
Chapter 16: Homecoming

It's just 3 fucking days.... and he's already.... sigh...

Alright, here I am Tsuchigumo as your reporter will report you the thing that happens just after 3 days in Izana-sama village...


In that night when we successfully prevent a Quarrel between Izana-sama's brothers, we just sit in the hall like building while I and the cow's son stand beside the sitting Q, we look like an aide... but, well... for Izana-sama's sake... for Izana-sama's sake...

  Anyhow, the first 2 days were alright, aside from Inda-sama who goes missing in the morning of the 1st day. Everyone accept us... well, of course, we're polite to Izana-sama's father. But... I really don't know how could this low leveled village able to produce a monster... no, it'll underestimating Izana-sama if he was called a monster... he IS, after all, an existence even more terrifying than a monster...

  let's go back to the topic, we just are happy with the party they held for us. and unusually, that cow's son was popular with the single lady... how could I not understand how a woman (here) taste of a man...

  well, in any case... even if Izana-sama already told us that the people in his village will mostly have no memory of him, we never thought to hear that he IS the one who asks for his father to seal everyone in this village about him... it's not really in the village, even the forest, and the traveling merchant... and... he even enhances it himself...

  Well, in the first place Hagoromo-san is the father of Izana-sama so I think it's normal for him to be able to do that. Then, he told us with our definition of power... he meant for our cultivation huh... the strongest here would be the only hagoromo, himself that once have a step into the Extreme stage... but only in the early phase... Well, it's to be expected... he even weaker than me before meeting with Izana-sama... well, they might be stronger than the cows...

  Then, on the 2nd day. The man named himself as Asura, with a power of Peak of Peak stage... hmm, that sounds a bit weird but that's not wrong... he got a weird purple eyed eyes and acting shy in front of me... fufufu, how did he think that he can fool the old me here, acting like not interested on me but fidgeting here and there... not long after a Woman called Kana brought him out and reprimand him. Fufufu, how cute...

  Then in the middle of the day, an idiotic man comes out of a single woman's house nonchalantly...

"Woman's feels here good~"

said the idiotic cow... I palm faced myself and asking him.

"What did you do?"

"You know~ when a woman and a man were in a house with only the 2 of them... something like that is happening..."

"Wha... you... did you having intercourse with her?"

"Wa... WAIT! NONONONO! I won't do that! I still want to live! If I do that I will be grilled by my wives you know!"

  Just after he says that a woman with a disorganized hair and clothes comes out of the house and wave her hands to the stupid cow... seeing that I'm letting out a string from my hands and bondage him on the spot.

"I'm not doing anything! this is an injustice! I'm just doing a message! hey! release me! Tsucchi-san!"

  Leaving him there, I walk out of the village to sightsee...

  What a rural place this is... compared to the town Izana-sama create in the Nature world... this is just a rural village huh... but.. it might be nice to live here... away from nature's law, where the strong reign... but... having Izana-sama in the back is, even more, better than this...

  Ah... how I miss Izana-sama... I want to see him... Then...


  A roar that creating an earthquake woke me up in my illusion of living with Izana-sama... This roar... is Qs...

I really wonder what happens to him, so I ran to the source of the roar. Just to see, Indra, Izana-sama's brother...

"Q! hold yourself together!"

"Tsucchi eh... I won't just this only... I won't..."

  He answers me with a bloodshot eye... I wonder what's happening... to make him so mad like this...

  Then, In order to stop him.. even though he's stronger than me... I need to fight him... at least I'm stronger than anyone here...

Thus, here I am... controlling the situation... at the same time reporting it...


 The Dragon mode Q, suddenly wreak a havoc. Indra whom near him get pressured under the frenzied Q... Meanwhile, every one of the villagers who comes late just understands 1 thing...

'ah... It's our time to vanish'

  it is an utter desperation... just by getting closer to the location of the battle between the dragon and the woman, they understood... that... not even Hagoromo, their late patriarch, and their new patriarch Asura could stand a chance with just by standing near the battleground... even more to hold the dragon back...

"Ah... so Q-san has wreaked a havoc huh... I wonder what happen?"

  The nonchalant question was spoken by Ushiwakamura... He stood there like it's none of his business...

"You don't help her?"

ask Taizou who stood behind Asura.

"Me?... I'll just be an appetizer in front of those 2... I don't even have the power to hold back their finger when they got serious..."

"Wha... but yesterday you defeat me..."

Ask the puzzled Asura.

"what? did you think you are strong! you were as weak as the henchmen Izana-sama has... no no no... I am the henchmen Izana-sama has... so, you're even weaker than the henchmen!"

  They all flabbergasted by hearing Ushiwakamura's word...

"Furthermore, do you know that these two is an executive of Izana-sama's!? They're all Izana-sama's top subordinate's! there's only several of them! and that Q is the strongest of all!"

  they're starting to have a cold sweat, including Hagoromo... What makes them afraid is not the thing that Q is the strongest... but the fact that there is more monster like those under Izana's command...

Who is this IZANA?!

How could he control them?!

What makes them come here?!

  This question starts to appear under the oblivious villagers... while Asura was more shocked by the fact that he is even weaker than a henchman...

"Ooooh~ how noisy here ribbit..."

  the voice is known only to Hagoromo and futami... Because they're the only want that hears this voice more often than the other...

Yes... this voice belongs to his teacher and friend from mount myouboku...


  Is what Hagoromo say while looking back, only to be astonished...

"Ah... there you are Hagoromo... why you never told me that you have a 3rd son... ribbit"

  The man who walked to him... yes, it's a man... not a frog...

"ohohoho... looks like you've startled eh... well, I'll tell you the story later~ anyway I've brought you a gift, but as soon as he sees that a dragon wreaking a havoc near the village he ran off there swiftly..."

  The man in his mid-30s says while looking at Hagoromo... Gamamaru, look even younger than him... he somehow dejected but more importantly, the alongside his words about the gift the pressure he felt come to nothing in a matter of second...

"hah... really? I just left you alone for 3 days and you already wreak a havoc? Q... you really need a good beating huh..."

  hearing a voice that has a nostalgic feeling, and the face and hair that looks like his son whom gone off for a long time... Hagoromo unknowingly in tears...

having his robe fluttering in the wind, while floating in the sky with his hair fluttering...

Looking at the wrecked Tsuchigumo, with his little brother who already grown up... he felt a feeling that I'm home huh...


  With a sigh, he throws his hand out of his robe's pocket and...


The world shuddered, and the earth quaking... the animal cry for help, of the dread they felt. While the earth quaking just to hold the pressured Q on the ground...


Some words to allow the last words to be seen, and not cutted because of some bugs in the apps