

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter 11. Gold Digger

Timothy's habit for the previous two weeks has been to get drunk and keep himself busy with work. Every now and then, Megan's face would stalk him. When he thinks back to his conversations with Tammy, his cousin, about her co-worker dating the woman he had a one-night stand with, he becomes even more irate. He was convinced Megan was like the other women in every way. The tears she poured were all faked, and most importantly, she didn't care at all about what happened between them. He was angry and dying of jealousy. He was going insane at the notion of another man having what he had with her, but his ego prevented him from approaching her. Timothy found it hard to imagine that he had been single for almost two months now.

"Yes," when he answered his intercom.

"There's someone here who wanted to see you, sir," his receptionist spoke over the intercom.

"But I don't expect someone."

"Sir, she stated it was important."

"She?" Timothy muttered, hoping it wasn't one of his ex-girlfriends.

"Yes, Megan is her name, sir."

The moment Megan's name was mentioned, Timothy's eyes widened.

He gasped in surprise, "...What?...Megan is here?"

In his entire life, there had only ever been one Megan—the person he had a passionate one-night affair.

"Do you want me to let her in, sir?"

Timothy pondered for some time. He was perplexed as to why she had come to meet him. He finally told his receptionist, "Let her in."


When the driver informed Megan that they had arrived at her location, Megan was not surprised by what she saw. The image she had seen of Whites AI Company did not even do the current structure justice. The cab driver agreed to wait till Megan finished before driving her to her workplace. She was led from the reception to the ninth floor of the building, where she encountered Timothy White's receptionist.

She said "Good morning" to the woman who appeared to be a similar age to her.

She said with a smile, "Hello. How can I assist you?"

"I have come to see Timothy White."

The receptionist said, "Do you have an appointment?"

"No, I don't have."

"I'm sorry, you can't see him, then." the receptionist politely replied.

"Timothy and I have been friends for a very long time, so I know he'll be glad to see me. Please call Timothy and let him know Megan wanted to see him, if he declines, I'll swear to leave."

The receptionist felt compelled to assist Megan for an unknown reason. Megan wasn't like the other women that do visit the office and requested to see Timothy. Megan looked attractive, kind, and honest in contrast to those girls, who were typically rude and almost naked. As the receptionist spoke to Timothy over the phone Megan's eyes only focused on her.

The receptionist said, "You can go in ma'am, His office is down the hall to your left."

Megan's heartbeat quickened. She wasn't sure if she felt anxious or excited. Without a doubt, it was the first. After their one-night stand, she didn't see him again until this time. She replied with a smile that didn't reach her face, "Thank you," and then walked over to Timothy's office.

She uncomfortably swallows before knocking on the door. She entered after hearing the distinctive, masculine voice that had been chasing her in her dreams tell her to come in. Megan closed the door behind her and went elegantly up to his desk, while Timothy's gaze never left her body.

She greeted him, "Good morning," before setting her handbag on the table and sitting across from him.

He answered, disguising his happiness at seeing her, "To what do I owe this visit?"

He hoped she had come to ask for forgiveness or for him to take her back the same way the previous women he had been with had behaved.

She said calmly, "Believe me, this is the very last thing I ever want to do, it's only that I have no option." Timothy gave Megan a perplexed expression.

She stated, "I'm pregnant with our child," and at that moment she became annoyed by Timothy's reaction.

He began to chuckle, perhaps finding humor in her remarks.

"I knew you were no different from the other women I've been with, you've come to pretend you're pregnant with my child so that you can earn a fortune out of me."

Megan got to her feet and exclaimed, "Excuse me! Do I appear like a gold digger to you?" in a very irate tone.

Then Timothy got to his feet and said, "Tell me why the heck I should believe you?"

Megan dug around in her handbag on Timothy's desk for the test results before throwing them at him.

Before Timothy could grab the envelope, it dropped to the ground, so he grabbed it up, open and read through it.

"Unfortunately, Megan, you've failed. There's no way I trust in this. I'm sure you made this up. You paid someone to make these false findings so you could trick me."

Words cannot express how irate Megan was. The man in front of her made her want to choke him. She would have slapped him with some sense if it weren't for the enormous wooden desk in between them.

"I know you're not pregnant, you're just trying to con me out of money, and if you are, it's probably for Ryan, your current fuck buddy," he said.

Megan gave him the 'are you serious look.' He knew that she had given herself to him first, and even the computations made from the test results showed that she had conceived that night.

Megan had tears welling up in her eyes, but she fought them back. She then recognized that Timothy was useless and of no value. He is a horrible man, and she would never let her child grow up around him.

Megan glared angrily at Timothy as she vowed to stop being weak in the future. She had gotten enough of Timothy. She and her child don't deserve him. She would raise her child by herself and provide for him or her in every way possible.

"You and your wealth can go to hell for all I care. You are nothing to me and my child. You're just a bitter person who believes so highly in yourself. Again, I pray you ROT in HELL!" Megan grabbed her purse from his desk and strode out of his office, slamming the door behind her.


While taking off his coat, Timothy began to walk around his workspace while running his fingers through his hair. The air conditioner was on, yet he felt as if someone were choking him. He hadn't anticipated Megan's visit to be for anything other than the fact that she was expecting a baby.

He refused to accept that the baby was his even though the fact that the test results showed she conceived the same night they had a sexual encounter.

Through his glass partition, he peered out and noticed Megan getting into the cab. Since he met her, his life had never been the same.

In an effort to convince himself that Megan was lying, that she was just like Alice and the others, and—most importantly—that he wasn't the father of the child she was carrying, he sat down behind his desk and buried his face in his hands.