
Her real mother

Brandon was about to ask her, what about her father, when he heard voices, though the voice is still far, he knew they needed to get to safety.

"You know this wood very well, tell me where you think we could hide now".

He asked, and she pointed towards the gardener's house.

They both rushed there, and hid behind a big drum used for storing water.

They soon saw the face, of whom the voices they had heard from afar belonged to.

"Do you know them?

Brandon asked her, and she nodded as to say No.

Soon she could hear the voice of her mother again.

She just wanted to see if she could by any chance, see the face of the man, that was with her.

Why she couldn't recognize the voice, was something she could not explain.

"Tell Duncan, that she have not been to this house, and that when I see her, I will immediately send her back to him.

He should know, that I would never allow her stay in this house".

She was assuring them.

"The men didn't say much, they just nodded and started going back, they were going through the same root, they had come from.

She heard the voice of the man again , though no matter how much she tries to see his face, she just couldn't.

She knows she had heard the voice before, and she just kept trying to our the face that is coming to her head in a blurry form, to the voice that she was hearing.

"Let's go, I need to confront that bitch of a mother".

She seem to have had it up to her sleeve, so she made to leave, but he pulled her back.

The noise distracted her mother, who immediately asked

"Who is there?

Joe is that you?

She asked, and started making her way towards where she had heard the sound.

This would have been the best time for her to get a glimpse at the face of the man, who is bedding her mother, but if she raised her head to look, she would implicate herself.

Fortunately for her, Joe the gardener came out.

"I am here madam, I am sorry, I didn't answer earlier".

The old gardener explains, with his hands joined together, as he is surely scared of her.

"Stupid old fool!

She insulted him, and walked back in, while her lover laughed behind, while shaking her waist and walking behind her.

Brandon covered her mouth, making sure she stays quiet, for he could hear footsteps coming closer to where they are hiding.

The place is dark and if they person doesn't look well, he or she may not see them there.

The person got to the drum, and looked into the drum.

"I will soon run out of water, how I wish Camen is not on the run, she would have sent some guards to help me fetch some water, and fill up my drum".

Camen almost sighed with relief to know that it is old Joe that is standing close to them.

When she could hear no more distance noise and footsteps, she waited for the old man to leave, but he shocked even the both of them.

I think they are all far gone, you can come out now".

Brandon and Camen exchanged glances, wondering who he is talking to, when he isn't even looking at them, but then he turned, as if reading their mind, he says.

"I said, you can come out now Camen!

That was more like a command, and she gently got up, and ran into his arms.

"I miss you so much".

He tells her, and she cried into his arms.

Come into the house, you can't leave now, they might still be looking for you around here, I will tell you when you can leave".

They both followed him.

He took them inside, and locked the door, he also covered the windows with curtains, to ensure, that no one peeps through.

"Your father went in search of you, as soon as he heard you left Duncan".

He started, while fixing them coffee, but Camen was busy looking round for his wife.

"Where is mama Rose?

She asked, and he laughed sadly.

It was almost as though, he wanted to cry, but even in his old age, he just wants to be string for the sad young lady, looking at him.

"She is dead, she died, when you left, but then, when I saw you today, I knew something brought you home.

She would be angry with me, if I loose you to the hands of that woman a second time".

Camen felt like crying, and she did, as she could not hold her tears, it just dropped as if they opened a tap on her clothes.

"Mama Rose was just in her 50s, why did she die so early in life, was she sick?

She asked, trying to understand what happened.

Though they call her Mama, she is still quite young, she should be the same age with her mother, but because they have suffered too much, they look older than their age.

"She wasn't sick, she was just sad when you left, I guess she was just too sad, she couldn't bare it, she died".

Camen couldn't understand that part.

She knows quite well that the couple were fond of her, and they always show her care and love.

They were the only ones that stood by her firmly throughout her issues, with finding a suitor, but she never did she think that they were so attached to her, that if she is not around, someone would be so hurt as to die, when her own mother is so happy, that she is busy having sex with another man.

Old Joe stared at her for a long time and smiles.

"You still don't get it do you?

He asked, and Camen glared at him, wondering what she is supposed to get.

She grew up in the same space, knowing them as their gardener, what else does she not know.

He could read her mind, and so, he decided to clear her doubt.

Mama Rose, is your biology mother!