
Storm Brewing

Emma was always hyperactive and full of energy. She loved the stories her Grandfather used to tell her when she was little of fantastic beasts in the Dark Woods. After he passes, she sets out on an adventure from the advice her Grandfather gave her when she was young. She finds out just how special she really is, and just how real her Grandfather's stories were.

TylerValentine · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Ball

The three youngsters clambered through the large hole and when they came to the other side of the entrance of the forest, they realized it was pitch black except for Emma. Emma's palm glowed a luminous blue again. Soon, her entire body illuminated like a firefly. Seth marveled at her beauty. Her skin gleamed so brilliantly in the darkness that it illuminated their path. After they forced their way through dense thicket for a brief distance, the path expanded into a clearing that was lit by enormous toadstools that glowed brightly, much like Emma, but in strange colors. There were blue, lavender, and neon pink toadstools, as well as slimy green ones that were covered in an unknown sludge that dripped from the edges. As they walked, Seth's hand skimmed against Emma's. Emma blushed. When she did, she gleamed brighter. She grasped Seth's hand, interweaving her fingers with his as they walked closer side-by-side. Juliet smiled. She thought the young couple was adorable, and she was elated for them. She knew how much they loved each other, and how long they had loved each other. Seeing them reconciled after all these years melted her heart.

Only Emma was currently unaware that she had known Seth long ago. She had known him before he was turned. Seth grew up in the village that her grandfather, rather her creator, had brought the girls to in the original incarnation of their lives. Seth remembered the first time he met Emma still.

Seth was playing in his parents' yard when a beautiful blonde girl with crystal blue eyes that shimmered like the frost on leaves during the winter. He was only four years old then. The girl had seen him playing with the red ball that he tossed around when he was bored. Fascinated by both the ball and the dark-haired boy that was playing with it, the little girl had made her way across the dirt path from her grandfather's and over to the lot where the little boy was playing.

Her long blonde hair gently flowed in the Autumn breeze in Calandiel, the home of the High-Elves. She smiled at the boy as she stood at the edge of the lot. Seth, the boy, looked up and saw the most magnificent being that he had ever encountered in his short years. She was so gorgeous that he forgot he had thrown the ball in the air and it came down, thumping him on his head.

"Ow!" The little boy rubbed his head where the ball had landed, and the girl giggled. She introduced herself as "Emilia."

"Are you hurt? You got hit on the head pretty hard by that–" Emilia paused. She didn't know the name of what had hit him, as she had never seen one before. It reminded her of a rock, only slightly softer. "Ball?" The boy realized she didn't know what the toy was.

"Y-yes, ball. I have never seen one of those before."

Seth raised one of his eyebrows curiously. "You've never seen a ball before?"

"N-no. We don't have those where I am from," the small, fair-skinned girl replied. She blushed shyly.

"I thought they had balls everywhere? Where do you come from?" Seth shifted his weight between his feet, nervous. He hadn't felt the feeling he was getting in his small stomach before. It felt like butterflies had gotten inside of him and were threatening to send him fluttering into the sky.

"Well.. I am from an island. That is very far away. It is freezing there and Pa Pa hardly let me play outside because he was afraid my sister and I would get sick." Seth's chocolate eyes met Emilia's."Well, since you have never seen a ball before. I guess you've never thrown one either?" Seth tossed the ball in the air, this time taking care to catch it so it didn't hit him in the head again.

Emilia grinned. She enjoyed watching Seth toss and catch his ball. It looked fun.

"Well, no, I have never thrown one. I am not sure how you would throw a ball."

Seth saw his chance to get closer to Emilia. He took it.

"Well, I could show you if you'd like?" He grinned. He was smooth for a small child.

"Uh.. o-okay. If you're sure." Emilia blushed a deep shade of rose. When Seth saw she was blushing, he blushed too and giggled. "I'm sure."

Seth walked over behind Emilia and put the ball in her hand, then he got close to her; until her back was against him. Emilia and Seth were both the shade of a garden tomato now. Seth caught the soft lavender scent that came off her skin. He rested his chin on her shoulder and gently took the back of her hand in his as the ball was in her hand. "Okay, I will help you, but you have to let go when you feel the ball is about to leave your hand."

Seth's little heart beat fast in his chest as he held her close to him and then thrust her hand up quickly. Emilia let go as her hand gained the most speed and the ball flew off into the sky. It wasn't a normal throw, she really lobbed it. Seth stared up at the sky, convinced the ball would come down quickly, but it didn't. In fact, it disappeared entirely into the clouds.

He waited for what seemed like an eternity. Sure that it must have come down somewhere else. Astonished that she could throw that hard with so little effort. She got embarrassed when the ball didn't come down. After a minute of standing there, staring up at the sky with her hand in his; they realized the ball was not coming down. Seth was amazed.

"Wow! That's incredible. You're a natural!" Seth exclaimed, standing up on his toes and dropping back down from excitement! Emilia hid her face. She was embarrassed that she had lost his ball. Seth realized this and gently turned her around facing him. "Don't be sad. I have a lot of balls at the house, but I've never seen anyone throw a ball like you. You're really special and beautiful." Seth stammered a bit at the end and Emma looked up at him with a shy smile spreading across her face.

"No one's ever called me beautiful before except my Pa Pa." Emilia bit her lip and then she hugged him tightly. Seth didn't know what to do. The girl was so beautiful, and she was hugging him. He was nervous, but he slid his arms around her and hugged her too, rubbing her back. "You are beautiful, though. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."