
Poor princess.

Camen didn't realize that she had no money with her, she just left a palace of riches, about to travel to another village, actually she would get to two different villages before she get to hers, and she is not with any penny.

She doesn't even know how she is to get there.

She might have to spend days on the road, she might get lost, she might die.

Her last thought scared her, as she looked back, wondering if she should just go back to the palace and continue in the pain and agony.

That might be better than getting lost in some strange place.

Just when she thought she should go back, the image of Duncan with the maid surfaced, and she just could see them in front of her.

What secret is Duncan even talking about, when the family knows they are not happily married.

The staff in the palace already know that he beats her up, and he doesn't touch her.

For two years, since she walked into the house as a virgin, hoping to be touched by her husband, she still remained the same way.

Maybe she really should be grateful to Duncan.

Her past relationships, since she was in her twenties, all ended as soon as they discover she bed wet.

There is really no secret in it, because she is sure, that her village, knows her problem, after all, they have gone from one prayer house to another, from one sorcerer house, to the other, yet, there seem to be no cure.

She had left the palace too early, but though she had walked a far distance, whenever she looks back, she would still see the palace, as if it is just behind her.

She decided to walk a bit faster, but then her stomach reminded her that she haven't had anything to eat.

Not like she eat so early in the morning, but even the previous night, she didn't eat.

She angrily left the young princes party, because of what Duncan did to her in public.

She started looking around for an inn, where she could maybe find something to eat, luckily for her, she found one, it looks really local, she have never been in a place like that before, but she didn't mind, she just wants to eat something, but then again, she doesn't have any money with her, then she remembers that her wedding ring is still on her finger.

She was going to trade it for food, she pulled it off, a d took a final look at it, then she set off to enter the inn.

When she walked in through the door, she couldn't believe the number of person's in the inn.

They all look happy, as they converse with each other.

They could tell that she is a stranger, with the sort of look they were giving her.

She trued to act like she belonged, as she changed her step, walked to an old lady, who clearly walks there, she was hoping that, since she is old, she would be kind enough to give her something to eat.

"How can I help you?

She asked her, when she stood in front of her.

Camen looked around her, and it seem as though they all stopped conversing and had started looking at her.

She bent a bit to be on the same level with the old short woman.

"Please can I have a little snack to eat, I am really hungry".

She whispered it, but because of the silence in the inn, it was loud enough for few close persons to hear.

The old woman, whom she thought would be nice, turned out to be a real villain, for she exposed her immediately, without a second thought.

"She thinks this is a charity house, she wants me to give her food for free".

All the inhabitants of the inn started laughing, she turned to look around and not one person, had a friendly look, they were all mocking her, she looked back at the woman and she had an even bigger smiles, while she shakes her head.

She left her standing.

She didn't even give her a chance to tell her she has a ring to sell.

Camen had to immediately walk away from the place in shame, as the mockery was too much.

Before she shut the door, one yelled.

"I can fuck you and give you food".

She covered her mouth with her palm and ran as fast as she could, but once again, she was going, without anything.

She cannot go back to the palace, that would be more like going back to her vomit.

She is determined to go back to her house, and meet with her parents no matter how long it takes her, she would go back home, and she would see her family again.

Her step sisters would welcome her, they would be more understanding.

Her mother would be pleased to have her back home.

She thought to herself.

She held on to her crying stomach.

How stupid she was, to have left the palace without taking any food, when there was more than enough food.

If only she could sell some of her clothes.

She soon started feeling thirsty, and once again, there was no water for her to drink,

She kept swallowing her spit, hoping to come by a market it a river.

She saw a woman carrying a child one her arm, and a basket of fruit on her head.

The woman looks like someone she should help, but she needs her help more, so she stopped her and said.

"Good day ma'am, but I don't know if you can give me something to eat, and in return, I will work for you, before I continue my journey".

She immediately told her what she could offer, before she insults her about looking for a charity home.

"My child, you don't have to work for me, you can have some fruit and water, but I would have suggested that you follow me to my house, so that I can give you more food, for your travel".

Camen could not believe her luck, she immediately helped the woman with the basket and followed her to her house.

They walked a long distance and soon they reached her house, she offered her some fruits from the basket, and she ate like she had never seen a fruit before in her life, while the woman just watch her admiringly.