

On the Chaos Continent, where celestial energy and martial strength reigned supreme, lived a legendary cultivator named Wang Chu. After practicing for millions of years in higher planes, he had become a master of countless disciplines. Though his cultivation level was average, Wang Chu was hailed as a genius. Everything he did seemed to be successful – beast taming, alchemy, formation crafting… even forging armor and brewing wine! If that wasn’t enough good fortune for one man to have, fate dealt him another unexpected card – something that had never been seen before! His physical body was awakened by some greater power. The news spread through the continent like wildfire and all ambitious factions were sent into an uproar: ancient sects, hidden clans and celestial empires alike. They saw him as an incredibly rare treasure; an unimaginably beneficial tool to get their hands on. As such, Wang Chu became the target of countless harassment attempts from all directions. Each step he took was blocked by relentless adversaries who wished for nothing else but his demise. The struggle between them reached such heights that their collective armies seemed like they would flood over each other like waves. Ah! But it seemed that fate still hadn’t played its final hand on Wang Chu just yet. Due to some strange circumstances or divine intervention — nobody knew for sure — he was reborn in the body of an Earth wanderer!

AncientBeing33 · Oriental
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23 Chs

Chapter 23: Triumph over Tribulation

Wang Chu's eyesight followed Murong Lingyun and Xiao Chi until they were out of sight, having left the island on top of the Cloud Chasing Kun. Wang Chu whispered to Old Ji in a low voice after turning to face him: "Old Ji, I want you to follow them without showing yourself; keep an eye on them and ensure their safety."

Without making any sound, Old Ji nodded his head slightly and disappeared into thin air before their very eyes. He hid himself while trailing along at a distance behind Murong Lingyun and Xiao Chi.

Afterward, Wang Chu shifted his gaze from where he had last seen Old Ji to Su Chen who was standing nearby with a contemplative expression on his face. He walked up to him and stared at his disciple with piercing eyes.

"Su Chen, what is it that bothers you?" Wang Chu asked gently yet probing.

Master… I have been finding it hard to measure my new abilities since transforming my body; it feels like there has been a great increase in power but how exactly can I use all of it? — Su Chen replied after hesitating for some moments.

Wang Chu nodded thoughtfully as he already started thinking about possible solutions for Su Chen's problem in his mind; then he turned inwardly engaging with the system through internal dialogue and seeking its guidance and help.

"System, I need your help," Wang Chu began, his thoughts directed inward. "In my past life, I encountered a simulation trial tower that allowed cultivators to test and hone their skills in a controlled environment. Can you provide something similar here?"

The request went through processing by the system as it reviewed memories from previous life alongside accessing a vast knowledge database held within itself; soon afterward silence set in only broken by a cold response, "Yes, Master. I can create a simulation trial tower that will allow cultivators to train and refine their abilities in a safe and controlled setting. However, it will require significant energy and resources to construct, it will cost you almost half of your remaining heaven's coins".

Wang Chu nodded, he understood the implications of his request but resolved to give his disciples everything they needed for them to reach the highest possible levels; so, looking back at Su Chen once more he said loudly: "Su Chen, I shall have a simulation trial tower built for you, similar to what you have in your clan."

The idea of having simulation trial towers made Su Chen's face light up. Most major force from the upper realm, be it a sect, empire, or a clan have a simulation trial to help members improve their cultivation and combat abilities without real-world consequences. 

With a serene expression, he bowed respectfully to his master and spoke in a calm yet sincere tone, "Thank you, Master.

With this assurance from Su Chen ringing in his mind Wang Chu began thinking about other things which had been bothering him lately; thus engaging once more system through internal dialogue about increasing spiritual thickness around the island.

"System, I believe it is time to take steps to enrich the spiritual thickness of our island," Wang Chu stated firmly. "what about planting a Verdant Coast Redwood? Its roots will penetrate deep into the earth, drawing upon the spiritual energy of the land and enhancing its vitality."

The system processed Wang Chu's request, analyzing the potential benefits of planting the Verdant Coast Redwood. After a moment of consideration, it responded, "Master, while the Verdant Coast Redwood is indeed a formidable tree, I recommend a different species: the Mountain Ash Arbor Tree."

Wang Chu stirred his brain a bit as the system made its suggestion. "Mountain Ash Arbor Tree? I have no idea what kind of tree that is. Where does it come from, why haven't I seen it?"

The system replied within seconds, "The Mountain Ash Arbor Tree is one of the strongest trees in the system mall. It originated from the ancient primordial era and boasts unmatched power and vitality. Its fruit-bearing duration is 300 years per round, compared to 2000 years for the Verdant Coast Redwood which is not very suitable for people like you who cultivate with disciples; we can harvest it earlier if we use some growth materials, my shortest estimation is 3 years.

Wang Chu took note of this information; he was interested. "Why have I never heard of this tree before? And where did it go if it's so strong?"

The system gave this response: "The origins and the reason behind the disappearance of Mountain ash arbor tree are unknown stories shrouded by time depths. Maybe its cultivation requirements were too strict which led to its extinction. But through our resources and technology know-how, we can bring back this olden days' giant onto our island, Master shall we proceed?"

