
Federico Fellini

The quote above suggests that learning two or more languages makes an individual a better person because learning second language improves one's understanding in a better way as compared to the one who is monolingual. It has also been proven that children who speak more than one language have a more efficient process of learning and understanding. They are better at multitasking and problem solving, as well as being wiser and more self-motivated. Knowing more than one language allows you to readily communicate with people from various cultures and languages. A person's feelings are better expressed in the language he understands, and studying several languages will help you understand them better, which will lead to the establishment of tighter ties. Knowing many languages can enable you to speak more effectively in a group setting and avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Connections are more crucial than ever in a bilingual world. Knowing a second language might always provide you an unfair advantage as the world becomes more globalized. Being bilingual has so many tangible advantages. It can benefit your job by improving your memory and cognitive functioning, as well as increasing your comprehension of the languages you already know. It also plays key role in mental growth which directly affects thinking, ideas, and visions towards life. The term second language often indicates English Language which is also widely acknowledged that persons who are fluent in a second language, whether bilingual or have studied a foreign language. English is, of course, well-known in the corporate world and in international trade, and it has also become the international language of science and medicine since the mid-twentieth century. Another motivation to learn English is to have access to some of the world's greatest educational systems and institutions. Many of the world's greatest universities are located in the United Kingdom and the United States, or use English as their primary medium of instruction. People who can proficiently speak more than one language have superior memories and are more cognitively capable. My journey of learning was started when I did not even know how to write a single alphabet. But my experience of learning English at graduate level is something which I can thoroughly discuss. It is much understandable, and easier to reflect my journey of learning English throughout this semester.

From the beginning of my first semester this course has given me a lot to grasp. Initially, the course was begun with the revision of English language basics including foundations of speech and tenses. Since I took one year gap after my HSSC II result, which affected me academically at some extent but the according to the syllabus, revision of prior basics help me a lot to build up my foundations. The COURSE has later taught about sentences, clauses and their structures. The structure of a sentence is one of the basic foundation of learning English. I observed that after understanding elements of sentences, its correct structure, use, and importance I write and speak English in a better way comparatively before this COURSE. Before learning structures I was used to speak fragmented sentences and my academic assignments were not even easy to be understood by the reader. Later, I personally observe the positive difference in my writing skills and my compositions are much easier to be understood now. Understanding structures will also be proved as more beneficial as is it now in my professional career. With correct use of structure I will be able to convince people around me in workspaces. As you learn more about how language works and how to use it to connect with others in a variety of social, educational, and professional settings, learning many languages can help you communicate more clearly in any language. With the passage of time this learning will positively further improve my communication skills and I shall be able to put my feedback, experiences, and explanations in a more precise manner so that others could benefit from my learning also.

Another key topic of this course was reading, analysis, and comprehensions. I have been reading comprehensions from primary grades but before getting enrolled into this course I had no clue of what reading comprehension is for, and why is it important to learn and analyze comprehensions in order to have better understanding of second language. Initially, I was reading and trying to understand the given passages but could not be able to read between the lines and could not critically analyze the compositions. But now I have not only understood the importance of reading and critical analysis but also I read and understand comprehensions from both the author's and reader's point of view. I see difference in my skills and I also believe that it will play a helpful role in my career ahead. By understanding reading between the lines shall also be helpful in my practical life to better understand people's choices, demands, and thought processes that remains unsaid. Academically, reading comprehension improved my vocabulary and throughout the semester I have been a keen learner of new words and their usages. Improvement in vocabulary will surely be helpful in expressing myself through second language in an understandable way. Also, through the combination of high vocabulary, critical thinking analysis, and understandable English writing structures I shall be able to convey my viewpoints to everyone by using other language.

One of the many topics was punctuation, we all have been hearing the word punctuation since our preprimary levels but the importance of punctuation was not as described as it is yet done. After learning punctuations I started observing that when you use punctuation in your writing, it helps the reader grasp what you're saying. A sentence's meaning might be completely altered by incorrect or missing punctuation. Punctuation is used to show pauses and to emphasize specific concepts or thoughts that are conveyed in the text. Punctuation accuracy is very important in academic writing because it serves to enhance arguments presented in the text. Now, by the end of this course I use punctuations as correctly as I can in comparison to that of before this course. The reflection of the freshman English course was very much beyond that is explained above.

Conclusively, this English course had taught me the importance and difficulties of learning a language which is not native. It is now understandable that multilingual people are comparatively better learners with extra ordinary functional brains to monolingual ones. Studying English language at graduate level for the first time, with committed and student-focused teacher provided me enough learning that I could absorb in short period of this semester. I can see major differences in reading, speaking, and academic writing because of my teacher's teaching skills, syllabus design, and my own hard work.