough problems… I don't want to add to that."

Jaden let out an exasperated sigh as she nodded. "I want to help you in any way I can. I want to help our people, our kingdom… Not because I feel like I owe you something, but because I want to have a life here… A life with you…"

Russ smiled up at her. "I want that too."

She returned his smile before pulling her hands free and turning toward the desk to study the papers. "Now let's see what we have to deal with here…"

He caught the baggy robe and tugged her down onto his lap, then wrapped his arms around her waist loosely. He rested his head against her back. "Thank you." He whispered as he snuggled against her more, listening to the soothing rapid yet steady beat of her heart.

Jaden's hands froze over the papers. "Russ…"

"Hum?" He purred sleepily.

She couldn't help the smile that curved her lips. "Maybe we should go to bed for tonight and work on this tomorrow…"

"Umm… Yeah probably." He muttered as he pulled her snugger against him.

"Um… not here…" She giggled as she tried to wiggle out of his grip. "Why don't we go to bed."

"Hum… bed…" He whispered.

"Russ! You're already falling asleep, aren't you?!" She couldn't help the giggles as she tried to push his arms away, but they only tightened more. Her breath caught when, in one smooth move, he was lifting from the chair with her in his arms. She quickly gripped his neck as he shifted her in his arms. "Russ! What are you doing?!"

He sent her a teasing smile. "You said you we should go to bed…"

Her wide eyes met his. "Yes, but I didn't mean you had to carry me!"

He shrugged. "I want to… As thanks for your upcoming help." He began walking effortlessly toward the door.

Her heartbeat increased the closer to the top floor and their room they got. They'd shared the same room now, but he rarely came to bed until late. Though she'd woke up each time he came to bed, she'd been afraid if he found out he wouldn't come to bed at all in fear of disturbing her. At first it had been a great comfort that he hadn't tried anything and always kept a comfortable distance, but as their wedding day neared it only caused frustration. The feelings had only gotten worse after April had announce that she'd soon be moving out.

Russ registered her nervousness as he pushed open their bedroom door. Misunderstanding it, he slowly lowered her feet to the floor. He released her and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I'll just go clean up and change." He said as he nodded toward the bathroom.

Jaden nodded, not sure what else she should say. She tangled her fingers together as she tried to plan her next move. Her eyes followed him around the room as he gathered his things. {Can I make the first move?} She asked herself as she watched him vanish into the attached bathroom. She loosened her robe and eyed the silk and lace gown underneath. {I'm definitely dressed for it…} Her eyes moved back to the door. She sucked in a lung full of air and blew it out slowly. {Nope… not that brazen…but…} She eyed the bed as she chewed her bottom lip. {Maybe I could do this much…} Jaden slowly pulled back the decretive bedding and removed her robe and hung it in its usual spot beside the bed. She nervously straightened the material of her nightgown as she listened to the shower in the bathroom turn on. The sound of it turning back off some minutes later had her heart pound rapidly against her chests. She quickly crawled onto the bed and adjusted her gown neatly around her legs. She dug her fingers into the silk sheets as the bathroom door opened.

Russ stepped out still towel-drying his hair. His eyes automatically found her, lingering in awe for several seconds before he finally forced his gaze away. "Sorry…" He whispered but couldn't stop stealing more glances at her. "It looks nice on you."

Jaden could feel her cheeks warm, and her nervousness increase as he neared the bed. "T-thank you. It's one of the new ones the tailors had made." She ran one hand over the opposite arm and squeezed, forcing herself to remain seemingly calm.

His eyes roamed over the delicate lace and silk. The pale lavender colors contrasted beautifully with her fair features and strawberry blonde hair. He licked his lips involuntarily before forcing his eyes away once again. "It… nice…"

"You said that already." Jaden giggled nervously, glad to see him equally nervous.

"Hum… yeah… well it does. It suits you… The colors, that is. You look pretty." He turned his focus to the bedside lamp. "Are you ready for me to turn the lights off?"

She hesitated as she clasped her arm. "Yes… I guess…"

Russ stole one last glance at her before flipping off the light. He gulped down a breath of air as he felt his body harden. He'd avoided coming to bed until long after she'd fallen asleep if at all for this exact reason. He lifted the sheets and carefully slid underneath, doing his best to hide his arousal. He quickly rolled onto his side facing away from her. "Good night… I… hope you sleep well." He squeezed his eyes tightly shut, praying for sleep to come fast. {The gods know I'll not be falling asleep any time soon with her this close…} Just as he began to calm himself down he felt a shift in the bed and the light touch of her small hand found his arm. He sent up a silent prayer before turning his head to meet her gaze. "W-what is it?"

Jaden swallowed nervously. "I… I had hoped we could talk… before going to sleep…"

Russ rolled over on his back to better face her. "Sure… What's on your mind? Is something wrong?"

Jaden quickly shook her head. "No, nothing like that." She glanced away, focusing on the folds of the sheets instead. "By this time next month… we shall be married…"

Russ nodded. "Yeah, I know… It's kinda strange, isn't it…"

Jaden nodded in return. "You… you're not having second thoughts, are you?"

