
Chapter 5 who will be the Judgl? Part 1

School was boring today. As usual. Now and then I what's wrong with Jotaro and I hope is Jotaro is oh ok.

Speaking of Jotaro, he wasn't at school today. Ever since he fought those thugs, I haven't seen him or his crazy fangirls anymore.

'I hope he's ok' I thought sighting going out into the Cafe.

"(Cadence)?" One of my co-workers celled me over.

"Yes what is it?" I ask going over to him.

He was shaking a little sweating. "What' wrong?" Said Cadence."

"Can you go give that table their drinks? I don't wanna go over there again. The people over there are Insane! They keep yelling and one of them broke something!" He says handing me the tray and then sprinted away.

"Oh Great what now!" Said Cadence."

Iook over at the table he pointed at. There was an old man, an Egyptian guy, and a women with blonde hair and....Jotaro?!

I started sweating as I went over to the table. 'Maybe he won't notice me....' I thought reaching the table.

"Here are your drinks." With. Smile on my face said Cadence."

And I put one to their drink to the old men,

"Excuse me miss dose your name is Cadence?'

Yes Sir my name is Cadence!' how do you know my name Sir."

"Do you have a relative name Aurora Taylor

That is my mom name, said Cadence with her eyes surprise."

He laughed. "She's a good friend of mine from America. You look pretty just like your mom. I'm guessing your her daughter." He then get up and holds out his hand. "My name is Joseph Joestar."

I give his hand a small shake. "(Cadence) it's nice to meet you." I say polity, still kinda confused of what's happening.

"Oh and this is my daughter holly." He say pointing at her. She gives me a warm smile.

I smile back and waved at her. 'She's so nice and pretty.'

"That's Avdol." He waved.

I also waved him back and smile at him.

"And this is my grandson Jota-"

"We alright know each other." Jotaro interrupted.

"You do?"

"Yeah. We go to some school.... she's a friend." He say looking at me.

'Omg!?' a friend Jotaro Kujo just celled me his friend!" I feel my face start to blushing. You need to calm down Cadence say herself."

And I start put one to their drink to holly, and then Jotaro, and the Last one is Avdol,

"then I say a Photo close to Avdol is got me attention of it!?"

I as close to see the Photo and then I start to drop the tray on the floor!"

Start to shaking and I start to passing out and about to dropping on the floor then someone grab me from before I touch the floor!"

'It was Jotaro to save me from hit it on the floor."

And he pick me up bridal style, and I feel Jotaro chest and his heart beat."

"And I grab Jotaro uniform and tears come please get rid of him please and then I pass out cold!'

Then Joseph Joestar grab a Photo that is scared of Cadence."

So Cadence is scared of the Photo of Dio how is she know about it?! that said Joseph Joestar."

'And then Joseph ask Cadence's co-workers to bringing us of her Clothes and her school bag."

Cadence's co-workers did bringing us of her Clothes and her school bag and Joseph holding them and we when we go off out the cafe."


When I woke up some place I don't know and where are I?" I look around and why I'm in my uniform?"

'Then the blonde Woman come to my way, and I remember it is Holly Jotaro mom said Cadence."

How are you my dear with a smile on her face, said Holly."

I'm doing find and I don't know where am I? Said Cadence."

Your in my house Cadence with a smile oh her face, said Holly."

'Do did caring me to your House mrs, Kujo, said Cadence."

Let's me see as mrs, Kujo as she put her hand on her shin, and I think is Jotaro that caring you into my house said Holly."

"My face turn red what omg Jotaro is caring me into his house...? it is so embarrassing said herself."

It is alright my dear are you need to get change, into your clothes, said Holly."

And also celled Me Seilko with smile at her face. said mrs Kujo."

Oh ok I need to find a bathroom to change my clothes, said Cadence."

"Yes! there is a bathroom close to your left then the right there is a bathroom said Seilko."

