
Born with a special ability

*Pow!* Everyone stare at the cold , cruel , heartless boss lady landed on my face , simply because I spill the drink on the customer by mistake. My stung in pain as the tears brimming in my eyes cascade down my cheek as the customers look on ,no one came to my rescue , some of the customers took amusement to my plight , why some just stare at me in pity unable to do anything .

She brought out money from her purse and gave it to me , "you're fired !" She yelled .

I looked on not being able to do anything about it , I pick up my bag from the counter and head out .

On my way out one of the waiters stopped me, she an old lady I do treat like my mother .

She held my hand , " I really feel bad for you , you took this restaurant as your own and yet she treat you like dirt , here take this and don't forget to call me ,ok? .

I nodded taking the envelop from her , I hug her dearly crying my eyes out "Thank you mother" I said grateful.

With my bag and shoes in my hand I walked home dejectedly wondering how my life is so complicated. I've never for once been lucky , suddenly the rain starts to pour heavily , there was no place to hide and I don't even have any umbrella with me , angrily I threw my shoes away " I hate this world " I screamed sitting on the floor , crying my eye out .

Once the rain stop I pick up my shoe and head home , upon getting to my house i saw some guys beating up Blake , I dropped my bag and rush to his rescue , I dragged Blake away from them .

"Why ? Why are you fighting with them ? I asked facing the damn brat Blake .

"Scoff, your ass hole brother borrowed $20000 from us ".

$20000 what? Gosh! Are they for real ? What did he use the money for ? His kidding right ? .

"Snicker, $20000? It $5000 " Blake yelled .

"Yea but we agree that if u don't pay back on due date you will have to pay two times the money " one of the scum said ready to punch Blake which he dodge .

"Exhale sharply,ok" I brought the money out from my bag and gave them $20000 so they could stop disturbing the neighbors .

"Lita why did you give them $20000 instead of ....,"Blake! " I yelled dragging him inside with me .

"Panting , what did you use the money for Blake?" I asked while moving closer towards him and he kept on moving backward until his back hit the door.