
Storytime with AI

A group of short stories helped to be created by an AI

NaxisNeok · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

Tommy and Minecraft

As the sun began to set on another boring summer day, ten-year-old Tommy sat listlessly in the living room lazily flipping through channels on the TV. Suddenly, something on the screen caught his eye - it was a commercial for the latest game that everyone was talking about: Minecraft. Tommy had heard about it from his classmates but had never played it before. But, as he watched the commercial, he couldn't help but feel a pull, a magnetic attraction to the world on the screen.

Unable to resist any longer, Tommy begged his parents for the game and, after a bit of negotiation, they finally agreed to buy it for him. Overjoyed, Tommy spent hours playing Minecraft, building fantastical structures and exploring the vast digital world. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Tommy grew bored of Minecraft. Soon enough, he was back to being bored and restless, searching for some sort of adventure.

That's when Tommy remembered a strange dream he had a few weeks ago. In the dream, he found himself in a dark cave filled with strange symbols and glowing objects. Suddenly, a bright light encircled him and he was sucked into some kind of portal. In the dream, he had been transported to the world of Minecraft, a place where he was free to build and explore to his heart's content.

Feeling a bit silly, Tommy decided to try and recreate the dream by drawing the symbols from his dream and placing random objects around his room. He even set up a flashlight to act as a source of light. But nothing happened. Disappointed, Tommy crawled into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Tommy woke up to find himself on the edge of a dark, mysterious cave. He had to rub his eyes a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Everything around him was pixelated, just like in Minecraft. Suddenly, he realized that he had somehow been transported into the game!

At first, Tommy was thrilled. He couldn't believe that he was actually in the game that he loved so much. The colorful, pixelated world around him was alive with creatures and landscapes that he had only interacted with through his computer screen. He spent the day exploring the forests, climbing mountains, and swimming through rivers.

But as night fell, Tommy realized that he was completely alone. No other players, no NPCs, no animals. It was just him, alone in the vast world of Minecraft. He didn't know what to do or where to go. As he wandered through the dark, his heart began to race. It was difficult to see in the darkness, and he was terrified by the sounds of monsters lurking in the shadows.

Just when he thought he would never make it through the night, Tommy saw a flicker of light on the horizon. It was the glowing window of a house! Tommy ran as fast as he could toward the light, grateful for the prospect of safety.

As he approached the house, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar. He pushed it open and stepped inside. To his surprise, there were people inside! They welcomed him warmly, offering him food and a place to sleep for the night.

Over the next few days, Tommy learned a lot about this strange, new world. It turned out that there were other people like him who had found their way into Minecraft by way of different portals. They were all different ages and from all over the world but they all shared a love for Minecraft. Together, they built houses, farms, and even started a small community.

Eventually, Tommy realized that he missed his old life. As much as he loved Minecraft, he knew that he belonged in the real world. And so, he set up his own portal and bid farewell to his new friends. Just as he stepped through the portal, he felt a sudden pang of sadness in his heart. He had loved his time in Minecraft and would miss it dearly.

As Tommy opened his eyes, he half-expected to see his familiar living room around him. To his surprise, he was lying in a strange, grassy field. Looking around, he saw that he was surrounded by hilly terrain and blocky trees. And then he realized... he was still in Minecraft!

Confused and disoriented, Tommy wondered how he was supposed to get back to the real world. But then he remembered what one of his new friends had told him: you can't always control how you get to Minecraft, but you can always control how you get back.

Taking a deep breath, Tommy closed his eyes and thought back to his room. When he opened his eyes again, he was lying in bed just as he had been the night before. Had it all been a dream? Tommy weighed his options for a minute before deciding that it didn't really matter. One thing was for sure: Minecraft would never be the same again.