
Steel and Sorrow: Rise of the Mercenary king

Chained in slavery and yet craving freedom, such is the fate of Alpheo , a modern historian forced to live under the grip of slavery in a land where chaos would soon erupt. As the empire of Rolmia plunges into civil war following the death of the emperor , his three ambitious sons vie for the throne. In the midst of this turmoil, Alpheo finds the chance to break his chain and escape, leading his companions into the ashes of war, trying to thrive in it, selling their swords to the highest bidder . But beyond the borders of Rolmia, hungry eyes watch as the empire's grip loosens. The Sultanate of Azania, ever the opportunist, sees a chance to expand its domain and influence , while to the south, neighboring principalities breathe a sigh of relief as the once-dominant giant stumbles and falters. In the sea, the confederation of the Free Isle finds their chance to restore their old maritime power , denied to them by an empire that is now crumbling beneath, itself lacking the strenght to stop them. In this crucible of conflict, where dynasties crumble and empires fall, Alpheo find his call and the chance to forge his own destiny amidst the ashes of empires. ----------------

Allevatore_dicapre · Adolescents et jeunes adultes
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151 Chs

Looking for empoyment(4)

As Robert appeared uncomfortable over the fact that Alpheo was not budging on receiving the payment at the end of the campaign, Alpheo was instead racking his, brain over what to do.

'This spells trouble, a prince in a losing war, without coin and without men.I certainly do not work on promises' he thought, yet as he pondered some more he realised not all was not lost, he could still make use of that.


Clearing his throat to command attention, Alpheo interjected into the tense exchange. "If your prince finds himself short on silver, perhaps there are other assets of value he can offer as prepayment," he suggested, his tone measured yet resolute. Intrigued by the prospect, Robert leaned forward, prompting Alpheo to elaborate on his proposition. "What other form of payment would you be willing to accept?" Robert inquired cautiously, sensing a potential breakthrough in the negotiation.

Alpheo's gaze flickered towards the stables, his interest piqued by the sight of the prized warhorses housed within. "Warhorses," he declared firmly, his voice carrying a hint of determination. Robert recoiled visibly at the audacity of the request. Warhorses were cherished assets in any feudal society, coveted for their strength and agility on the battlefield, and not to be parted with lightly.

"Warhorses? Surely you jest," Robert protested, his disbelief evident in the furrow of his brows. Alpheo's expression hardened at the dismissive response, a flash of indignation flashing across his features. "I do not jest," he retorted firmly, his tone unwavering. "And I have patience for many things, but your obstinance is proving difficult to tolerate.No coins, no horses will you pay with kind words?"

He grunted 

With a steely resolve, Alpheo pressed on, underscoring the high stakes of their negotiation. "I have requested prepayment because your prince's precarious position leaves me no choice. Not only is he losing the war, but he lacks the means to secure our services with coin," he explained, his words carrying a weighty implication. "I am taking a considerable risk by considering his offer, and it is only fair that we negotiate terms that reflect the magnitude of that risk.This is certainly no hike in the mountain "


"This is not what I meant," Robert protested, his frustration palpable as he struggled to deal with the youngster. Alpheo met his gaze with a steady stare, his expression a mixture of scrutiny and impatience. "This is not what you meant, but it is undeniably the truth," Alpheo countered, his tone tinged with a hint of exasperation. "Are you aware that we are aligning ourselves with the losing side in this conflict? And yet, you refuse to make any concessions. What am I to make of that?Should I go to my men and tell them that they will give their lives for the losing side, while the prince they will fight for ,  promised to pay with coins he does not have?"

Robert grunted in response, his reluctance evident as he contemplated his next move. "I will have to bring this to my liege," he conceded begrudgingly, a sense of resignation settling over him.

"By all means, do so," Alpheo replied coolly, his demeanor unwavering as he maintained a facade of confidence. "In the meantime, let us discuss the matter of the warhorses."

As Alpheo proposed a quantity of 200 warhorses, Robert balked at the audacious request, immediately pushing back with a counteroffer of 20. Alpheo, undeterred, swiftly negotiated, gradually increasing the proposed quantity to 150. "No armor, no stirrups, just warhorses,just beasts with some hooves " he clarified, his tone firm and decisive.

Robert hesitated, weighing his options before finally conceding to a compromise. "Forty warhorses," he offered, his tone resigned yet determined.

Alpheo considered the offer for a moment before shaking his head. "One hundred, and I won't go any lower," he insisted firmly, his gaze locked onto Robert's.

Silence hung heavy in the air as Robert mulled over the proposal, his expression unreadable as he deliberated his response. Eventually, he let out a resigned sigh. "Very well, I will report your request to my liege. Perhaps we should table this discussion for now and address other matters," he suggested, a sense of finality in his tone.

Alpheo nodded in agreement, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Very well, let us proceed," he declared, clapping his hands together with a sense of satisfaction. ''I believe it is normal saying this : I will lead my brother personally, and I will not accept anyone overriding my decision in battle except that of the king .In short considering our numbers, we will easily make one of the flank in battle and I want to command it''


"The command of a flank is given by the king to people he trusts," Robert responded with a tone that suggested he was reciting a well-rehearsed script ''Making you an head commader is unheard of '' . Alpheo couldn't help but notice the lack of genuine concern in Robert's voice, as if he considered this demand to be an expected one .

"That we will make it heard from potay. He wil put people he trusts, yes, but individuals who may not necessarily prioritize the lives of my men or know how to effectively utilize them," Alpheo countered, his words laced with a hint of frustration. "That responsibility falls upon me, as I am intimately acquainted with the capabilities and strengths of my soldiers."

Robert paused, considering Alpheo's words, before nodding in reluctant acknowledgment. "I will extend this request to my liege, along with your demand for prepayment," he conceded, his expression a mixture of resignation .

''Then hopefully we should see each other again with a positive answer from your liege''

Robreto rose from his seat, Alpheo did so too and bid him goodbye.



Once again alone , Jarva approached Alpheo with a stern expression. "I thought I had told you to mind your behavior?"

Alpheo flashed a sly smirk. "Was I not at my best?" he quipped, his tone laced with amusement. "He didn't even reach for his sword. I consider that a success.Not even the mother herself would have been more considerate "

"I'm inclined to agree with Alph," Egil chimed in, nodding in approval. "You saw it too, Jarva. He dominated the meeting, and Alph just made sure they knew who was in charge."

Jarva sighed, shaking his head. "He could have chosen his words more carefully.We are outsider here, we can't afford to behave like that"

"Shit is shit, no matter how much honey you smear on it," Egil retorted bluntly''We have the sword, and they must have the coin for it , that is all.You don't go to a whorehouse and pay with rocks....''

Alpheo chuckled at Egil's analogy. "You speak the truth, my friend.Remember who you are , wear it like a shield and no one can use it against you.We are mercenaries,  we fight for gold, we do not care about justice or law , only on how heavy is our purse after a war. "

"Just remember not to make a habit of it," Jarva warned, his tone serious.

"Of course, of course," Alpheo replied dismissively, his smile unwavering. Deep down, he knew that the first part of his plan was unfolding seamlessly.Now it was time to get on with it, their next step was to actually make a name for themselves , not hard considering this place knows war much more than peace, which means that there will be many opportunities to rise in the ladder.

