
Story of a Multiversal Travel

This is a story about Irene Rose how she died and her story in the Multiverse ********************************************************************* The First world is Dragonball ********************************************************************* Tags: Female Protagonist, World Travel, no Harem ********************************************************************* I don't own Dragonball. The only thing belonging to me is the OC character and the changes in the story.

xDark_Legend · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Learning Yadrat techniques and second Planet

´´As i opened the door a smell of food came came towards me the next second i heard a voice`` "sit down and let us eat something i made the specialty of Yadrat sweet potatos in all variations" said Veg

"I thank you for the food elder Veg" ´´as i sat down to the small blue Yadrat elder and we startet to eat the sweet potatos`` he said " i can teach you our techniques but you should know i can teach you every technique but how fast you can learn all techniques lies alone in your understanding and talent."

"I know but i want to learn everything that i can learn so please teach me everything you know elder Veg." said Irene

"Sure tomorrow i will teach you but you should make yourself familiar with the surroundings, during the time you are away i will build you a house where you can sleep" said Veg

"Then i will do that, i will come in the evening again in the mean time i will go down in the village and look around"

´´After the meal i said goodbye and made my way in the village.``

´´I was walking along a path in the forest, the path was surrounded from nature from time to time one of the Yardrats of a village walked across the pathways,

the Yardrats are very interesting they have knowledge to control space and time and create many techniques but their individual power level is very low but there are still Yardrats who have a strength above Frieza but even with all that abilities they are still living on their home planet in peace. ``

´´ I walked straight in their village it was small and full of harmony between each other some looked at me and startet talking about me it was probably for most their first time to see a whole other race.``

''' As i walked through the village the thing that i noticed immediately was that the Yadrats intigrated every of their techniques in their daily life the most used was the Magic Materialization technique,

the technique to create matter out of Ki and one of the things i would love to learn immediately but i know that elder Veg is going to teach me so i schould enjoy this quiet environment. '''

The next morning

´´ in a house on a small hill a ray of sunshine shined through the windows on a sleeping person, in the next moment the person opens her eyes `` and said

" the first morning on a other planet is not that different as i expected" ´´ Irene sat herself straight in her new bed and stretched herself the next she did was to go out of her house and knock on elder Veg's door "hello elder Veg are you awake? "

"Yes and i also already ate, i let you sleep we already have midday on the table is standig food vor you after you have eaten i'am going to train you" said elder Veg as he suddenly stood behind me and pushed me inside.

´´After i had eaten he told me that we are first going to learn the basic Yadrat technique the Spirit Control the abillity to control Ki to a greater degree than average and unlock their other abilities,

Spirit Control allows the user to shift,grow and split their spirit which then alows the use of Ability's like Instant Transmission, Forced Spirit Fission, Gigantification, Cloning and Healing``

´´ I was excited to know that i can learn spirit control because the techniques gives one a so good utilization over Ki that if you would try to send out a small Ki blast that a gigantic Ki beam would emerge.``

*Two weeks later* 

" Now i can all use your abillity's except Forced Spirit Fission but i know the theorie behind the technique so i will try to figure it out myself, but thank you for your teachings elder Veg if in the future somone of your planet needs my help than i'am more than happy to help." said Irene

"No problem i was the one who said that i can teach you and i will Inform you if we ever need your help but i think that won't happen often cause our planet is on the edge of the universe and we don't provoke people we just want to live in peace" said Veg

" I thing i'am going to a planet that just has some animals and no Civilization to master the Forced Spirit Fission and try to get a feeling for the Ultra Instinct, do you know a planet that would be a good place elder Veg ?" asked Irene

" We have made a star map with over half the universe you can have a copy of it and decide a planet for yourself, oh well if you ever complete the star map i would be happy if you would bring us a copy so that we also have a complete star map."

"It was nice to have a visitor from another planet i hope you can visit me and tell me about some stories if you have some to talk about. " said elder Veg

´´After our our talk elder Veg gave me a copy of the map and i choose a planet that doesn't have a sign of civilization but has some animals to eat and test some skills. `` 

"thats a good idea no one disturbs and you can train in peace, goodbye Irene" said Veg

"Goodbye elder Veg and thanks for your training and i hope to see you next time i'am here" said Irene


´´As soon i opend my eyes a really bright light shined in my face i put my hands before the sun and looked around in the surroundings and had a sight i think i couldnt forget even if i wanted to,

a little bit before me was a big waterfall with some animals that were drinking and fish that were jumping in the water on my left was a big forest where loud sounds where coming from and on my right was standing a tall stone which was perfect to sit on i went to the stone sat done and was thinking in which direction schould i go first before i'am going to train.´´

" i know it i will first go to the waterfalls "