
Dusting the memories


"Tom what's that noise up there ?"

Stella shouted looking up.

"I won't close doors that way again mom .. I didn't it unconsciously. "

Stella sighed.

Walking towards the shelves she was sure that the book must be inside. She reached for the first shelf and opened it , these doors were shut for more than 20 years.

The whole thing is dusty now and has a vintage look. She knew it's not that easy to find just one book from the whole but still with patience she decided to search. Going through first row she got a lot of history books and in the second a lot literature

''I wonder how I read all of these''. She remembered that she was the class topper and had read books in bed lamps and was committed to studies

But still ... now she can't imagine herself sitting and reading.

She took each book out

"I found it "

She cried with happiness

"Found what mom ?"

Her heart raced

Tom's coming down she quickly hide the book under some literature books and pretended to be reading roman history. Tom came downstairs and looked at her.

"Ohh that's nothing big but I was searching for a history book and I got it "

Tom looked at the book uninterestingly and smiled

"I got a match tomorrow drop me in the stadium on your way to office "

"Ok.. now go and sleep good night "

"Night mom " Tom came near and kissed her cheeks.

Tom again went upstairs and closed his door. Stella made sure that he is in his room and put all the books back except the one.

She closed the shelf and walked to her bedroom. A light wind passed and her hair fell out.

John has a night shift today so I can read this night .. Stella thought

She closed the door and sat on the bed light the bed lamp and took the book in hand..

She opened the first page .. tears ran down her cheeks and she stared at the page. It had the picture of the 6 awesome friends sitting together in steph's Academy in costumes.

Studying in steph's Academy was one of the most eventful time of her life. She had amazing friends an excellent Academy which had hidden beauties and of course a lot of events happening each day. Emma ,Julie ,Yara and Mia ....!Stella hadn't seen any one of these for past 20 or more ."I miss them "she said to herself .

stephs academy it's not just a place where students go to study But to find Mysteries secrets about the Academy.

they have a well educated teachers park library hospital and even a small mall for shopping the whole place is about 30,000 acres the students who gets graduated from here are well respected outside and only smart students get admission here.

The Academy has many rules, one of them is that students study there for five years without going out. Parents are allowed to visit them twice a month .since everything is available in the Academy they don't have to worry about the students ..their health or anything .

entrance of the Academy has three gates ,the main gate is too large and it has letters above it written stephs Academy with a heart shape in the centre .

other two gates are not so small but enough for two car to pass .

After opening the main gate or other gates we enter into a big compound .we see a huge building .

walking through the pathways we can see gardens and parks on each side of the pathway .The garden has a lot of flowers pond and of course statues ,the park has a lot of benches and flowers and has real animals and birds like cats ,parrots and so on .

The Academy has almost 6 buildings the first one is for the administration ,it is so big that it covers the entire place one cannot see the other buildings from outside you can only see the other buildings after entering into the administration building .Every building has more than three Storeys.

Inside the administration building the first floor has the office and the second floor has the principals office in the third floor you can find a large book store which also has stationery you can buy any books or stationery from there.

after the administration building there are two buildings that we see one building is the rooms for boys and the other has the rooms for girls ,and after passing it we see another large building which is the classrooms of students it has laboratories ,classrooms ,halls and so on .Then we can find area for swimming and also a sweet shop in the corner .The swimming area is a bit near to the forest .The academy is surrounded by thick forest but there is no fear since the academy is completely protected by thick and huge walls no one can get inside and no one can get outside except through the front three gates or by the back three gates .

the building which the students live is luxurious each room is so big that it has the luxury for almost 6 students also this buildings are 9 to 10 storied another building that we find after the hostel is a big building for library. you can find any book that you want there it has 20 librarians and it sat on different part of the library so that students can easily get access to books with their help .the opposite of library is a food corner where students can get anything to their wish from 20,000 shares they can order the food that they want for a year earlier the food will be brought to their hostel each day fast foods bakery soft drink or also allowed in the campus. the swimming pool is more closer to the forest area that some students are afraid to go there but ,they have a good protection with good swimming teachers to teach students swimming it is well designed .Every thing in the academy is according to what students like they can enjoy and study anything they want including archery ,swimming ,singing ,dancing and so on. Studying in stephs Academy is like studying in a magical place.