And I grab my clothes, and walk out the door and walking to the bathroom. Then I open to the bathroom! And I saw Jotaro with a shower with no Clothing on him and I hold and cover my mouth without him know I was here and my face turn red!'

"And I walk backwards to the bathroom door and Close it slowly before Jotaro know I was here!."

Oh my god I saw Jotaro with No Clothing on him and that make my face turn red said to herself.'

And I walking to where is Seilko is in the room Said Cadence."

'As I was open the door and I walked in and hmmmm mrs Seilko I think and I need my school bag, I'm going to my apartment said Cadence."

Oh ok Dear, as she give me my school bag and I Wish you can stay for a night said Seilko."

And I love to put I can't stay the night ms, Seilko said cadence."

She say oh ok Dear, and be save from those Thugs said Seilko."

And I waved to mrs Seilko and walk out to Jotaro Kujo house and walking the street to my apartment."

As I got to my apartment and I grab my Apartment key and put it in and click and turned it and I open the door and I grab my Apartment key and walk in and close the door!"

And locked it and put my school bag, and put it on my sofa and go to my bedroom to change out my work uniform and Ford it on my bed and take my long hair down."

And my bra and underwear and out to the bedroom and to the bathroom to take a shower and washing my long hair,"

And done take a shower and Drying my self and warped a towel and warped a towel on my long hair and I walk out the bathroom and walk to my bedroom. And walk to my bedroom and take my work uniform, to my dresser and I walk to my dresser and pull it and grab my new underwear on me. And Pull it back and pull it again get a nightgown on me and pull it back."

And walk out my bedroom and walk to the kitchen and make me some shrimp Rice and catfish and put it on the small Table."

And I eat my dinner and I clean the Dishes and put it back it from."

And then I walked to my my bedroom and walking to my bed and I'm in my bed and Why I still thinking about Jotaro?!"

"And then I start to fall asleep in my bed."

-The Next Day-

I woke up in the morning and I walk out to the bedroom and walk to the Kitchen to make my bento box and make me some breakfast with toast with Nutella and I eat it and clean my dishes away put it back it was.

And walking to my bedroom to changed in to my school uniform and I put my work uniform in my school bag, and I walk to the bathroom to brushing my long hair and put a new baby pink hand band on her head and I walked out the bathroom and closed the door, and grab my school bag, from the sofa, and walked to close to the Front door and put my shoe on me and walked out the door."

And I grab my Apartment key from my school bag and I put it and moved it to Click and put my apartment key back in my school bag, and walking to street to school."

-A few moments later-

"Is that Jojo?!" "Jojo!" "Look there's Jojo

Some girls run pass me, again glaring at me as thy passed. 'Why do they keep looking at me?' I thought deciding to walk faster to get around the group and Jotaro. I don't even see the reason to follow him around all day.

I reach the group and started to go round until I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hm?" I turned around to see a bright pair of green eyes. "Hmmmmmm hi Jotaro say very softly and start to smiling.

He smiles back and we started walking with his crazy ass fangirls girls following us. I can hear them whispering. I ignore them.

"And one of the Jotaro crazy fangirls push me away.'

And put her hands around Jotaro arm and he looked at her."

"fangirls 2 say why are you climbing to Jojo arm like that? And you're being too chummy! Stay away from him!

"Fangirl 1 say what the hell, ugly?

"Fangirl 2 say shut it, no-boobs.

"The Two same girls starting arguing and it is start to piss Jotaro off. "Shut up your both freakin annoying" the girls just squealed about Jotaro talking about them.

And me and Jotaro walked without them!"

And they say wait for us Jojo!"

"Then their back to following on Jojo!"

And then he Say put my hand out and I did and he give me a cupcake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles and he also give me a red and pink roses

I start to Blushing and I looked up at him confused. He wasn't looking at me but had his hat tilted so I couldn't see his face. "For hitting you on the stomach."