His brows furrowed. "Second thought?"

She nodded again as she fumbled with a wrinkle in the sheets. "About the wedding… about me…"

He quickly turned toward her and settled his hand over hers. "Not at all. I know things have been a bit… rough… lately but I promise it has nothing to do with you and all to do with me." When her doubtful eyes moved to his, he added. "I know how cliché that probably sounds, but you have to understand. I really didn't want any of this until recently." He frowned as he worked out his own guilty feelings. "I feel horrible about it now, seeing how my uncle treated my people…" He ran his fingers gently along her jaw. "And you and your people…" He let out a breath as he let his hand fall away. "I still battle with wanting to help everyone as much as possible… and not wanting to be a leader…" He shook his head as he laid back down. "I'm completely lost. I have no clue how to do this job. Most rulers are trained from birth… I've had sixteen years of living a normal life… an upbringing specifically targeted to hide any signs of royalty…"

Jaden snuggled down into the bed beside him, resting her head close to his. Her hand trembled slightly as she placed it on the tight, bare skin just below his shirt sleeve. "You've had no training whatsoever?"

Russ shook his head as he cupped a hand over hers and began tracking patterns idly along the back of her hand and wrist. "Nope. Outside of a few extra business classes I'd taken in high school… I hadn't even gotten to finish my first full semester in college when I was dragged back to this island."

She wiggled closer resting her head against his shoulder. "That's odd. Had that been the plan all along or were you supposed to have a more leadership-based education in college?"

"I was… Originally, I wasn't supposed to come back here until after I'd graduated, but my uncle had put a hit out on me. An assassin showed up at our apartment one night… luckily Raven was home and handled it. On top of that, they were never completely able to rule out the DeMarco's having an ulterior motive for choosing the same town I was staying in… Especially after finding out their involvement with my uncle."

"I can help you with all of it, you know… I've not had the fancy education your parents and their parents before them had… but I've been trained since birth for this role." She pressed her lips to his shoulder and let them rest there as she whispered. "If you'll let me…"

"It's not that I don't want your help." Russ rolled onto his side and cupped her face. Her mesmerizing jade eyes held his. He searched her expression in the darkness, hoping he wasn't mistaking the emotions written there. He brushed his fingers through the long hair at her temple before caressing her soft ear between his fingers and thumb. She turned her head toward him giving him better access. "I want everything you offer… and more… I want our marriage to be a real marriage and not just one of contracts and convenience. I care about you, Jaden. More so than I do most… I just don't want to push my burdens and shortcomings off on you to handle. You've been through enough as it is, and I'm part to blame. I was here for well over a month before we even thought to look for you guys. Had it not been for Drake and his brother going missing, we might have never found you…" The thought caused tears to burn his eyes. "And for that, I'll be eternally sorry."

She timidly stroked his arm that rested across her chest as he continued to caress her ear. "I don't blame you and neither should you. You had no way of knowing."

Russ frowned. "But we'd heard my uncle had been dealing in trafficking. We should have taken it more seriously and looked into it first." He lowered his forehead to hers. "It could have saved you all so much suffering… could have possibly saved your sister… and some of the others."

She lifted her head leaning into his touch. "You can't keep beating yourself up over things you had no way of knowing… no control over." She gently pushed against his shoulder bringing his eyes level with hers. "You can't keep seeing me as a victim needing protection. We'll never be able to become true husband and wife that way."

Russ swallowed hard as he searched her eyes. "Answer me honestly… What… what do you want from our marriage… from me…"

Jaden lifted her hands to his face, tracing every detail with the delicate touch of her index fingers. "I want all of you…" She lifted, bringing her lips mere millimeters from his. "I want to give you all of myself as well..."

Russ didn't hesitate this time as he captured her lips. The hand that had been toying with her velvety ear cupped the back of her head, tangling in her long, loose locks. He let all the built-up desire, need, and frustration pour out into every kiss, every stroke of his tongue against hers. His hand slipped from her hair, trailing teasingly down the back of her neck before gripping her shoulder and tugging her closer. He slid his hand down the length of her arm guiding the hand that still caressed his face around his neck before moving his own to the small of her back. His erection pressed painfully against the tight constraints of his pajama bottoms. He nipped her bottom lip as his hand slid across her firm bottom. He hooked her thigh in his hand and tugged it over his hip as he pressed himself against her.

When she inhaled sharply against his seeking, devouring mouth; he forced himself to pull back. He pressed his forehead against hers as he held her gaze. A mix of emotions swirled around her jaded eyes. "I want you…" His words came out as a husky whisper.

She bit into her swollen, lower lip as she nodded. She slowly slid her hands down the front of his tee before sliding them under the hem. Her wide eyes held his as her fingers wandered over the flexed ridges of his abs.

Russ pushed away long enough to tug his tee shirt off and toss it to the floor. He sent her a warm, encouraging smile as he laid flat on the bed and brought her hands back to his chest. "Touch… do whatever you'd like…"