As Wang Chu pondered the system's suggestion regarding the Mountain Ash Arbor Tree, he found himself intrigued by the idea of harnessing its power to enrich the spiritual thickness of the island. With a nod of determination, he resolved to proceed with creating the simulation trial tower first.

While Wang Chu was in the process of making his simulation trial tower, there was a lot of energy around him. His movements were exact; every gesture he made was infused with intention as he called forth the necessary components to realize his vision.

Wang Chu summoned all the spiritual energy from the island with one forceful swoop of his hand and used it in forming the tower. Strands of light twisted through space interlocking to create the framework for this edifice while at the same time, complex runes glowed into existence along its surface setting up protective wards and magic enchantments.

As it took shape, this building started exuding power – not just any power but one that appeared to be otherworldly; an eerie pulse seeming to resonate with everything on that landmass having a core nearer than any others can reach. Underfoot shook violently enough for anyone standing outside to feel it too though still unable to tell where exactly from or why until now even spies stationed at coastlines could only guess their worst fears being realized by such signs alone: some great calamity must surely follow suit shortly thereafter.

Further off down, Old Ji who had been trailing Murong Lingyun and Xiao Chi stopped dead when strange feelings washed over him like waves hitting shorelines during storms which made hairs stand up on ends.

Alike yet different each time they broke against dunes beneath foggy skies above calm seas beyond horizons far away, senses tingling with awareness so much so that turning back towards island became inevitable despite the distance involved revealing little about what exactly seemed important happening somewhere within those borders guarded vigilantly against intrusion.

Throughout the Yan Empire, people started noticing subtle changes occurring within the atmosphere around them which could not be denied any longer even if their causes remained unknown for now.

Whispers ran through streets like wildfire about strange events happening somewhere unknown within the borders realm itself; they reached every corner before dying out leaving behind only vague memories later spoken of as dreams still half-remembered upon waking up from sleep where unconscious mind had woven strange tales around mundane facts so as not to forget anything important that might have been missed during day's activities. While some talked more loudly than others telling stories involving powerful cultivator employing evil spells or ancient relic forgotten by time.

As the simulation trial tower neared completion, Wang Chu felt a surge of anticipation coursing through him. With a final flourish of his hands, he infused the structure with the last of his energy, sealing its enchantments and fortifying its defenses.

"Here it comes," Wang Chu murmured, his voice a whisper of determination.

Suddenly, a disturbance rippled through the skies above the island, heralding the arrival of a heavenly tribulation. Dark clouds coalesced overhead, crackling with volatile energy as lightning danced across the firmament. Su Chen watched in awe as the celestial phenomenon unfolded, his eyes widening with astonishment at the power unleashed.

But amidst the chaos, Wang Chu remained steadfast. With a fierce expression, he stepped forward to confront the approaching tribulation head-on. Drawing upon his cultivation and the resilience of his heaven-mending physique, he raised his voice in a commanding shout.

"Get out!" Wang Chu's voice thundered across the island, echoing with such force that the very air trembled. People outside the island, with weaker cultivations, collapsed to their knees, clutching their ears as the sheer intensity of Wang Chu's shout damaged their eardrums.

In the imperial palace, the Emperor and the Grand Tutor exchanged alarmed glances as the sound reverberated through the capital. Such a powerful shout could only mean one thing: something of immense significance was happening on the island.

Back on the island, Wang Chu continued to channel his energy, his voice resonating with power as he confronted the encroaching tribulation. Su Chen could only watch in speechless amazement as his master faced down the divine wrath with unwavering resolve, a testament to his strength and determination.

In an unprecedented turn of events, the heavenly tribulation seemed to recoil at Wang Chu's shout, as if startled by the sheer force of his presence. The dark clouds hesitated, wavering uncertainly in the sky as if unsure of their next move. 

And as the last echoes of the heavenly tribulation faded into the distance, Wang Chu stood victorious, his gaze steely and unwavering. The simulation trial tower stood before him, a testament to his mastery over both the physical and spiritual realms.

Su Chen approached his master, his admiration evident in his eyes. "Master, that was... incredible," he managed to say, his voice filled with awe and reverence.

Wang Chu nodded, a sense of satisfaction spreading through him. "It was nothing," he replied modestly.

As Wang Chu stood there, basking in the aftermath of his triumph, a voice resonated within his mind, cutting through the lingering echoes of the heavenly tribulation.

"In your past life, you used to run like a rabid dog every time a heavenly tribulation was sent by the heavens eye to monitor you," the system's voice intoned solemnly. "You couldn't eat with peace after you awakened your physique. But this is the first time you fought it directly."

Wang Chu's expression remained impassive as he listened to the system's words, memories of his past life flickering through his mind like distant shadows.

"Next time, after we come back to the Chaos Continent, all the people who haunted you in the past, we will shatter them all," the system continued, its tone filled with determination. "This is your first victory, Master. Congratulations."

A flicker of emotion passed through Wang Chu's eyes, a mix of resolve and anticipation. This victory was just the beginning, a prelude to the battles that lay ahead. And as he looked out towards the horizon, towards the unknown challenges that awaited them, Wang Chu knew that he was ready to face whatever obstacles came his way.

"Thank you," he murmured quietly.