
Story of a Multiversal Travel

This is a story about Irene Rose how she died and her story in the Multiverse ********************************************************************* The First world is Dragonball ********************************************************************* Tags: Female Protagonist, World Travel, no Harem ********************************************************************* I don't own Dragonball. The only thing belonging to me is the OC character and the changes in the story.

xDark_Legend · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Divine Ki and Yadrat

*twenty five years later*

´´On a mountain surrounded by nothing but nature, on top of the mountain was sitting a really beautiful human women with with her eyes closed and long light blue hair the hair reached below her feet.

Suddenly the women opend her eyes and said``

" i see thats how divine ki works you need to have a understanding about a rule like destruktion or time and space and connect your own Ki with the power of time and space the last step is to combine both things and use the natural ki to build the divine ki because then you start to intigrate with the worldy Ki and no one other than people who also have divine Ki it can sense you because they would try to sense something that is integrated in natural Ki that surrounds everyone"

*I clenched my fist* ''' and felt that i got much stronger than my past self through the constant use of the Ki circulating technique and the newly divine Ki i'am sure that i can kill my self countless times now with just one fist and i could destroy eighty percent of a universe if i would attack with all my power.

and through the newly understood use of divine Ki i can now breathe in space and could also perfect my evolution Program and can start to intigrate other things in my gene that are similar to my gene. '''

*The next thing i did was to use the power of time and space to create many techniques like the space cut from Black Goku and the three minute's time back from the Angels. *

*I also created a better variation of the teleport from the Kaio's im sure that if i can master the power of time an space that i can travel to other Anime universes and get much more knowledge.*

'''The goal to live longer is achived if someone really has divine ki than he can live so long like the world where he is connected with but it's only linked to the lifespan if i'am killed in a fight than i'am going to die.'''

'''The only think where divine Ki helps is the regenaration of Ki and wound's i got in a fight.'''

'''Now that i can breathe in space i can go to explore the universe, i thougt what planet i should go first in the universe and Yadrat would be the best planet because they have the best understanding of Ki in the universe other than angels.

So i looked near Namek in the vast amounts of planets and found it, Yadrat a Planet with a race that doesn't show they specialty a Planet only known though Son Goku.'''


The moment i appeared on Yadrat i heard a voice in my head "who are you and what do you want on Yadrat?"

Irene said " i'am a human from Earth and don't want to create Problems i'am just traveling to to learn more and get stronger but who are you, why can you sense me and why can i hear your voice in my head?"

" I'am Veg one of the elders of Yadrat we are happy to have friendly visitors on our planet but if you want to know why i can sense you, than i need to ask you to visit me because it's easier to explain something if you can show it to the other person than to explain it with telepathy"

"Sure i'am coming to visit here's a good place to learn something so a visit to one of the elders can't be that bad"

´´Irene traced back the telepathy to the elder and tried to use her teleport technique but she didn't teleport`` '''something blocks my ability to use teleportation''' " why can't i teleport? Answer me!"

"Oh right you can't teleport on Yadrat, just away from it or on it but every teleport on Yadrat other than our own is supressed on Yadrat so you should also learn how to use our teleportation technique and intigrate it in yours."

"So you need to go to feet just treat it as change and enjoy it, also the way isnt tiring with your fitness" said Veg

"You! just say it in the beginning, but your right i didn't have a break scince i was trying to understand Divine Ki and the power of time and space i probably should try to relax a bit because training and rest together give better results than just training"

´´On the way to elder Veg i traveled trough a forest with trees so high that one can't see the treetop and just a bit before his house i stood on a stone cliff from where you could see a village with no more than fifteen houses but everyone in the village seemed friendly.``

´´I went to his door,``said "Hey Veg its me Irene we talked before through telepathy´´and knocked ``

"You were quick come in" said Veg

My Third Chapter

I personally find it the best chapter.

And i hope there are no spelling mistakes.

xDark_Legendcreators' thoughts