I hesitantly took it from him. "That why be ask me my favorite flower and food.' I starting to blushing." 'He is so sweet."

We walked in silence for awhile before I decided to speak.

"What happened to you after you fought those thugs." I asked.

"Nothing really. I was arrested and those thugs are in the hospital. I hurt them pretty badly but they'll be fine...I think." He say putting his hands in his pockets. "Why were you worried about me?" He says smirking.

"W-way! N-no." I say looking away. He chuckles as we get near some Stairs.

Something don't feel right. It felt like we were watched. I started looking around stopping at a guy wearing a green school uniform. He had pink hair that had a big swirl in the front. He was standing in front of a painting easel. I raised an eyebrow. 'Who is that?'

He then looks up at me and I turned back around sweating. 'Hope he don't see me Looking.'

"You ok?" I hear Jotaro ask.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine." I reassure him as we started going the steps.

"Are you s-" he was saying before his leg started bleeding as he fell down the stairs.

"Jotaro!" I shout as I ran after him. 'What just happened?! How did his leg get cut?! The makes no sense.' I thought.

He reaches out for branch but misses. Suddenly the arm from before appears from his back grabbing onto a branch and swings him into bushes at the end of the stairs.

I reach the bottom and help him up. "Are you alright?!" I ask looking down at his leg. "Oh omg! Your leg!"

"Just a scratch?! You're bleeding!" I say as his leg squirts blood.

"I said it's fi-" he interrupted by sound of someone coming down the steps.

We both turn around seeing the guy I saw a moment ago. I gulp feeling a bad feeling around him. He looks at me then at Jotaro as he comes down to us. He stops at Jotaro.

"Here." He pulls out a handkerchief. "Your leg Seems to be cut." He say holding it out towards Jotaro. "You might want to wrap it with this handkerchief to stop the bleeding." Jotaro takes it. "You gonna be okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm find it's just a scratch." He says.

"That'a not just a scratch!' I yell at him in my mind.

"Hold it." Jotaro say calling him. He turns around glaring at Jotaro. "Haven't seen you before. You go to our school?" He ask him.

I'm Noriaki Kakyoin." He starts. "And yes I just transferred here yesterday." He says looking at me creepily.

And he say what is your name pretty girl, he say to me?

Hmmmmmm I'm cadence I say softly,"

I shudder. 'Don't look at me!"

He chuckles. "See you around." He says then walks off.

"That was weird." I say sweating. "And a little creepy...." I say shuddering.

"Oh." "Oh." "Oh." Four of Fangirls say behind us. I jumped a little. 'Were they here this whole time?' I thought.

"So his names Kakyoin, seems pretty cool!"

"Ya think so?"

"I still like Jojo way more then Him!"

"Yeah me too!"

The girls start talking among themselves. I put a hand on Jotaro's shoulder. He looks at me from over his shoulder.

"I'll walk you to the nurse." I say with a caring smile.

He looks a shocked for a second then says. "Thanks, but you don't have to: I can get there myself." He says starting to walk away.

I frown a little before jumping in front him making him stop. "But I want to. I'm trying to help you." I say smiling.

He glares down at me thinking then sighs. "Good grief fine." He say.

"Great! Let's go!" I say happily skipping away.

"But...." he continued.

You can put my arms around my neck to helping you to the nurse."

I'm close to Jotaro and grabbing on Jotaro on a arm."

'Come on Jotaro I'm trying to be so nice of help you Jotaro said Cadence."

And I got up and then Jotaro got up and I walk to Jotaro and I grab Jotaro arm to put my neck!"

And we starting walking to school with Jotaro arms around my neck to help Jotaro with his hurt leg and dose Jotaro know I'm 5'11 girl."

Good grief we're gonna be late. Hurry up." He say petting my head." I trying to holding my blushing not in front of Jotaro!"

You need to get yourself together Cadence said herself."

And it will gonna be a long walk to school.

"To be Continued"