

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 9. Planning Her Future

Megan had work to manage to, so even though she was going through a difficult time that made her want to stay in bed all day and keep crying, she had to get out of bed as soon as her alarm went off. She completed her morning routine, dressed in business attire, and left her apartment.

Megan was quiet the entire day. She didn't speak except to deliver one-word directions or one-word responses. Although it only lasted a short while, she was glad that the work she had to accomplish had temporarily distracted her from her pregnancy.

She requested lunch from her cousin. Fortunately, she had some desire for food today. She cried when she realized the food she was eating would be divided into two. She would receive half of it, while the other half would go to the developing child inside her belly. She found it hard to believe she was carrying a child now and more importantly, she had no prior experience as a mother.

Megan was so consumed with work after lunch that she didn't leave the office until after eight o'clock in the evening. On her way home, she decided to stop at a Japanese restaurant and place an order for takeout because she had a sudden craving for Japanese food.

As soon as Megan noticed Tammy's car parked outside her flat, she sighed. She had no doubt that the reason Tammy, her best friend, was at her house was that she had refused to take any calls that weren't work-related since she learned she was pregnant. Without a doubt, she was concerned about her.

When Megan opened her door, Tammy was standing with her arms crossed over her chest and with a worried expression.

Tammy was about to rant at Megan for disregarding her calls, which concerned her, but she swallow back her words when she saw Megan's appearance.

She appeared to be quite exhausted and had puffy eyes. She didn't appear to be the happy person she usually was. Tammy opened the door for her to enter and then closed it afterward. Megan set her handbag down on a couch in the living room before going into the kitchen to put the Japanese food she had purchased at the restaurant. She then returned to the living room and joined Tammy.

"I was genuinely concerned about you since I thought that I had done something to upset you."

"I can never be upset at you Tammy," she replied while crying, "If there is someone I'm upset at right now, it's me."

Tammy held her best friend's hand and inquired, "Then what happened, did Timothy hurt you again?"

Megan wiped a tear that had fallen down her face. She was pondering about her response to Tammy. Tammy was startled by Megan's response.

"My life has been a shambles since the moment William broke up with me, and it couldn't get any worse now."

With a worried look on her face, Tammy nodded, urging Megan to continue. Megan sobbed bitterly as she inhaled. She sobbed, "I... Timothy....that... night...Tammy, I'm pregnant," before sobbing uncontrollably and burying her face in Tammy's chest.

Tammy was shocked—maybe her shocking response is an understatement. She remained motionless for some time, going over what Megan stated.

She regained her composure and comforted her best friend, who was crying into her chest. She gave her a back pat. "Please calm down Megan, I know this is unexpected but crying can't fix anything."

Megan lifted her head from Tammy's chest, "Why life was unjust to me? It was just a one-night affair and here I am expecting a child of your so-called cousin."

"I thought you've taken some after pill?" Tammy remarked with a bewildered expression.

"I tried. I brought them Tammy, but it didn't work. I'm quite an idiot for going to bed with Timothy without assuring he was protected. If only I had gone straight to my apartment from William's place, this would not have happened."

"Everyone makes mistakes, so don't be too hard on yourself," Tammy reassured.

"I'm not ready to be a mother, Tammy, I realize everyone makes mistakes, but this mistake is beyond me."

"Have you seen a doctor recently? When did you learn?" As she cleaned Megan's tears, Tammy questioned.

"I've had strange feelings for days. Mom noticed as well, so we had a conversation, and she helped me realize I might be pregnant. I refuted it because I was confident my after-pill medication was effective. I stopped by a pharmacy on my way home yesterday because, for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about the discussion with Mom, and the tests showed positive. I've contacted my doctor and arranged an appointment for tomorrow."

Tammy questioned seriously, "You will keep it right?" which caused Megan to sigh.

"I do not even know Tammy, I'm so perplexed, but I can assure you that I'm not prepared to have a child."

She reassured, lightly squeezing Megan's hand, "You're doing great with your nieces, I have no hesitation you'll be a great mom too. I know this is all sudden and strange, but I want you to stay positive. Whatever your choice is, I'll be here for you."

"William left me because I wasn't ready to raise a family, and now look at me, pregnant from a one-night fling."

"Maybe that you and William were not meant to be since, as you claimed, you never felt the same way for William as you did for Timothy."

"Megan, you are stronger than you think you are, and I know you'll be an amazing mother. I also believe that God can't make you go through anything you can't handle."

"I know you're scared about your job and wondering why all of this is happening since you just got a promotion. But don't worry you'll be alright, and I'll be here to support you. I don't mind accompanying you here."

"Thanks, Tammy," She said.

"So, will you inform Timothy?" Tammy questioned.

Megan answered instantly, "I don't know! Because of his status, he will likely believe that I set him up on purpose, and I don't have the strength to face him, so perhaps it's best that he is not aware of my situation."

Tammy's expression turned pensive as she smiled. "Uncle Charles and Aunt Victoria will be the happiest if they learn that you are pregnant with their grandchild. Timothy's father was still pressuring him for a grandchild on the night of his birthday. Timothy is interested in you, Megan, which is something I never, thought I'd say this to you."

"Did you tell him anything about me? I warned you not to," she murmured.

"I indirectly mentioned you to him, and the notion of you being with someone else made him very angry," she said.

"Maybe he was angry because he didn't get the opportunity to throw his pair of shoes at me as I did to him. I really don't want to worry about him right now, and I don't have so much hope for him either. I want to concentrate on myself and what's next for me. I'll decide what to do after my consultation with my doctor."

Tammy asked, "Can I accompany you to your consultation?"

"Since tomorrow is Friday, what will happen to your conference?" Megan questioned.

"I'll say something came up as an excuse."

"Tammy, don't worry, I'll be alright," said Megan.

Tammy asked with a saddened expression, "Are you certain?" Megan gave a nod.

"Fine, I'm staying here tonight and possibly for the rest of the month. Hopefully, nothing will come up that will compel me to return to my place," she said, pointing to the guest room where her work clothes were stored.

"I'm grateful for your presence and will enjoy it because I deserve to be treated."

Tammy questioned, "So, did you call your mother to inform her that she was correct all along?"

"Mom was aware of my situation the moment she spotted me, but she refrained from pressing the issue due to my reluctance to acknowledge the possibility that she might be correct. I will call her tomorrow, though."

"You'll do amazing and everything will be alright," Tammy assured.

"Discussing you about it makes me feel good. I'll start to see the bright side of things and do my best to handle everything," Megan said.

Tammy decided to tease Megan to make her feel better. She added, making Megan blush, "You and Timothy have this incredible intellect, he is drop-dead handsome and you're drop-dead stunning. Just imagine how perfect your child will be. I'm so envious of your unborn child already. He isn't even born yet he is also wealthier than me."

"Whatsoever! I just don't want my child to inherit Timothy's manner."