
The masked man

"She wasn't at the house we heard she went.

The woman that owes the house, told us that though she had seen a lady that matches that description, she didn't stay, she only begged for food and water".

Upon hearing that, Duncan knew she meant leaving for real.

How dare she leave me?

I saw her leave, but I didn't stop her, I thought she was joking, how can she plan to travel to Springfield by foot.

She didn't leave here with anything, so I was positive she was gonna be back, but how wrong I was".

He hit his hands on the wall, and threw things around.

His mistress that was there at the time, was wondering why he was even worried, when for two years since they got married, all he had ever done, was taunt her and make life unbearable for her.

Everybody get out!

He yelled and throw more things around.

They all rushed out in fear, but Rosa stayed behind, she was hoping to use her seductive prowess on him to calm down, after all, he sleeps with her everyday, so when they were all gone, she stayed behind.

Duncan didn't know that someone was still there with him, for he was facing the wall he just hit, as if trying to make peace with the wall.

Rosa walked in a seductive way to him, and held his back.

"Sweetheart, I was thinking you will be grateful that she left already, after all, you said she has a disease, that makes her smell, then why are you so sad she left?

Duncan turned with anger and pushed her aside.

"I said every one should get out, and you think you can stay?

He asked looking directly into her eyes, while making his way towards her.

Rosa didn't need anyone to tell her that she would be in big trouble, if he gets to her, so as he gets close to her, she was retreating gradually.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you, I am leaving right away".

She held her hand up to stop him, but instead Duncan took his last steps, faster than he had taken the others, just to get close to her on time before she left, Rosa knew she shouldn't be there, else he might kill her, so she gently opened the door, and took to her heels.

Duncan didn't bother going after her, because at least, she wouldn't bother him again, till he wants her.

He sent For his guards and they were already in, before the bell went off again.

"Take the carriage, head off to Springfield, make sure, you bring her back here before she gets to her house".

That was a command, therefore, they must do everything possible, to fulfill his demands.

When they left, Duncan sat on the floor, held on tight to his head.

The king and Queen, cannot know that his bride is disappeared.

He never took another wife, not because he didn't want to, but because his parents wanted him to be with Camen.

There is a reason, best know to them, and he is only trying to obey them, so that there won't be any issue, regarding his becoming king, but now, if they hear that the future Queen of Dunamis, the bride of Duncan of Dunamis is walking from village to village trying to get to her home town, begging for food, they would sanction him, and who knows what his parents might do.

"I swear I will deal with her, I will teach her never to try and get away from me ever again".

He kept pacing around the house.

On the other side of the village of lake spring, Camen have heard that there is a serious search for the future Queen of Dunamis, she decided to disguise herself some more, she was still on a horse, with another rider, whom the man paid some coin to take her to Springfield market.

Soon she will be all alone, and maybe then she can feel safe, she just needed to get there first.

Lake spring was a bit peaceful, as she could pass without issues.

The rider got to lake Market and is shocked to find their future Queen and King's image all over the place, they were saying she ran away, that she is loosing it, therefore if anyone sees a lonely woman walking along the road, they should stop her.

Camen watch as ladies were harassed, a d stopped from crossing.

She was on a horse, so she really did not match the description.

She took off her ring, so that she could walk freely, as the rider approach her village market.

"Miss, I will drop you here, you should be able to find your way home".

The rider tells her, and she jumped down from the horse, she looked around and recognizes the place, and though her house is still far from the market, she is glad, that she was home.

She won't feel so alone anymore, she had barely walked a mile after the main market, that she started hearing people running.

She didn't want to wait to know whom they were chasing, so she ran along, but then she noticed that they were pointing at her, so she ran as fast as her legs could carry, but just when she thought she might have to give up, and wouldn't run any more, she felt a hand pull her off the road.

She fell into the hands of an unknown man, who had his face covered.

She concluded that she was going to be taken back to Duncan even before she could get home, and this time, she will be a prisoner in her own house, but she is shocked, that the stranger, though was taken her through rickety and rough part, he was taking her to a familiar place.

She had a few bruises here and there from running so much and hitting her legs, when she felt that no one was after them, she pulled away from the stranger.

"Leave me alone!

She demanded, and he obeyed, but moved a tree, that serves as a coverage to a place, she could not believe it, she was already home.


She couldn't say thanks, she didn't have the time to.

She could believe she was home, and though she could not see his face, he looked like a bandit, she just could not leave, without thanking him, so instead of bowing in her usual way to say thanks, she hugged the masked man.

He disengaged from her, and fled back into the thick forest, while she joyfully, took the same bushy path, to her house.