
STEM: The Underground City

~When dust turns to gold~ Following an invasion by a reptile-like species called Khalgora in the year 2043, humanity is forced to take a final stance in a gruesome confrontation that threatened it's existence into an apocalyptic demise. After decades of tactical execution of all its skills and resources man triumphs over beast. But only barely. With stenches of death and wails of suffering, the earth is left desolate, infertile with an atmosphere deteriorating at an alarming speed. The only habitat lies below. Year 2311. Welcome to STEM city. STEM (an abbreviation for ' Safe Territorially Erected Megalopolis'), is an underground Empire and home to the surviving earth inhabitants, sheltering them from the harsh conditions of the rubbled earth's surface. But even in this city where intellectual geniuses wheeled a minor underground refuge operation to a major megalopolis, slums existed. These slums like any other, are regions with insufficient supply of amenities from the Megalopolis' authority leading to hunger, suffocation and high rate of death by major lung diseases. Diana and her brother Axel are twin siblings who were born and brought up in these slums, lose everything but even in this great abyss of darkness, find a ray of hope, Polaris. Polaris academy is an institution erected by the collaboration of the major pillaring powers of STEM to raise potential superhumans in skills such as martial arts, elemental abilities, advanced sciences and much more, all to help in the exploration of the earth surface now being roamed by foreign beasts who pose a threat to the underground empire. In a world where the weak were preyed on and only the strong thrived, two poor kids with no background find themselves in this academy among astoundingly skilled minds from powerful families fighting for the same spot as them. Can they survive the competition and level up or will they return to the hell they came from? **** ~Excerpt ~ " Attention all factions, report to the portal station in an hour. A live Khalgora is loose in Flouresce, we need to contain it before any damage is done to civilians. Go!" The message set all students of Polaris in an uproar. **** What happens when humanity's mortal enemy is able to infiltrate this fortified empire? ---------------- A/N: cover obtained from the internet. All credits to the creator(s).

MarcyGold · Romance
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22 Chs


In her world of stark darkness, she felt light rays tried to squeeze through her shut eyelids.

Her fingers which had been numb laying by her side for hours, felt the cool surrounding and twitched in response.

Her eyes fluttered open as she took in her surrounding.

Her eyes stared at the ceiling with no focus in them.

She sat up and felt nothing like a person who had been unconscious for almost half a day. No cramps, no soreness, no pain.

She scrunched her face at the mess in the room and then felt something dry and sticky on her face.

Her hand moved to her cheek to take it off but as she was about to, the memories of what she had encountered flooded her head.

The horror, the fear, the pain. Everything washed over her like icy cold water.

Her hands which had paused in the air, moved to touch her cheek. But instead of feeling clotted blood that should be on the deep wounds inflicted on her, all she felt was dried blood covering a perfectly normal area of skin.

There was also no pain coming from that region.

Her ribs and limbs that hurt as though they were being crushed by the beast yesterday felt no pain of discomfort.

In total astonishment her hands rubbed her face and body for any residues of the wound she had acquired when fighting the monster but felt nothing. There was nothing except dried blood on her face. She also don't fell any pain or discomfort in her body either.

Rather, it felt like life had been breathed into her.

' But how is this possible? I was badly injured before I passed out. have I been unconscious for months?' She asked in her head.

The wounds on her body should have taken at least a few months to recover as they were very deep but she felt like she was completely healed after being unconscious for what felt like a minute.

The only indication that it had been longer was the light rays of daylight that shone into the room through the window.

She got on her feet and looked around for the man who had caused her so much pain but found no one except her in the room.

she would have concluded that it was just a dream if she hadn't felt the blood on her face and seen the rubble pile in this room.

She roamed the room with caution as her boot covered legs trampled upon the floor littered with glass shards.

The region she could remember the shifter dying on was empty except for her blood that stained the brown hardwood when she was trampled on.

Was the body of her attacker taken away?

' I'm sure he died. before my eyes. Or was I wrong? Is he really alive? " She panicked at the possibility of the monster that attacked her being alive and probably in the same building as her.

As fear filler her heart, she ran outside the room as fast as she could but when she steeped foot outside the house, she was met with a surprise.

The butler stood outside with a good number of servants who worked in the mansion standing behind him as if they were waiting for someone to come outside the building.

The butler stepped forward with a grim expression on his face.

Even though he didn't interact with the servants in a friendly manner, she knew that look on his face was different from the usual expression he carried.

Something was was definitely wrong.

" What are you doing in the past Yong monument? " His deep voice spoke loud enough to make her flinch.

Her eyebrows drew together but when she didn't answer him, his large palm flew to her face .

'slap! '

Her cheek stung but the pain dissipated as soon as it came.

She held unto her cheek anyways while she tried to understand what he meant.


" The head maid told me to come get some tea bags so i-" Before she could complete her sentence she was interrupted by another slap from the butler.

At er which he withdrew his hand and called a servant behind him.

" Kai!" He called and a skinny black haired man wearing the blue guards uniform stepped forward.

"Call Beatrice" After which the boy rushed back into the mansion and returned with the head maid behind him. When she arrived where the butler stood, she looked confused when she saw Diana with tears in her eyes.

" What's wrong?" She asked the butler who had his eyes glued to Diana's little frame for so long.

He moved his eyes to the Beatrice's

" She said you sent her to get something from the monument house" He pointed to Diana.

Diana prayed in her heart that the woman admitted to it or else she would be accused of lying and she couldn't afford to pay that price.

" Is that true?" The butler asked thr maid for confirmation.

"No. I would never allow anyone to step foot in this house. You know that". Her eyebrows were raised up as she explained herself.

The head maid explained with such honesty that if Diana had not been the one who had received the direct order from the head maid then she would have also believed her explanation.

The butler nodded and then turned back to Diana who stood there with thoughts rummaging her little head now covered in a ginger colored bird's nest.

' I'm sure the headmaid gave me permission to go to this house. Wait why are the calling the house a monument? '..When she had gotten to the house she was told of the rules and she knew that entering the building was forbidden but when Beatrice the head maid had given her permission to enter the building, and retrieve the tea bags, she was a bit surprised but even though it was a bit odd she didn't pondering it too much, besides it wasn't like she had the power to defile the head maid.

But now Beatrice was denying ever giving her permission.

And where was her brother? Didn't he notice her absence for so long? Was he hurt?

Her mind kept telling in the worst possibilities as her eyes turned hazy while she was in deep thought.

" The head maid said she never gave you permission to enter the monument.

You know it is forbidden to enter then why did you enter? "

He looked down at her with his grey eyes full of anger and rage.

Was what she did that bad?

She just walked into a building after being told to do so.

She actually almost got killed in the building! She was the victim here!

"Speak the truth. You know the consequences of lying don't you? " He peered and she nodded at his words.

" I was working in the store room when Beatrice approached me and told me that I should contact QingQing to escort me to this buiding so she could direct me to the location of some special tea bags that were kept in the building" As she started explaining she realised how stupid she had been. How could Beatrice follow her to the store room just to tell her to get tea bags from this building.

Why would there be tea in the building in the first place?

This was a conspiracy and she fell right into it.