

It was a hazy and shrouded memory, and the images were faint and blurry, tho the gushing noise of the water as it falls leaves to leaves or straight to earth is clear that it's raining hard.

On a dark cold night, with muddy road with slippery wild grass, it's easier to realize one is dreaming.

The Moise, and smell of nature is noticeable sure it ain't something he's ever been before, much less the pollution in the air clearly states it isn't the place he's used to.


Tho weird and unknown this isn't anything knew, this place are all familiar as he's been here all the time.


"I ended up here again tonight, huh?" With the thoughts in mind, he recollected his memory of ideas, and eventually remembered what he needs to do.


As he remember there's a lone cabin in the middle of this Forrest which obviously he frequent since he started walking unconsciously in that direction or rather he followed the strange aura as if guiding him to that place where someone could offer him some help.


His mind are all but thoughts of this place, and the idea of taking shelter to familiar place and on that place is a familiar person who would let him stay.


"I guess I'll be sleeping at stable again, pretty sure that lady would let me stay again, she's that kind to stranger and wouldn't even question or pry of my identity so long as I paid back with some errands to manual labor at her place. "

Muttering to himself as he knew it could be a minutes of walk.


" Honestly it's unsafe to let suspicious and unknown person stay, aside from living alone, this place is pretty isolated, anything could happen and no one will know.

With all that situation, it's either the visitor would do harm or on the other hand it could be that lady was the one who victimized people.

Yet neither of those were true, no way I'd do harm, and she never did any scheming like showing kindness to stranger and kill them later kind of stuff."


All that swirling thought in mind he sighed

" Just why am I kept getting into this place, with same scenario just different interaction of a dream".


And he finally arrived, the gate is covered with grass that grows orchid on it, with a round fence that indicates it's territory from the Forrest and in the cabin is where the aura leads him to be.


Without hesitating, opened the gate went inside and close it, and head straight In a cabin in the middle of nowhere.

The door is slightly open, he thought of knocking but for some reason he just decided to go and went to stable.


Not that he lost his manner, but he expected the owner would just let him stay anyways and the owner is pretty much quick that doesn't pry.


So basically, if she saw him, she'll just be quiet about it or smile and let him rest or what, maybe a simple nod as a sign of greeting.


Another reason for not announcing his arrival, is that he was once ask to sleep inside the cabin it self instead of stable which is obviously more comfortable.


But the thought of boy his age sleeping under the same roof of a damsel doesn't quite sit right to him, he's already greatful of her kindness and he's not about to abuse it.


As he settled and remove his coat, he found a set of clothes from the stable, the clothes were..... Umm altho unisex, they're the size for girl, and is popular for girl, it does fit him since his body is rather thin.

But that isn't what concern him the most...


" I knew it, she expects my arrival and prepared this for me, such a kind person, mysterious, weird, quite a pretty and living on what she said is a cabin, I mean it does looks like a cabin outside, but it's more like a house already, it has rooms and stuff....

This is extremely Suspicious, the kind of dangerous type of suspiciousness."


Muttering as he put on the clothing prepared for him, and lay down on a stack of hays.


" It's bad to suspect someone who offered me shelter and trusted me but I can't help it.... "


Still muttering as he comfort himself to sleep.

" And also, this hays does itch me, I can feel it properly despite being a dream, why am I .. even sleeping ... On my dream? "


Unable to contain his consciousness, he gave in and fall into the abyss of rest, the chill temperature of rain made relaxed more.


The next morning he woke up covered in sheets of cloth which surely warmed him up.


He get up and went out, at the front of the cabin, there stand a beautiful lady, sweeping the ground of fallen leaves.


As if noticing him approaching, she stopped and greet.


"Good morning, did you sleep well?"

She said in a gentle manner


"Good morning, thank you for the change of clothes, as always I'm greatful..."

He Shyly replied


"my clothes, does suits you, you look cute"

She sound like as if teasing him yet it's a genuine praise, her smile grew a little bitafter further inspection that he actually wears her clothes


" Is there anything I can help today? "

He asked, to change topic and get to work..


At the back of the cabin stood in front of them is a beautiful garden..... Umm they say it's a garden but more like an empty field where someone throw bunch of flowers seed and let it grow and spread....

Like for real, the field is filled with flowers.


Remember how this happened, he's the one who make the fence around here, and when he was asked what to do with vacant field, he suggested putting flowers or something that could sell to resolve her financial struggle..


Only one thing comes to the girls mind that fitted description and decided to throw in bunch of medical flowers.... So it's like a farmland of medicine flowers...


They're all fully bloomed and ready to harvest, which clearly states what will be his first job while he's in there ...


After that food was served,

Yes, the girl is kind enough to offer him food too..


As usual, the food taste so real for a dream.

"You do really lived alone here huh?"

He said as he ate.


The place is quite big, it has its own well and obviously she's the only one who'll use it, and technically the other area were designed by the two of them.


They put a table and chair outside, the flower field, fences and decorate it base on what they both liked....


The girl just loved alone that she can't decide or do it alone so when he came, she finally able to personalized the are more.


"Hm!? No, I'm not living here alone tho."

She replied...

"Ah!? So you lived here with someone?"

"Yes, tho he's usually not here?"

"By " he" you mean like your brother or father or maybe husband? "

This exchange made him thought carefully... As he felt like it could go awkward..


"Umm, d-don't you think it would be bad to have unknown guy live here with you? I mean, it's not like you know who I am?"


" Well, I've known you long enough and you never did anything inappropriate everytime you went here, and you always helped out in exchange of your stay"


" Still aren't they gonna start some sort of suspicion? Who're you living with anyway? If it's your husband then you definitely not supposed to invite unknown men here. You're lucky that I'm really just looking for a place to stay, but what if it was someone who would barge and do you harm?"


" You're the one who manage to get here, and if ever there exist a burglar, you'll be there to save me right? Also I know I told you I'm not married, the other person that I'm living with is obviously you"


" Pardon?"

" I mean, you've been coming back here pretty often and since first time you've been here, I knew you'll frequent considering you don't know how you got here in this Forrest, plus you've helped out personalizing this place and making profit, so technically you're a residence of this place"


He gave up on the argument and slumped

" You do have a point, is it also the reason you kept offering me to sleep inside?"

The lady just then nodded at his question...


"I do still wonder why I always end up in here.."

"Don't you like living here?"


With that question the boy fell silent, he does enjoyed this place, he makes his own profit and beautiful place, and a pretty lady to accompany. Who would passed down such a good deal.

Yet he's pretty convinced that he's dreaming, even tho he doesn't recognize the person just merely a dream, he would like to find answers first before accepting such comfort. That's just the kind of person is he..


The cart full of medicine plants and flowers is prepared to set off, he pulled the cart slowly walking outside.


"Take a good care and I'll be waiting for your return"

Said the girl, as he walk out

"A-ah.. ok... Sure... I'll be back"

Awkwardly responded as he realized that they look like a wife who's seeing her husband off to work.


He cleared his thoughts about it and proceed to head straight to a village where he will be selling or exchange the harvested medicines... Tho there's money, it's not like there's a near store or whoever merchant selling at their place so he often just exchange the goods with necessities..


The first time he's been in the village all of them were shocked, not because he looks like someone who isn't from the place, maybe that's one reason, but mainly because they don't know where he came from he said, the villager was not aware of the girls place deep in the woods, and whether there's plantations of medicine on the area. But after few time he went there, they got used to him so people were expecting he's about to barter something.


Remembering all this, he remember that the girl usually just got her food from farming, fishing and hunting. She's quite capable of hunting, yes... She looks gentle and frail but she can hunt..... Whoever could have her as wife would be so lucky...


After his business is done he went back... And was greeted by the same girl, as if already knew that he's there and open the gates...


They sorted out what he has and began preparing dinner...


"You'll be gone again right?"

Asked by the girl

"Yeah I guess so, don't you find it strange, I'd appeared out of nowhere, and disappear like bubble?"

The girl just listened to him while smiling

"You would still let me stay without announcing my arrival, or departure.. and most of the time you're fully aware of it whether I'm here or gone, everything here feels so real, so I knew I'm alive here"


He has alot of questions about it, but part of him thinks it's useless to ask, despite perceiving the girl as actual human who can converse, he think it's useless to investigate things that happens on your dreams.. a dream is a dream only that statement will make sense..


After eating they start preparing for sleep...

He walk outside to go back to empty stable to sleep...

"are you sure you still don't want to sleep here?"

He stopped his steps and think to himself

" Have you ever wondered how I disappear? "

" Who know? "

" I guess it's fine, you say I'm a resident here anyways"

" The room has 4 beds actually, but I wouldn't mind sleeping besides you.. that much I'd feel alot safer"

" A-ah... So you were still afraid of living alone huh?"

He ignored the last part of what she said and just sighed...


And with that exchange they went on separate but, still next to each other and finally turned it for today...

The rain starts to fall hard and the chill helped to relax falling asleep...


The next morning the girl woke up and stared to the empty bed next to hers which is neatly tidied as if it wasn't used.


" Take care, I'll be waiting for your return "

She said and smiled to herself